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Pope John Paul II was given the last rites...

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"Pope John Paul II was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church late Thursday night as his health condition deteriorated, a Vatican source told CNN. A Vatican official had earlier confirmed that the pope was suffering from a high fever caused by a urinary tract infection and was being treated with antibiotics. The 84-year-old pope suffers from a number of chronic illnesses, including crippling hip and knee ailments and Parkinson's disease...."

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I'm hardly the religious sort but I recently read a long article about his life. An astounding individual of immense intelligence, talent and kindness. The Catholic leadership couldn't have selected a better human being to be the head of their church.


This world was lucky to have him.

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I'm hardly the religious sort but I recently read a long article about his life. An astounding individual of immense intelligence, talent and kindness. The Catholic leadership couldn't have selected a better human being to be the head of their church.


This world was lucky to have him.


I couldn't say it any better. Thanks Mark.



He will be missed. :doh::lol:

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He is an incredible human being and stood tall amongst all the shame brought upon the church by dirtball priests and everyone else tied to the endless scandles. It is amazing that know matter what is going on the world or what religion in a particular region, that when he does make a speach or an appearance evryone does seem to stop and listen too what the pontif has too say. An extrordinary man whoes shoes will be tough to fill and follow. He will be sorly missed by this catholic!!!! :doh:

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He is an incredible human being and stood tall amongst all the shame brought upon the church by dirtball priests and everyone else tied  to the endless scandles. It is amazing that know matter what is going on the world or what religion in a particular region, that when he does make a speach or an appearance evryone does seem to stop and listen too what the pontif has too say. An extrordinary man whoes shoes will be tough to fill and follow. He will be sorly missed by this catholic!!!! :doh:


He isn't married to Michael Schivo so you won't have to worry about him getting his feeding tube pulled or lack of antibotics for an infection. So he isn't gone yet. Keep praying that he recovers and leads us for another 20 years. Great men and religious leaders like him are few and far between.


This is tough as we just lost Bishop Head as well. :lol:

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If there's someone with 9 lives, it's this pope. He's been shot, aged, had many corrective surgeries, and many illnesses. Throughout all, and still to this moment, he fought and survived. I'm not catholic, but i can appreciate the magnitude of his job and the toll that took on his body. I started a thread last month when he went in for the trach tube, as a pre-RIP thread. NEedless to say, he pulled through. Therefore, i'll reserve everything except my get well wishes to the pope this time around. I will be glued to cnn though.

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I'm hardly the religious sort but I recently read a long article about his life. An astounding individual of immense intelligence, talent and kindness. The Catholic leadership couldn't have selected a better human being to be the head of their church.


This world was lucky to have him.



What is rarely mentioned in history books is that he was a major player in bring down Communism in Europe, and most especially in Poland.

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I thought his name was John.



My guess is SIC in referring to the line of Popes which traces back to St. Peter?


His real name is Karol, my grandfather was lucky enough to have had a drink and chat with him in a Polish Pub shortly before Karol became Pope John Paul II.

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Wow, it sure is nice seeing some positive talk about JP the deuce. Living down here in the Bible belt you don't find a lot of respectful non-Catholics. As Mark said, he's a very learned, brilliant man.

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"Pope John Paul II was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church late Thursday night as his health condition deteriorated, a Vatican source told CNN. A Vatican official had earlier confirmed that the pope was suffering from a high fever caused by a urinary tract infection and was being treated with antibiotics. The 84-year-old pope suffers from a number of chronic illnesses, including crippling hip and knee ailments and Parkinson's disease...."


I have heard he has Buffalo relatives---and actually visited here when he was cardinal of Krakow..

Is this true???

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"Pope John Paul II was given the last rites of the Roman Catholic Church late Thursday night as his health condition deteriorated, a Vatican source told CNN. A Vatican official had earlier confirmed that the pope was suffering from a high fever caused by a urinary tract infection and was being treated with antibiotics. The 84-year-old pope suffers from a number of chronic illnesses, including crippling hip and knee ailments and Parkinson's disease...."


The anti-Catholicism is coming now from the Bob Jones bible belt crowd... Great.

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Good riddance.  He and every other Pontiff before him have alot to answer for!






The phrase, if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it, seems to apply here.


The Catholic church like all religions and the body politic have a great deal of negative history, however we are discussing the the probable passing of not only a great world leader, but a wonderful human. He, nor those who follow him will ever be able to fully repair the wrongs of history, but neither will our current president or those who follow him be able to right all the wrongs in our nations great history. Like the United States of America the Catholic Church and its leaders do far greater good deeds than bad.


Thank you John Paul II - God Bless.

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A man who can take complex theologicial and philosophical concepts and boil them down to simple acts the faithful could exercise in daily life. His writings and encyclicals are some of the most brilliant in the history of the Papacy.


I tend to be a pretty left leaning Catholic on issues like marriage and the priesthood, female priests, living wills, contraception, etc. This is a staunchly conservative man who still embraces tolerance and change. He reached out to the Jewish and Protestant faiths after centuries of non-recognition...he talked about and influenced several faiths to embrace the Blessed Mother...amazing stuff.


God bless you PJPII....

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he also doesn't need the saliva suctioned out the back of his neck and hasn't been diagnosed as having no possible chance of recovery.  i can't believe what an asinine statement you made.  clearly you are a religous freak, who is incable of independant though, just ones passed through the catholic feeding tube from which you feed.


No it hasn't been reported on the left wing liberal media. Therefore it must not be true. :o

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