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Tom Brady quote...


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your missing the point.........if he doesn't care about things like "pay" and "compensation", then why does he give a damn?


he does care, hence the reason he is trying to grab cash from GM.......


it's all about the money, as your post so aptly made clear.........


Your point is being missed because it is irrational. GM stole from Tom Brady's services.


If you were to rent out an house to someone for three months and the renter paid you for three months, wouldn't you want another month's rent if the renter stayed for four months? That is waht GM did. They paid Brady to rent his image and then they decided to use it some more without paying more rent. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL PAY.

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Dude, what kind of lifestyle are you living that you can't get by on $2-3 million even with a family? If these guys were smart enough to invest some of this money instead of buying more cars and gold, they would be set for life regardless of whether they played another game.



I don't make a great deal of money, but I handle a lot of it, and I can tell you that it goes fast if it's not being replenished and handled right. His career is over, and he may have serious health concerns from here on out. That is the type of thing all NFL players must keep in mind come contract time. As for making $2-3M per season, that is a lot more than Bruschi is taking home on his 4 year $8M deal. Remember, 50% of that is gone in taxes. He also won't likely be collecting on those last 3 years.

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your missing the point.........if he doesn't care about things like "pay" and "compensation", then why does he give a damn?


he does care, hence the reason he is trying to grab cash from GM.......


it's all about the money, as your post so aptly made clear.........



d wag, please tell me you're not really this obtuse...

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Your point is being missed because it is irrational. GM stole from Tom Brady's services.


If you were to rent out an house to someone for three months and the renter paid you for three months, wouldn't you want another month's rent if the renter stayed for four months? That is waht GM did. They paid Brady to rent his image and then they decided to use it some more without paying more rent. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL PAY.



i would want it.........i care about money.......just like brady does........

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Brady obviously has enough sense to realize that he's as replaceable as anyone on that team, hence the reason he doesn't want to break the bank and make the Pats think twice about keeping him. Brady without Belichick and maybe having to FACE Belichick wouldn't be anywhere NEAR as successful as he's been, and I think Brady knows that deep down.

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Even if Bruschi never plays a game again, his long-term earnings potential in Boston is set for life.  He'll be a legend, earning a good salary as a color guy on the radio, sportscasting, via endorsements, books, etc. for the next 20-30 years. 


Lawyer's gravey train has about two more years to run, after which he'll be just another ex-player with limited earnings potential.  Unless he's invested really wisely, the big bonus bucks he got from the Bills will eventually run out and he'll have to find a way to feed his family the old fashioned way.


There's some "truth" in both guy's positions.  Still, over the long haul, I think TB made the better choice.



Chances are, Milloy will parlay those bucks into a lucrative business future. His margin for error is great thanks to his existing wealth. As for Bruschi's future, first he has to recover from his stroke. He still doesn't have all of his vision back. Then we can start talking about being ABLE to do color, cash in on endorsements etc.. Let's face it though, the enduring star is usually the QB. Entire generations of young football fans think Terry Bradshaw carried the Steelers to 4 SB wins because he gets all the TV time. Mean Joe Greene was 10 times the star Bruschi is. The gravy train was over for Mean Joe soon after his retirement. Fortunately, he has his health and can coach for a living.

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Brady obviously has enough sense to realize that he's as replaceable as anyone on that team, hence the reason he doesn't want to break the bank and make the Pats think twice about keeping him.  Brady without Belichick and maybe having to FACE Belichick wouldn't be anywhere NEAR as successful as he's been, and I think Brady knows that deep down.


Which one would you pick Tom Brady's 3 rings 5.5 millon or

Peyton Manning 17.9 millon

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i would want it.........i care about money.......just like brady does........


I don't think anyone said Brayd flat out doesn't care about money. The point that you're missing is that he cares more about winning than about money. Whereas Manning may have bettered his chances of winning by inking a deal worth a whole lot less.

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Brady obviously has enough sense to realize that he's as replaceable as anyone on that team, hence the reason he doesn't want to break the bank and make the Pats think twice about keeping him.  Brady without Belichick and maybe having to FACE Belichick wouldn't be anywhere NEAR as successful as he's been, and I think Brady knows that deep down.


If Brady wanted major bucks he could jump ship and go play for at least 10 other teams that would pay him more than Manning makes.


