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New episode of LOST tonight


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Going further with this religios theme, is Jacks father not named CHRISTIAN Shepard.


Also, got his idea for the significance of the numbers from another board.


Enetr the numbers in order fro Latitude and Longitude, and what do ya know, Nigeria pops up on the map.





I was with you, but the numbers bring up the border between Niger and Mali. Nigeria is another country to the sout of Niger -- still intriguing though.

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Here's a question...


Could this show work as well without the internet? So much of the show is going back through all the clues and hints given out and having fun putting it all together. But who has time to watch an episode 100 times? Yet, with the internet fans can share all the bits and pieces they picked up like that one there...


Just food for thought.


Funny, I was just discussing that with a guy here. I think you are right, 15 years ago this show would not be as popular. I would msay on average I catch about about a third to a half of the "clues", and all the other I get from BBs.


Sure makes it more interesting

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I was with you, but the numbers bring up the border between Niger and Mali.  Nigeria is another country to the sout of Niger -- still intriguing though.



Locke just said the money was Nigerian. Not necessarily that the plane's point of origin was Nigeria. Kind of how the US Dollar is used in Mexico and a lot of other countries.

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Locke just said the money was Nigerian. Not necessarily that the plane's point of origin was Nigeria. Kind of how the US Dollar is used in Mexico and a lot of other countries.



True. But the map in the plane was of Nigerea...


I have no clue what it all means though.

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I was with you, but the numbers bring up the border between Niger and Mali.  Nigeria is another country to the sout of Niger -- still intriguing though.



Yeah, but Niger might have been the origin/destination of the plane. Since it looks out in the middle of nowhere seems plausible as a location for an airstrip for smugglers.

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Locke just said the money was Nigerian. Not necessarily that the plane's point of origin was Nigeria. Kind of how the US Dollar is used in Mexico and a lot of other countries.



In Niger, they use the Communauté Financière Africaine Franc


In Nigerian, they use the Nairas


To further distance the two, they are not linked in their trading. They are totally separate currencies, and before now, no one here knew the name of either one -- not widely used as is the dollar, yen or euro

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The level of detail included in each episode is staggering, and it is a testiment to the maniacal nature of us LOST fans that we will continue to post day after day with each little bit of info we can extract from each episode.


it is also not very predicatable, unlike most television shows.


GO BILLS 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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In Niger, they use the Communauté Financière Africaine Franc


In Nigerian, they use the Nairas


To further distance the two, they are not linked in their trading.  They are totally separate currencies, and before now, no one here knew the name of either one -- not widely used as is the dollar, yen or euro



There are many ways it could be explained. People cross the borders every day and every way. Also bear in mind that drug trafficers don't always follow how everyone else does things. Just like there's many countries where the importer will only accept their home country's money. Not out of the question, esp. w/ the reach of this show. All of the nature maps say there's no way that water mocassin snakes come into this area of CT, but I've g'dam well seen them. Like nature, commerce finds a way to cross borders that some say it can't.


But for the plane to go all the way from Africa to the middle of the Pacific!?? That's kind of odd and there's definitely something weird going on there. Funny, I thought the ep would answer some questions when all it did was raise more. Have the feeling that it'll do this up until the series finale. But I'm game as long as Kate keeps dropping trou to go swimming or bathe. :lol::doh:

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What an outstanding episode it was.


That seemed so out of character for what Jack did to Sawyer, which is what made it so funny. :o

That is also the first time that Jack has shown any real interest in Kate. About time.


I was wondering about the heroin too. We'll see if Locke does use that as a test for Charlie.


As far as all the references to the number 815, it is probably just one of J.J. Abrams' signs of something bad to come. He did the same thing with Alias and the number 47. Whenever you saw or heard that number you knew something bad was going to happen.


Damn, I love this show. I am glad that a couple of the writers of "Angel" went on to another good show like this one.

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I know this discussion usually takes place on wed. but I had a thought after i was reading some posts on another board about "LOST".


