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Chargers file for LA relocation


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It would be good to see them out this way, but I would still get back to Buff for a game too.

Spent a bundle for the Dallas game this year. Going to spend a lot less and be a lot warmer. That being said, games at the Ralph are unbeatable.
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waah, we're not getting enough corporate welfare

You're going to tell me that San Diego doesn't have more sports dollars than Buffalo? If Terry Pegula can build his own barn, the Spanos' can too.


The big problem for the Chargers is that an LA team would dramatically reduce their market size. Right now they're the only team in So Cal and have it all to themselves (even though there are many fans of many teams in LA). Still, it is the Charger games getting broadcast in So Cal and they're the only close stadium. If a team moved into LA then all that would change. Suddenly they'd have a fraction of their old base and coverage. The 2010 Census has the LA area with just over 12M people and San Diego with just under 3M. Sharing the whole market (or, better yet, remaining the only So Cal team) is a far better option business-wise. I don't think they had a real choice barring some insane deal from the city.


I feel bad for whoever loses their team, really, but I cannot express how nice it is not to have the Bills involved in any of this discussion whatsoever.

As someone born and raised in Cleveland I wholeheartedly agree. Edited by BarleyNY
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I never understood why they just don't build a stadium is Southern Orange County between Hwy 5 and the commuter train station and call the team the Southern California Chargers. LA gets its team and the fine people of SD have a 45 to 60 minute drive.

There is no such thing as a 60 minute drive in SoCal, unless it's to the corner store.
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The vote may be tomorrow. I did some reading and I listened to KFI AM (via iheart radio). Here's what I picked up:



  • most believe consensus is building for the Rams and Chargers to move
  • Oakland would be the odd man out
  • All three teams want to relocate for 2016 season, decision needed soon to begin selling tickets.


  • the LA move was formally proposed last week by Cowboys owner Jerry Jones
  • Goodell/NFL covet a presence bring professional football back to the country's second-largest market
  • NFL claims market research supports a two team LA
  • tremendous sensitivity among owners; they don't like giving a "no" to Oakland
  • Oakland consolation prize in the works?
  • to soothe Oakland's feelings, they may give Oakland permission to move next year or later
  • while "leaks" suggest consensus is near; one owner said the deals aren't anywhere near done
  • vote will likely be by secret ballot; to avoid straining future relationships
  • but first, the secret ballot vote has to be approved by a vote
  • 3/4 of owners must approve a franchise relocation


  • not clear yet
  • the coliseum can hold one team; but what about the other?
  • Rose Bowl appears uninterested in hosting
  • Angel Stadium and Dodger stadium are also considered
  • League officials are not concerned about near term stadium


  • slated for 2019 season
  • competing sites:
    • Inglewood
    • Carson
  • Chargers favor Carson
  • Carson is being pushed by Disney Corp.
  • if Carson is select; Disney may get a minority share in a team
  • any stadium built will be a two team facility
  • cost exceeding 2 billion; privately financed
  • would be the largest stadium in the league, 300 acres
  • one owner described future stadium as wonderous "NFL Disney Land"


  • the machine that makes rose colored glasses is working overtime
  • I'm not convinced LA is a very good NFL city,
    • history has proven this
    • the prospective fan-base there doesn't seem very excited
  • I do believe the Rams and Chargers will move
  • the move will be an ugly process
  • the temporary stadiums will suck

Above all, I thank God TP and KP purchased the Bills and we aren't part of this mess.

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You're going to tell me that San Diego doesn't have more sports dollars than Buffalo? If Terry Pegula can build his own barn, the Spanos' can too.

Actually that is quite possible. San Diego doesnt have the dinero that many thinks it has. Its economy is very similar to Jax, FL- heavily influenced by the Mil dollar. Its very complex for sure.

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