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Operation Boomerang AG Barr's Investigation of Acts of Treason by Federal Employees

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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

So your argument is even if they KNEW and could PROVE collusion, they wouldn’t be able to charge the president? 

So instead they let him serve a full term, appoint two supremes and over 100+ federal judges... 


Because of the olc? :lol: 


They got you GOOD, nineforty. You’re so lost you don’t know up from down on this topic. 

You realize the OLC opinion is not law. It’s not binding. It’s not required to be followed. 

I’m confused.


I guess I didn’t read the Mueller report after all.


I hope Robert Mueller isn’t related to Jamie Mueller, by the way.



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4 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

So your argument is even if they KNEW and could PROVE collusion, they wouldn’t be able to charge the president? 

So instead they let him serve a full term, appoint two supremes and over 100+ federal judges... 


Because of the olc? :lol: 


They got you GOOD, nineforty. You’re so lost you don’t know up from down on this topic. 

You realize the OLC opinion is not law. It’s not binding. It’s not required to be followed. 




I know a lot about this memo and it's impact.  But don't take my word for it, take it straight from congressional testimony of Mueller, "We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted,” he said.


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Just now, Nineforty said:




I know a lot about this memo and it's impact.  But don't take my word for it, take it straight from congressional testimony of Mueller, "We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted,” he said.



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6 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

So your argument is even if they KNEW and could PROVE collusion, they wouldn’t be able to charge the president? 

So instead they let him serve a full term, appoint two supremes and over 100+ federal judges... 


Because of the olc? :lol: 


They got you GOOD, nineforty. You’re so lost you don’t know up from down on this topic. 

You realize the OLC opinion is not law. It’s not binding. It’s not required to be followed. 


Let me be blunt.  I want Trump to hang.  But I also understand the argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Ever. And I would welcome that debate after Trump.

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Just now, Nineforty said:


I don't disagree with the bolded. Of course.


Did you click on the ***** links? lol I can tell you didn't.  The first one is no an opinion piece as you put it. Sure it has the word "opinion" in the link title lol...




We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted,” he said.

The OLC policy itself is relatively straightforward: Most recently reevaluated in 2000, it argues that the executive branch would be incapacitated by a criminal prosecution:

The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

In his report, Mueller did not ultimately charge the president. He made clear during his afternoon testimony that because of the OLC opinion, his team did not even reach a conclusion about “whether the president committed a crime.” This point was a major clarification of an earlier exchange in which Mueller seemed to signal that he would have potentially charged the president, were it not for the OLC opinion.



The whole point of the Mueller investigation was to get Trump. Pure, plain and simple.


If there is nothing to indict someone, then where’s the crime?


There is no in between, you either committed a crime or you did not commit a crime.


Pretty simple.

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1 minute ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


Maybe he was is just saving Vox for later. He literally just said he wants the President to hang. He's definitely a mentally stable person.

1 minute ago, Nineforty said:


Let me be blunt.  I want Trump to hang.  But I also understand the argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Ever. And I would welcome that debate after Trump.


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2 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:


Yes? It's a quality site. You should try it sometime. It actually has conservative and liberal voices.

2 minutes ago, njbuff said:

The whole point of the Mueller investigation was to get Trump. Pure, plain and simple.


If there is nothing to indict someone, then where’s the crime?


There is no in between, you either committed a crime or you did not commit a crime.


Pretty simple.


To understand, it would require you to make some effort in understanding the OLC memo and it's history and relevance to this.

1 minute ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

Maybe he was is just saving Vox for later. He literally just said he wants the President to hang. He's definitely a mentally stable person.



I believe a traitor such as Trump

2 minutes ago, LBSeeBallLBGetBall said:

Maybe he was is just saving Vox for later. He literally just said he wants the President to hang. He's definitely a mentally stable person.



It's not that hard to find a Foxnews.com article with Robert Mueller's quote that I was using from Vox.

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6 minutes ago, Nineforty said:




I know a lot about this memo and it's impact.  But don't take my word for it, take it straight from congressional testimony of Mueller, "We, at the outset, determined that, when it came to the president’s culpability, we needed to go forward only after taking into account the OLC opinion that indicated that a sitting president cannot be indicted,” he said.


Does not change what I said. Or the reality. The OLC is not a mandate. It’s not law. Mueller was under no obligation to follow it. But he did. Why? 

(to fool low information people like you)

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1 minute ago, Nineforty said:

Yes? It's a quality site. You should try it sometime. It actually has conservative and liberal voices.


To understand, it would require you to make some effort in understanding the OLC memo and it's history and relevance to this.

I’ll leave that to you “law professionals”.


I’m not politically smart enough to get into the gray areas of why Trump/Russian collusion was very real to you.

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16 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

I've not only read both volumes, I’ve interviewed (in depth) several people involved in its creation and several of those named in it. ;) 


To be sure we are talking about the same thing, and not past one another, what about Trump / Russia is real in your mind. Please be specific. 

Please show me the indictments, and/or bits of volume one which claim there was collusion and conspiracy between US persons and Russian agents. 

How can the above be true when not a single person was indicted for it? Not one? 

What is the standard of justice in this country? What is it’s bedrock? Is it innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent? 

Do you disagree with this standard of justice? If not, how can you hold the above to be true while believing in it? 

And you are dodging this post. 


6 minutes ago, Nineforty said:


Let me be blunt.  I want Trump to hang.  But I also understand the argument that a sitting president cannot be indicted. Ever. And I would welcome that debate after Trump.

Hang for what precisely? Be specific. 

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Just now, Deranged Rhino said:

Does not change what I said. Or the reality. The OLC is not a mandate. It’s not law. Mueller was under no obligation to follow it. But he did. Why? 

