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Tom Brady quote...


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Some players around the league would laugh at Brady for not making a big stink that he's nowhere near the highest-paid quarterback in football. He's due to make a salary of $5.5 million in 2005, with a salary-cap number of $8.37 million. I asked him last week about his seeming reticence to tub-thump, even though no other marquee player has what he has right now -- three Super Bowl rings by age 27. "To be the highest-paid, or anything like that, is not going to make me feel any better," he said. "That's not what makes me happy. In this game, the more one player gets, the more he takes away from what others can get. Is it going to make me feel any better to make an extra million, which, after you take everything [taxes and other deductions] away, is about $500,000? That million might be more important to the team.''

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so he's a practical guy with his feet still on the ground

what moron can't live off of 5.5 million a year?



Like the article said, though, look at Peyton Manning. He'll be making one fifth of the entire Colt's payroll next year. ($17.8 Million of cap space)


And you wonder why their defense always sucks.

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I commend Brady for his stance. But what people are forgetting is the pressure won't come from the media or his teammates (exactly) to ask for a raise, it will come from his union.


If Brady, the best QB in the game today, is only making 6 mill a year, how can Manning or Vick possibly justify their huge contracts? They can't. At somepoint the owners will say..."Well, Tom Brady is making XYZ, and you are no Tom Brady...". That is why the Union will step into Brady's contract discussions when he renegotiates (which he is doing now I think).


So if Manning is making 14 mill a year, Vick is making around 12 or 13, the Union is going to be putting a lot of pressure on Brady to ask for a contract that at least puts him in the same neighborhood as those two players.


His contract doesn't just affect himself, it affects every other player in the Union. That is why it will become a big deal.


Am I saying 6 mill a year is too little? Of course not. But in the psuedo world of NFL Athletes, it is a crime...my bet is he gets a new deal that pays him between 9 or 10 million a year.

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if brady doesn't care about money why is he suing GM? he needs to get his story straight.......




GM used his likeness, after TB clearly told them not to.


GM deserves to be sued, the corporation did not have permission and yet went ahead and did it anyways.

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Some players around the league would laugh at Brady for not making a big stink that he's nowhere near the highest-paid quarterback in football. He's due to make a salary of $5.5 million in 2005, with a salary-cap number of $8.37 million. I asked him last week about his seeming reticence to tub-thump, even though no other marquee player has what he has right now -- three Super Bowl rings by age 27. "To be the highest-paid, or anything like that, is not going to make me feel any better," he said. "That's not what makes me happy. In this game, the more one player gets, the more he takes away from what others can get. Is it going to make me feel any better to make an extra million, which, after you take everything [taxes and other deductions] away, is about $500,000? That million might be more important to the team.''



The level of pay Brady is at versus the level that a guy like Teddy Bruschi receives is vastly different. That's to say nothing of their endorsement worth. Brady's almost guaranteed an endless stream of revenue for the rest of his life as the second coming of Joe Montana.


Bruschi is an All-Pro. He has arguably been the key to the Pats defensive scheme which is the main reason they won those first two Super Bowls. Nobody throws their body around with more abandon than Bruschi. If anybody deserves the money, it's him.


He decided he could live with the kind of money a decent NFL offensive guard makes. I'm sure he isn't broke by any means, but his career is over now and he had the opportunity to cash in last spring. As enraged as people were over Lawyer Milloy's comments about SB rings not feeding the family, I think the Bruschi situation is exactly what Milloy was talking about. It's one thing to give a hometeam discount, but to play for half of your worth is f'ing stupid.

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He is suing GM for using his likeness without permission (and compensation). GM, or any corporation can't use the likeness of anyone without permission. Yes it has to do with money but it has more to do with right and wrong and GM is wrong on this one!


Your argument is one of apples and oranges!

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The level of pay Brady is at versus the level that a guy like Teddy Bruschi receives is vastly different. That's to say nothing of their endorsement worth.  Brady's almost guaranteed an endless stream of revenue for the rest of his life as the second coming of Joe Montana.


Bruschi is an All-Pro.  He has arguably been the key to the Pats defensive scheme which is the main reason they won those first two Super Bowls.  Nobody throws their body around with more abandon than Bruschi.  If anybody deserves the money, it's him.


  He decided he could live with the kind of money a decent NFL offensive guard makes.  I'm sure he isn't broke by any means, but his career is over now and he had the opportunity to cash in last spring.  As enraged as people were over Lawyer Milloy's comments about SB rings not feeding the family, I think the Bruschi situation is exactly what Milloy was talking about.  It's one thing to give a hometeam discount, but to play for half of your worth is f'ing stupid.



Dude, what kind of lifestyle are you living that you can't get by on $2-3 million even with a family? If these guys were smart enough to invest some of this money instead of buying more cars and gold, they would be set for life regardless of whether they played another game.

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He is suing GM for using his likeness without permission (and compensation). GM, or any corporation can't use the likeness of anyone without permission. Yes it has to do with money but it has more to do with right and wrong and  GM is wrong on this one!


Your argument is one of apples and oranges!


Exactly... it's the principle of the matter.
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Like the article said, though, look at Peyton Manning. He'll be making one fifth of the entire Colt's payroll next year.  ($17.8 Million of cap space)


And you wonder why their defense always sucks.


That is a very valid point. Manning will never look at it like that, and he'll never get a Super Bowl ring.

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He is suing GM for using his likeness without permission (and compensation). GM, or any corporation can't use the likeness of anyone without permission. Yes it has to do with money but it has more to do with right and wrong and  GM is wrong on this one!


Your argument is one of apples and oranges!



you guys are hilarious........it's not about the money? so why isn't he suing them for one dollar instead of 2 million of them?


it's all about the money! open your eyes.......

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It's one thing to give a hometeam discount, but to play for half of your worth is f'ing stupid.



Even if Bruschi never plays a game again, his long-term earnings potential in Boston is set for life. He'll be a legend, earning a good salary as a color guy on the radio, sportscasting, via endorsements, books, etc. for the next 20-30 years.


Lawyer's gravey train has about two more years to run, after which he'll be just another ex-player with limited earnings potential. Unless he's invested really wisely, the big bonus bucks he got from the Bills will eventually run out and he'll have to find a way to feed his family the old fashioned way.


There's some "truth" in both guy's positions. Still, over the long haul, I think TB made the better choice.

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you guys are hilarious........it's not about the money? so why isn't he suing them for one dollar instead of 2 million of them?


it's all about the money! open your eyes.......



Good point. And don't imagine for a minute that the executives at GM are going to be paying any awards to Brady out of their own pockets. The cost, as always, will simply be passed on to the consumer.

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wrong, wrong, wrong......two million is for people to understand this is serious. GM sells cars using the SUPERBOWL MVPS likeness and does not pay for it, like you, this is wrong......How can anyone justify GM's use of TB or anyones likeness without compensation for it?!!!!

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wrong, wrong, wrong......two million is for people  to understand this is serious.  GM sells cars using the SUPERBOWL MVPS likeness and does not pay for it, like you, this is wrong......How can anyone justify GM's use of TB or anyones likeness without compensation for it?!!!!



your missing the point.........if he doesn't care about things like "pay" and "compensation", then why does he give a damn?


he does care, hence the reason he is trying to grab cash from GM.......


it's all about the money, as your post so aptly made clear.........

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