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Romo to KC rumor could make Bills landing spot for A. Smith


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On the board would finally get to see Ryan and FireChan shut up on the subject, so there is at least one win. Plus a whole new set of poorly phrased and grammatically error ridden topics from major bobby, so there is 2...


Hahaha, you just became one of my new favorites around here...spot on :beer:

Let's bash the army veteran because he doesn't like the 20th ish best qb in the league.


Solid play.


Come on now, stop with the army veteran victim speech. Yours and their nonsense on the board about the QB's has nothing to do with whether you or someone else served or not and people don't get to hide behind that "veteran" shield. I can't use enough words to describe my absolute respect and admiration for people who serve as I have very close friends who did, family, etc. That includes everyone I don't know...its an incredibly brave and honorable thing and I couldn't respect that more.


But I also can't stand this exploitation of the fact someone served to use as some kind of defense to get to say and do whatever they want as if their opinion now somehow is more important or that they are above criticism because they served. People get to own their words and actions just like anyone else, thats one of the rights they served to protect. People make their own bed, and they get to lie in it just like everyone else regardless of serving in the military or not.


That being said, thank you to everyone who served and for that service, sincerely. Now leave it out of your non sense on a football board.

Edited by Alphadawg7
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Hahaha, you just became one of my new favorites around here...spot on :beer:


Come on now, stop with the army veteran victim speech. Yours and their nonsense on the board about the QB's has nothing to do with whether you or someone else served or not and people don't get to hide behind that "veteran" shield. I can't use enough words to describe my absolute respect and admiration for people who serve as I have very close friends who did, family, etc. That includes everyone I don't know...its an incredibly brave and honorable thing and I couldn't respect that more.


But I also can't stand this exploitation of the fact someone served to use as some kind of defense to get to say and do whatever they want as if their opinion now somehow is more important or that they are above criticism because they served. People get to own their words and actions just like anyone else, thats one of the rights they served to protect. People make their own bed, and they get to lie in it just like everyone else regardless of serving in the military or not.


That being said, thank you to everyone who served and for that service, sincerely. Now leave it out of your non sense on a football board.

he seriously did not pull out the vet card i cant believe it

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Hahaha, you just became one of my new favorites around here...spot on :beer:



Come on now, stop with the army veteran victim speech. Yours and their nonsense on the board about the QB's has nothing to do with whether you or someone else served or not and people don't get to hide behind that "veteran" shield. I can't use enough words to describe my absolute respect and admiration for people who serve as I have very close friends who did, family, etc. That includes everyone I don't know...its an incredibly brave and honorable thing and I couldn't respect that more.


But I also can't stand this exploitation of the fact someone served to use as some kind of defense to get to say and do whatever they want as if their opinion now somehow is more important or that they are above criticism because they served. People get to own their words and actions just like anyone else, thats one of the rights they served to protect. People make their own bed, and they get to lie in it just like everyone else regardless of serving in the military or not.


That being said, thank you to everyone who served and for that service, sincerely. Now leave it out of your non sense on a football board.

Ok attack bobbys spelling because you caught feelings with the 1-6 vs .500 teams qb.


You might need to reevaluate what nonsense is.


Fire Chan And Major Bobby spitting that hot truth, soak it up quit fighting with numbers.

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Ok attack bobbys spelling because you caught feelings with the 1-6 vs .500 teams qb.


You might need to reevaluate what nonsense is.


Fire Chan And Major Bobby spitting that hot truth, soak it up quit fighting with numbers.


What are you even talking about? I am not even in dialogue on that with anyone...dont even know what you are referencing. I just called you out on your ridiculous exploitation of playing the "veteran" card.


"caught feelings"..."spitting that hot truth"...lol what you think youre 50 Cent now or something lmao

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Cost becomes the consideration if one really believes they are performance-neutral. However, two off-seasons in a row now, many fans really forget how they felt after many games where TT routinely missed receivers, bailed out of clean pockets, took sacks or was unable to comeback to win the game. He also has major hot and cold streaks where some quarters and halfs he near about disappears. The stats will average out the hot and cold parts to show a decent stat line but that hurts the flow of the game. We need consistency throughout the game as well.

But the performance neutral argument also works as Smith will likely come cheaper. TT under his current contract is a bad decision IMHO if Smith is available.

But at least he has reached the playoffs multiple times. No one is advocating Smith as the savior or a franchise QB. I just happen to think that he is the better bridge QB than TT.

I would hate to spend the 2017 season with an improved D and getting nudged out once more due to the O unable to pull off close games.



If the D was as good as the O this year, they would likely have made the playoffs. Your worry is misplaced.

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If the D was as good as the O this year, they would likely have made the playoffs. Your worry is misplaced.

Doesn't pertain to next year the Browns 49ers Rams Jags Nugent and Brissett won't be there to help keep Tyrod off the bench if he's retained. Edited by Ryan L Billz
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