(to fool low information people like you)


Mueller took it as a mandate. And maybe we'll find out Barr forced this view on him. I doubt it. I bet Mueller believes in the import of the memo's philosophy.


It's somewhat comical to me that we are on the opposite sides of this, and you're saying IT'S NOT A MANDATE, when leading up to Mueller's issuance of the report, I was hoping beyond hope that that is what he would believe.


You just think it's part of some conspiracy that Robert Mueller is a part of to fool "low information" people like me. Gotcha.

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Just now, Nineforty said:


Mueller took it as a mandate. And maybe we'll find out Barr forced this view on him. I doubt it. I bet Mueller believes in the import of the memo's philosophy.


It's somewhat comical to me that we are on the opposite sides of this, and you're saying IT'S NOT A MANDATE, when leading up to Mueller's issuance of the report, I was hoping beyond hope that that is what he would believe.


You just think it's part of some conspiracy that Robert Mueller is a part of to fool "low information" people like me. Gotcha.

You’re still dodging. Why? You have all the information, you said it yourself. So share it. Be specific. 

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7 minutes ago, Buffalo_Gal said:



There's a difference between being indicted vs. being investigated and having that investigation turned over to congress with the purpose of impeaching the President. That guy is conflating the two all the while thinking his superior intellect is getting over on the rest of us. I don't know who he thinks he is--------------------------------3rd Chair? 

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1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

I'd love to know the name of your "law firm" so I could avoid hiring them if necessary. I use quotes because I am highly skeptical that someone who does not know how to read could be a practicing attorney. On the other hand, with the attorneys I do know, I guess it is possible...

Dewey Cheatham and Howe. :P

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Volume I of Mueller Report stuff:  Evidence of collusion (which is not a crime, I know)


1. Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (2016 Trump campaign manager/officials) were giving polling info to a Russian national that Gates thought was a "Spy"


2. Trump called on Russia to find Clinton's emails and ordered Flynn to find em.


3. Papadopoulos tried arranging meetings between Trump and Putin and Trump approved this work.


4. Don Jr created a meeting with the sole reason of obtaining Russian dirt on Clinton and Papadopoulos was offered similar stuff from a Russian agent.


5. Manafort meets with Konstantin Kilimnik repeatedly (connected to GRU). Kiliminik wanted to bring in person, a peace plan for Ukraine that even Manafort admitted to Mueller's team that it was a backdoor way for Russia to get Crimea.


There is so so so much more but I realized it's not worth going through 20 more bullet points.



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9 minutes ago, Nineforty said:


Mueller took it as a mandate. And maybe we'll find out Barr forced this view on him. I doubt it. I bet Mueller believes in the import of the memo's philosophy.

Think this all the way through please. You’re arguing that Mueller knew Trump was guilty of what would amount to treason, and had enough evidence to prove it (despite writing in his report the direct opposite — but leave that for now) — yet did not do so because HE BELIEVES IN THE IMPORT OF A NON BINDING MEMO FROM AN OFFICE THAT NO ONE TAKES SERIOUSLY.  

And, as a result, Trump has forever changed the federal judiciary, changed the balance of SCOTUS, passed major legislation...


But Mueller just sat on his hands and let it happen because of the OLC? 

That’s weapons grade stupidity, is it not?

2 minutes ago, Nineforty said:

Volume I of Mueller Report stuff:  Evidence of collusion (which is not a crime, I know)


1. Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (2016 Trump campaign manager/officials) were giving polling info to a Russian national that Gates thought was a "Spy"


2. Trump called on Russia to find Clinton's emails and ordered Flynn to find em.


3. Papadopoulos tried arranging meetings between Trump and Putin and Trump approved this work.


4. Don Jr created a meeting with the sole reason of obtaining Russian dirt on Clinton and Papadopoulos was offered similar stuff from a Russian agent.


5. Manafort meets with Konstantin Kilimnik repeatedly (connected to GRU). Kiliminik wanted to bring in person, a peace plan for Ukraine that even Manafort admitted to Mueller's team that it was a backdoor way for Russia to get Crimea.


There is so so so much more but I realized it's not worth going through 20 more bullet points.





my sides. 

oh Jesus. You’re beyond lost. 

2 minutes ago, Nineforty said:

Volume I of Mueller Report stuff:  Evidence of collusion (which is not a crime, I know)


1. Paul Manafort and Rick Gates (2016 Trump campaign manager/officials) were giving polling info to a Russian national that Gates thought was a "Spy"


2. Trump called on Russia to find Clinton's emails and ordered Flynn to find em.


3. Papadopoulos tried arranging meetings between Trump and Putin and Trump approved this work.


4. Don Jr created a meeting with the sole reason of obtaining Russian dirt on Clinton and Papadopoulos was offered similar stuff from a Russian agent.


5. Manafort meets with Konstantin Kilimnik repeatedly (connected to GRU). Kiliminik wanted to bring in person, a peace plan for Ukraine that even Manafort admitted to Mueller's team that it was a backdoor way for Russia to get Crimea.


There is so so so much more but I realized it's not worth going through 20 more bullet points.



1) That “Russian national” was an ACTIVE STATE DEPARTMENT SOURCE.  Meaning, he was on our team — not Putin’s. 

(strike one) 


2) Trump never ordered Flynn to find them, and if you’re hanging your belief on “Russia, if you’re listening” then I suggest your sense of humor meter needs adjusting. 

(strike two)


3) G-Pop did not “try to arrange” meetings, even if he had, it’s not illegal. 

(foul tip)


4) Don Jr did NOT orchestrate that meeting. Fusion GPS did. 

(Strike three) 


5) See one. 

You just proved you’re very good at not thinking for yourself but excellent at being propagandize by proven liars with motive and agendas to do so. 

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