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Congrat's To Frank Reich


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Its very fitting that Frank Reich gets his SB ring by using a backup QB in a big game. I think Reich and Pedersen deserve an enormous amount of credit for thinking on their feet and perfectly adjusting their offense to Foles. Smart coaching results in success who would have thought.


Reich will always be a legend for the comeback vs the Oilers but I always felt bad for Reich that he had to step into that terrible situation in the first Bills  SB vs Dallas when Kelly went down. The game got out of hand and there was no comeback miracles that day. I remember Reich just being humble and matter of fact after the game about the epic beat down they received. It must have felt great after all these years to become a champion!!

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I have 2 Frank Reich posters, one signed specifically to me when his organization failed to send it to me.  This was a good thing by them.  From some other companies I have got "Sorry, we sold out. You can use credit on another item but we do not give refunds" (I disputed charge).


Thanks for your patience with all this.  Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience to you.  I've got your address and I'll send it out tomorrow.
In fact, because of our mistake, I'll be sending you an authentic "Frank Reich" autographed poster.  Frank personally signed some of these for us .
For A Victory Beyond Competition,
Fred Raines
AIA Pro Sports Director/Buffalo



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On 2/5/2018 at 11:40 AM, chaccof said:

I can easily see him as a head coach and maybe back in BFLO if the process doesn't pan out in a couple years....can you imagine the Bills getting a Super Bowl with Reich as head coach?  Story book to say the least,

Well I'll be darned, getting a HC job happened much quicker than i would have guessed....good for you Frank.

Edited by chaccof
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