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Disinformation: Bigger enemy now more than ever.

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8 hours ago, OCinBuffalo said:

The media hasn't had a very good track record, for 2 years running now,  of getting stories right, in anything, including sports. Example: "McCarron to the Browns, lock it up!" No, "Tyrod to the Browns, you media hack." Ask: who benefited from the McCarron story? ALL media, because it means clicks, but certainly McCarron's agent, and the Bengals did. Media will write what they are told, or else they risk losing access to their team's FO, their agent sources, or the NFL as a whole. And, why not, if it, again, means clicks?


"Our media" cannot be trained to do ANYTHING, they are too incompetent; if they were dogs the only thing they could be trained to do is piss on the carpet and that is natural due to their weak bladders.

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The Bills are the dark horse of FA and for the draft.  They have the ammo to make a splash move in either area.  Buffalo has enough money from Pegula and enough cap space to make a run after any player they choose.  Clearing Taylor off the books points to them going hard at both area.  I expect Buffalo to be a sleeper for Cousin.  Fit as well as money are major concerns for him.  The Bills are the best situation besides Minnestota looking at coaching, organization and recent success.  Then draft day depending on what happened in FA they could move to any position infront of them.  I expect Buffalo to bring in a Vet and draft a Qb.  How much is spent in FA determines how much draft capital will need to be spent.

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