By the way, I don't think you're giving Charlie Weiss anywhere near enough credit.

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I don't think anyone said Brayd flat out doesn't care about money.



ah, you did, when you tried to argue about the merits of his case against GM........it's all about the money, just like i said and you refuted........


The point that you're missing is that he cares more about winning than about money. Whereas Manning may have bettered his chances of winning by inking a deal worth a whole lot less.


i didn't miss that at all......your reading comprehension is questionable if you thought i did.......


i said he cares about money which you obviously agree with me is the case.......again, why is he suing GM is he doesn't care about bucks?

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The level of pay Brady is at versus the level that a guy like Teddy Bruschi receives is vastly different. That's to say nothing of their endorsement worth.  Brady's almost guaranteed an endless stream of revenue for the rest of his life as the second coming of Joe Montana.


Bruschi is an All-Pro.  He has arguably been the key to the Pats defensive scheme which is the main reason they won those first two Super Bowls.  Nobody throws their body around with more abandon than Bruschi.  If anybody deserves the money, it's him.


  He decided he could live with the kind of money a decent NFL offensive guard makes.  I'm sure he isn't broke by any means, but his career is over now and he had the opportunity to cash in last spring.  As enraged as people were over Lawyer Milloy's comments about SB rings not feeding the family, I think the Bruschi situation is exactly what Milloy was talking about.  It's one thing to give a hometeam discount, but to play for half of your worth is f'ing stupid.


Bruschi's career isn't over until he says it is over. I grant that he has a tough road back, but let's see what happens. He has the heart of a lion.


In retrospect, Bruschi may have done a very smart thing by taking a bonus-heavy contract with a high percentage of guaranteed money. He has played one year of a 4 year deal, but has received well over 50% of the money in the contract from it.


Let's not forget this last season was his best as a pro by a longshot.

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ah, you did, when you tried to argue about the merits of his case against GM........it's all about the money, just like i said and you refuted........

i didn't miss that at all......your reading comprehension is questionable if you thought i did.......


i said he cares about money which you obviously agree with me is the case.......again, why is he suing GM is he doesn't care about bucks?


Re-read the post, paying close attention to the parts I now put in bold.


The point that you're missing is that he cares more about winning than about money. Whereas Manning may have bettered his chances of winning by inking a deal worth a whole lot less.


Can you comprehend that? If I said I care more about football than I care about hockey, would that mean that I don't care about hockey? No, it could mean I care about football this much, and I care about hockey a little less than that much.


Now, as I said, I'm sure Brady cares about money, but I still think he cares more about winning.

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Re-read the post, paying close attention to the parts I now put in bold.

Can you comprehend that? If I said I care more about football than I care about hockey, would that mean that I don't care about hockey? No, it could mean I care about football this much, and I care about hockey a little less than that much.


Now, as I said, I'm sure Brady cares about money, but I still think he cares more about winning.



yea yea yea........and he's suing GM because of principle, not the cash......i stopped listening to you awhile ago.......

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yea yea yea........and he's suing GM because of principle, not the cash......i stopped listening to you awhile ago.......


Yes, a very intelligent way to back out of a conversation when your obvious illiteracy is spotlighted.

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Yes, a very intelligent way to back out of a conversation when your obvious illiteracy is spotlighted.



i'm backing out? you are so confused you don't even have a clue which was the conversation is headed.......


all i said (from the start) is that tom brady cares about money and used the GM example to prove it.......you tried to refute it by saying that he is suing them over principle, not money, which could not be more foolish if you tried.........he is suing them over money.......


i don't need to back out of anything because now your agreeing with me that he does care about money.......you look so silly talking in circles and beating down your own points.....

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Mean Joe Greene was 10 times the star Bruschi is.  The gravy train was over for Mean Joe soon after his retirement.  Fortunately, he has his health and can coach for a living.



In a sports-crazy town like Boston, TB's post-football future is assured. He's way more media-savy than old-school guys like Mean Joe. Just think, if Fred Smerlas can parlay his career into becoming a Boston radio/media hit, what could Bruschi do?


From what I've read, I don't think Bruschi's stroke has been characterized as being so disabling that he's going to be some drooling fool. Bradshaw might get a new partner sooner than he/we think.

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