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Josh Gordon Reinstated to the NFL; Must Serve 4 Game Ban

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The only crime I see is depriving a player of his career and a team of a star player just because he drinks and smoked pot.


It doesn't give them an unfair advantage, and the general public doesn't care that much. The only thing I can figure is they don't want them flaunting it, but you could accomplish that with fines and single game suspensions. I see no rational justification for the existing policy.


He's no martyr.

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#Browns Sashi Brown on Josh Gordon:"We certainly welcome him back. Will support him. In earnest he wants to make most of this opportunity''

#Browns Hue Jax said Josh Gordon will have to be accountable. "His slate's clean with....hit the restart button. He has to go do it''

#Browns Hue Jax on Gordon (quad): "Most important thing is to get him healthy first. We'll have a plan in place. Different culture here''

#Browns Hue Jax said a big part of Josh Gordon staying on track will be his teammates supporting him, especially the veterans who know him.


#Browns Sashi Brown:"For us it's about Josh wanting to make a change. We'll find out v. quickly if he's serious. Can't force him to change''

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Josh Gordon runs the show when he's on the field.


Nice to see an elite talent get to play football again.

I would be delighted to see the Kid show his mettle . people who can turn themselves around will earn my respect.. Doing a 180 and then holding it is much much harder than maintaining the course of good and right. we shall see. he certainly is getting the Browns support, and I am okay with that.

Maybe he gets right, stays right and inspires others ?

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