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If TY Law visited over a month ago, why hasnt he signed yet?  That is a question right?


1. Uh, because he can't pass a physical?

2. <Picture your 3rd grade teacher speaking to you while agitated> "There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people asking questions."

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1.  Uh, because he can't pass a physical?

2.  <Picture your 3rd grade teacher speaking to you while agitated> "There are no stupid questions.  Only stupid people asking questions."



Dude sitting at a bar-"We have questions about Taste-Loss, but are afraid to ask"


Voice-Over-'There is no such thing as a stupid question'


Dude sitting at a bar-"Can you get Taste-Loss from a foosball table?"


Voice-Over-"I stand corrected. That is a stupid question."


/always falls over laughing at that commerial

//easily amused

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I have problems detecting sarcasm, could you please let me know if you are being sarcastic or not? You are required to do so under section 10.4 of the American with Disabilities Act.


I was asking a question, to get people thinking. Now, Maundy Thursday makes sense. Don't believe me, google it (GG needs the nickels anyway).


But "good" Friday makes no sense to me since it is said to be the day one of history's greatest prophets was nailed to a cross and killed.

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I was asking a question, to get people thinking. Now, Maundy Thursday makes sense. Don't believe me, google it (GG needs the nickels anyway).


But "good" Friday makes no sense to me since it is said to be the day one of history's greatest prophets was nailed to a cross and killed.



From Wikipedia:


"In Early Modern English, Good had a meaning of 'holy'."

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I was asking a question, to get people thinking. Now, Maundy Thursday makes sense. Don't believe me, google it (GG needs the nickels anyway).


But "good" Friday makes no sense to me since it is said to be the day one of history's greatest prophets was nailed to a cross and killed.




Here's one possible explanation....poor translation somewhere along the line:




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It is named Good Friday because it was a year ago on this day that my wife found out she was pregnant. Which is why if you click on my screen name, you can see what's so good about it.



Bro! Your little guy is a handsome little devil...almost as handsome as my little guy. Have you begun thinking 'Holy crap he's growing fast!" yet?



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You hold your age well.  :lol:


OK, truth be told, it was my great-grandfather Anders Johann Bengtsen who got screwed on the name. They changed it to Andrew John Benson. He signed his naturalization papers with an "x".



Not that there is anything wrong with that. :doh:

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