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The 1 trait every good head coach shares...

Estelle Getty

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Clock management. Coaches like Bill Belichick and Mike Tomlin are wizards at managing a clock. Their coaching records reflect that. For Rex Ryan it was as though the end of every half was a first time experience for him. The man had no clue on how to properly manage the game clock. I think he was just not a very bright guy in watching his get interviews. There is a difference between being personable, carrying a conversation, and being intelligent.


From what I have seen in my life the trait all good coaches share is great clock management. The trait all bad coaches share is lack of clock management. It is the window into the coaching soul if you will. If I'm Doug Whaley in the interviews I crack open a bottle of red wine and start testing coaches in end of game/half clock management situations.


This is also the reason Andy Reid hasn't and never will win a super bowl.

Edited by Estelle Getty
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