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Im the idiot, but youre the buffoon making an assumption of my knowledge on a subject based on nothing and even those we may even AGREE on a subject, still are trying to twist into taking the other side, just for the sake of doing so.



As I said, it's not based on nothing. It's based on the fact that you're an idiot.

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Im the idiot, but youre the one making an assumption of my knowledge on a subject based on nothing and even those we may even AGREE on a subject, still are trying to twist into taking the other side, just for the sake of doing so.



The Internet is fun.

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Im the idiot, but youre the one making an assumption of my knowledge on a subject based on nothing and even those we may even AGREE on a subject, still are trying to twist into taking the other side, just for the sake of doing so.



As I said, it's not based on nothing.  It's based on the fact that you're an idiot.



Children. Could you take this elsewhere?

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I guess things you have done as a teenage/20's disqualify you from ever speaking about them again. You would admit that you also will have no MORAL AUTHORITY or even FINANCIAL AUTHORITY when speaking to your child later on?



Touche. But I'm not dispensing moral advice to a billion people, either.


I can tell my daughter that I have made mistakes and that I'm human. The Pope, now that he is the Pope, that is, is infallible that being that he "never" made a mistake. Think about it.


Which is more logical?

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Being that I quite possibly know more about the history of Nazi Germany than JSP, I feel comfortable in saying based on previous discussions with him that he knows vastly more on the subject than you. 


I may disagree with him on some points in this debate...hell, I may even think some of his opinions are idiotic (in a "he should know better" sense, but he is, after all, a stubborn opinionated bastard)...but I respect the body of knowledge on which he bases malformed opinions.


And now I'm going to just sit back and admire that artfully crafted backhanded compliment...  :devil:



You filthy bastard. I almost lost my drink reading that.


Malformed opinions indeed. At least I'm not a feces-hurling simian!

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And yet, there were people who refused.


They were punished horribly, but their moral virtue was intact. One would think that someone heading to seminary would have sought to ensure their moral integrity.


The whole point of this conversation is, the guy now heads an organization that is supposed to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ. Think ol' JC would have gone along with being a hitlerjugend? Think not.


Hey, if that's who Catholics choose to venerate, that's their problem not mine.


There have been many Popes not worth veneration. Veneration is earned. JPII was worthy or it seems he was worthy. Being named Pope is indeed an honor. Becoming venerable is his responsibility. The sun will rise, the sun will set and the Roman Catholic Church will continue.

JC, as you so informally call Him, forgave Judas, Peter and the "Good Thief" among others including me and you. JC, because He was man, understands us.

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There have been many Popes not worth veneration. Veneration is earned. JPII was worthy or it seems he was worthy. Being named Pope is indeed an honor. Becoming venerable is his responsibility. The sun will rise, the sun will set and the Roman Catholic Church will continue.

JC, as you so informally call Him, forgave Judas, Peter and the "Good Thief" among others including me and you. JC, because He was man, understands us.



JC was also God, however, if you believe the teachings of your Church. Therefore he was perfect. The Pope is not God. He's a man.

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Touche. But I'm not dispensing moral advice to a billion people, either.


I can tell my daughter that I have made mistakes and that I'm human. The Pope, now that he is the Pope, that is, is infallible that being that he "never" made a mistake. Think about it.


Which is more logical?


That is untrue. Infallibility only occurs when the Pope after consultation with bishops speaks ex cathedra, from the chair of St. Peter. A Pope has only done so twice (Immaculate Conception and Assumption -both re: Mary) Infallibilty does not cover the grammar, pronunciation or arithmetic of the Pope nor does it protect him from sin nor insure his intellectual purity. Church teaching on Abortion by the way has gone through a number of changes in how& when over the years. If I am not mistaken Aquinas spoke of viability or quickening as the ensoulment. It will really anger some posters to learn that RCC changes its mind as science unveils "truth".

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Not all sh---slinging simians are literally so...  ;)


And yes, "malformed".  I haven't forgotten your parrotting of Toland's "FDR caused Pearl Harbor" crap years ago...  :devil:



I still believe that while he may not have "caused" Pearl Harbor, the evidence exists that he had knowledge of the attak beforehand and that his policies were a root cause of the Japanese attack.

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JC was also God, however, if you believe the teachings of your Church. Therefore he was perfect. The Pope is not God. He's a man.


Ah! There's the rub. If any proof be needed of Jesus' human nature I refer you to the Garden of Gethsemane(sp). The "problem" of Christianity is that Jesus was aware of perfect and imperfect drives from within Himself. "Our" problem is an imperfect nature that somehow knows the good; Jesus was of a perfect nature who . first hand, understood "our" problem.

That is why gethsemane is key. Jesus ,IMHO, is saying" hey wait a minute is this stuff they are going to do to me necessary. Hey, i get it . I understand the human struggle. Enough already"

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So who's up on Nostradamus? My kid came home from school yesterday and told me the kids there were saying that Ratzy's ascension to the papcy was predicted, and it was predicted as a predecessor to Armegeddon which is supposed to take place 5-6 years into his papacy.


Seriously, I'm asking. I gave up on him after he blew the big CA earthquake thing back in the late 80's.

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So who's up on Nostradamus?  My kid came home from school yesterday and told me the kids there were saying that Ratzy's ascension to the papcy was predicted, and it was predicted as a predecessor to Armegeddon which is supposed to take place 5-6 years into his papacy.


Seriously, I'm asking.  I gave up on him after he blew the big CA earthquake thing back in the late 80's.


The rumor I heard today was it's not this Pope, but the NEXT one. Apparently Benedict's term will be short and the next Pope will be the Anti-Christ or some such thing. Ah, talk radio. I learn so much.

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So who's up on Nostradamus?  My kid came home from school yesterday and told me the kids there were saying that Ratzy's ascension to the papcy was predicted, and it was predicted as a predecessor to Armegeddon which is supposed to take place 5-6 years into his papacy.


Seriously, I'm asking.  I gave up on him after he blew the big CA earthquake thing back in the late 80's.


Yeah and he blew the whole Libya nuking New York City in the 90's.

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The rumor I heard today was it's not this Pope, but the NEXT one.  Apparently Benedict's term will be short and the next Pope will be the Anti-Christ or some such thing.  Ah, talk radio.   I learn so much.



As predicted by St. Malachy. Supposedly he's been right on the last 110 or so popes and anti-popes. His predictions range from being scarily accurate to being quite vague. Like any prediction, if you search deep enough you can find some sort of connection.


Take a look if you have the time


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As predicted by St. Malachy. Supposedly he's been right on the last 110 or so popes and anti-popes. His predictions range from being scarily accurate to being quite vague. Like any prediction, if you search deep enough you can find some sort of connection.


Take a look if you have the time





He was wrong. Where did he get it right?

According to the prophecy, the next Pope will be the second last Pope Gloria Olivæ ("Glory of the Olives"). Will it be someone from the Mediterranean (Italy, France, Spain)? Or will it be perhaps someone with olive skin (say, from Latin America)?


Pope Benedict is neither. Soothsaying, and fortune telling are witchcraft and sins in every Christian religion. Not sure if you are a Christian, but you may want to rethink following a "fortune teller".

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He was wrong.    Where did he get it right? 

Pope Benedict is neither.  Soothsaying, and fortune telling are witchcraft and sins in every Christian religion.  Not sure if you are a Christian, but you may want to rethink following a "fortune teller".




No - Benedict is a "continuation" of JPII since their ideas are the same so he doesn't have to be the pope of olives. 0:)

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