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Veterinary Malpractice Lawsuits

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Lucky's case would join a series of recent court decisions that essentially have treated animals as human under the law.


This coming in a country where we didnt even recognize African-Americans as people for 100 years. Yeah, our government is in real good shape.

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i think they should be treated the same as people, but not reward the same amount of money.


a doctor has a major screw up and my dog dies... i would file a lawsuit. but not for millions, but a few thousand. kill my best friend, i want you to hurt alittle. its not that i want money, but you cant just say "im sorry i screwed up" and thats it..

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i think they should be treated the same as people, but not reward the same amount of money.


a doctor has a major screw up and my dog dies... i would file a lawsuit. but not for millions, but a few thousand. kill my best friend, i want you to hurt alittle. its not that i want money, but you cant just say "im sorry i screwed up" and thats it..


If your going to do that, sue for the amount to buy a new pet! My dog dies, I want a new dog! Its that easy for me.

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Don't EVER say what you just said out loud to a woman.


You may never get laid again if you do...




Believe him, too. He knows.




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If your going to do that, sue for the amount to buy a new pet! My dog dies, I want a new dog! Its that easy for me.



thats cuz your dog isnt a real dog...a cat yes, but no dog...

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From the USA Today article....


Duane Flemming, a veterinarian, lawyer and past president of the American Veterinary Medical Law Association, says vets who promote the emotional bond between owner and pet are hard-pressed to go to court and claim the animal had little value.


"It's a hypocrisy to say, 'Spend more money on animals because they are worth more,' and then not be willing to award more when there's a loss," he says.


Flemming, who practices in Concord, Calif., is an ophthalmologist who says he once performed eye surgery on a one-legged duck. :rolleyes:;)

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Our vet misdiagnosed our dog and she ended up dying.  We forgave him and bought another dog.  Had I known I'd have a chance at $39K, I'd have forgiven him - and bought another dog.


Wait, what about all that business of opening the door when opportunity knocks? :rolleyes:

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I can't wait for the Cellino and Barnes commercials for dog injuries. 


I hope my dog doesn't sue me for mental anguish for faking the tennis ball throw.  Also, I told him I was taking him to be tutored when I took him to be neutered.


That was good for a laugh :rolleyes:

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I can't wait for the Cellino and Barnes commercials for dog injuries. 


I hope my dog doesn't sue me for mental anguish for faking the tennis ball throw.  Also, I told him I was taking him to be tutored when I took him to be neutered.



By the looks of his pic in your avatar, he's just biding his time, waiting for the right opportunity. 'Revenge is like cold cuts.' - T. Soprano

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