Could this island be an abandoned nuclear test site?..The french woman speaks of a sickness that claimed her shipmates within a month. Radiation poisoning maybe?


And, could the buried metal object be a bomb,leaking radiation?


Here is a site that shows pictures of Little Boy and Fat Man. The 2 bombs we dropped on Japan. Can't tell from the pictures if they had a hatch with some kind of window, for access to controls or settings. But that would make sense.




Just some wild ramblings of a bored bills fan.. :):doh:

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I know this discussion usually takes place on wed. but I had a thought after i was reading some posts on another board about "LOST".


Could this island be an abandoned nuclear test site?..The french woman speaks of a sickness that claimed her shipmates within a month. Radiation poisoning maybe?


And, could the buried metal object be a bomb,leaking radiation?


Here is a site that shows pictures of Little Boy and Fat Man. The 2 bombs we dropped on Japan. Can't tell from the pictures if they had a hatch with some kind of window, for access to controls or settings. But that would make sense.



Don't apologize, it takes about a week to analyze all the stuff in an ep. It's a very densely-packed show.


I doubt the nuclear theory. The castaways have been there about a month as well, and they're all right. Boone and Locke went right there for two weeks straight and didn't show any effects. And then, why didn't it kill Rousseau, who's been there 16 years? The hatch looks too big to be a feasible nuclear bomb (they hadn't even unearthed it all, so it goes deep), and it doesn't look like the pictures.


One thing I've been wondering about for a while now, what the hell happened to Rose (the black lady who maintains that her husband was still alive)? She was prominent in a few eps and the camera hasn't seen hide nor hair of her in the second half of the season. What gives? And, don't Boone's wounds look similar to the ones he imagined Shannon having? Or is that just the make-up department?


Also read that this show had the most expensive pilot episode ever for a television show. Cost $250K just to transport the fuselage to Hawaii. Paid off tho, this show is going to have big-time syndication deals (when it can legally start doing them) and DVD sales.

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I know this discussion usually takes place on wed. but I had a thought after i was reading some posts on another board about "LOST".


  Could this island be an abandoned nuclear test site?..The french woman speaks of a sickness that claimed her shipmates within a month. Radiation poisoning maybe?


  And, could the buried metal object be a bomb,leaking radiation?


  Here is a site that shows pictures of Little Boy and Fat Man. The 2 bombs we dropped on Japan. Can't tell from the pictures if they had a hatch with some kind of window, for access to controls or settings. But that would make sense.




Just some wild ramblings of a bored bills fan.. :rolleyes:  :o



Hehe! My first post in these LOST threads was to posit the nuclear theory. The idea was immediatly called stupid by someone here and suggested to me to read all the episode summaries before posting.


I still think it is plausible - but I still like the philosopher angle because it makes me sound more pretentious.

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After reading that, it's definitely something to think about. But it also has me wondering why the Others, if there are any, wouldn't have searched out the plane when it crashed. They would undoubtedly have seen and heard it in the air or heard transmissions on the radio. I'm not quite sure the Others exist.

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The preview has been playing a lot the past couple of days....


Spoilers in yellow:

Read some things a few weeks ago that the episode where Claire has the baby will be the one where a major character dies, in a circle-of-life theme. Original spoiler said it was more poignant b/c it would be "a boy who dies." Didn't consider Boone a boy, but it certainly does look that way. It's going to be a Jack-centric ep. He's already saved Charlie.... I think there needs to be a loss just to balance it into believability b/c he can't save everyone.


And the more I think about Locke as being this group's Ethan, the more I'm convinced of it. I've had a bad feeling about him from the start. Terry O'Rourke was a great choice to play Locke. I predict he gets banished before the end of the season.

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Is this the one where there are lots of shots of the characters looking at wierd stuff, but they never show what they're looking at on screen, and then they jack you around until next week? Huh? Is it? Huh?

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