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JP Watched Patton


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JP Losman seems to have the makings to become a great player and leader. I like this kid already.


Rocky! 1 through 5. :blink:



Drop the 5, will ya? That one blew.

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"If you stick your hands in a pile lf goo that a moment before was your best friend's face, you'll know what to do."

I keep getting this image of JP in the huddle at a crucial point of a drive screaming this to his teammates - and them looking at him like WTF? :blink:

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I just took a tour of West Point a few weeks ago, I'm getting married there on July 4th (how's THAT for patriotic?)


It took Patton 5 years to graduate, and people always teased him for that and he'd say, "It's because I couldn't find the library"


So West Point erected his statue next to the library facing the front door.

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Transcribed from this week's Sporting News, page 47 (sorry if it was already posted, haven't seen it in here):


Newly annointed starting quarterback J.P. Losman is concerned about being a leader on the Bills, considering he is a 24-year old on a team of veterans. As a result, Losman has been working out on his own at the Bills' facility. Bills coach Mike Mularkey also told Losman that if he wanted to know more about leadership, he should watch the movie Patton and encouraged him to view it at the team facility. Losman took his adviice, earning his first stripe.


With it is this great picture of JP looking to the left while George C. Scott as Patton salutes him to the right!  :blink:



Maybe I should give Mularkey a call about coming to training camp to compete for the QB spot. I've seen it more than once. I'm sure that will make me a great QB someday.

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Recommended summer viewing list for JP:








The Longest Yard (Original)


Dude, Where's My Car? (optional)--check


Am I missing anything?



The Waterboy

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