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The Official "Unofficial" American Idol Thread


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Because they all know they're FRAUDS and that they won't amount to crap once the show is over.


See: Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken.





I agree with Puhonix, man......Kelly C is smokin hot.

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Great, I just found my least favorite contestant! I did not know this....





Man, knowing her background just dropped her a few notches in my book. I just hope the cheerleaders don't act like the players, because if she gets voted off she might just turn around and stab Seacrest.

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Man, knowing her background just dropped her a few notches in my book.  I just hope the cheerleaders don't act like the players, because if she gets voted off she might just turn around and stab Seacrest.




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I agree with Puhonix, man......Kelly C is smokin hot.


There you go again!! Agreeing with me. I'm looking around, and its not snowing down here, so I think we're ok to let it slide this time, but be careful!


And everytime I see Ramius' girl, she reminds me of Kelly C. I just see it in her face, he doesnt, but to me, she's a close resemblence.

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What the hell is with constantine - did Seacrest rip his balls off? His little "story" before his performance was all about how grunge music defined early '90's music and was his motivation to perform. So I expected some Peal Jam, Soundgarden, STP, or Nirvana - yet we get some f-ing ballad that made me want to puke.


I think he knows he can't outrock Bo, so he is playing the only card he has left - the sex magnet for teenage girls.

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Ok, I saw it again, and one thing I learned was why the big hair 80's lasted so long. Apparently, it takes a decade or two for the hair to flatten out entirely, but anywhoo.


So the goth Michael Bolton guy is on, only no longer goth, more like Kid Rock now. He is asked what he remembers from the 90's. His answer was that he doesn't remember the 90's because he spent the decade touring with his band and writing songs. Party on, American Idol! This week, he wears one of those cowboy hats that looks like someone cut a swathe out of the side of a dairy cow and covered the top of the hat with it. He goes out to the crowd, putting the hat on Paula in the process. Instantly, I was reminded of the Matthew McConaghey character in "Dazed and Confused" that said "yeah, high school chicks, man. I keep getting older, and they just stay the saaaammmee agggeee". Paula says she is keeping the hat, she might want to defer that question to the wardrobe dept.


Cool song, though, never thought I'd hear the Black Crowes on AI. Simon then tells him that it reminded him of a wedding, and all across America, Bolton's core base slunked down in their chairs in dispair. Which is another question altogether, what is his base? The show will lead you to believe that it's young girls, but really, I think it's early-to-middle aged men who wear satin jackets from FM radio stations (classic rock, lite rock hits, that kind of fare) who are either in, or want to be in the biz.


The booby girl comes out, pretty boring. and wears acceptable clothing. It just doesn't work when it's cleaned up.


The aforementioned big hair situation comes out, sings a country song about freedom and independence day and stuff like that. It confirms a suspicion I had that 19E, the company that produces this show, has had the plan all along to capitalize on the red state/blue state craze that is all the rage lately. The problem lies in their attempts to find an acceptable and consistent "blue state" foe for her, what with the potentials quitting, sucking out, wearing mohawks, singing Partridge Family songs and whatnot.


The "other rocker" tell us that the 90's to him meant grunge! and Seattle! and Rock! and all that cool hard-ass rock! Then he proceeds to jackboot our lame asses with some hard core Bonnie Raitt. Simon calls him a classic pop star, and I proceed to go stick my spinning head in the oven.


The trach hole kid comes out wearing this bright lime green shirt and, get this, shiny white leather loafers! Exactly the kind you get when you rent a cheap tuxedo! He looks like a freaking popsicle!


This dreadlocked guy comes out, brings all kinds of suck to the masses, Randy tells him flat out that he has problems singing low. Paula then goes on for about ten minutes about how memorable it was, how f-ing awesomely awesome-like he is and how she hears that song all the time but only he can make it memorable, yada yada yada... Simon then turns to her and says " you need a new CD collection" BAM!


The only other observation of note was the trailer park love singer who wore silk pajamas on stage, Hefner-style. He must get lots of action.

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Ok, I saw it again, and one thing I learned was why the big hair 80's lasted so long.  Apparently, it takes a decade or two for the hair to flatten out entirely, but anywhoo.


So the goth Michael Bolton guy is on, only no longer goth, more like Kid Rock now. He is asked what he remembers from the 90's.  His answer was that he doesn't remember the 90's because he spent the decade touring with his band and writing songs. Party on, American Idol!  This week, he wears one of those cowboy hats that looks like someone cut a swathe out of the side of a dairy cow and covered the top of the hat with it.  He goes out to the crowd, putting the hat on Paula in the process.  Instantly, I was reminded of the Matthew McConaghey character in "Dazed and Confused" that said "yeah, high school chicks, man. I keep getting older, and they just stay the saaaammmee agggeee".  Paula says she is keeping the hat, she might want to defer that question to the wardrobe dept.


Cool song, though, never thought I'd hear the Black Crowes on AI.  Simon then tells him that it reminded him of a wedding, and all across America, Bolton's core base slunked down in their chairs in dispair.  Which is another question altogether, what is his base? The show will lead you to believe that it's young girls, but really, I think it's early-to-middle aged men who wear satin jackets from FM radio stations (classic rock, lite rock hits, that kind of fare) who are either in, or want to be in the biz.


The booby girl comes out, pretty boring. and wears acceptable clothing. It just doesn't work when it's cleaned up.


The aforementioned big hair situation comes out, sings a country song about freedom and independence day and stuff like that.  It confirms a suspicion I had that 19E, the company that produces this show, has had the plan all along to capitalize on the red state/blue state craze that is all the rage lately. The problem lies in their attempts to find an acceptable and consistent "blue state" foe for her, what with the potentials quitting, sucking out, wearing mohawks, singing Partridge Family songs and whatnot.


The "other rocker" tell us that the 90's to him meant grunge! and Seattle! and Rock! and all that cool hard-ass rock! Then he proceeds to jackboot our lame asses with some hard core Bonnie Raitt.  Simon calls him a classic pop star, and I proceed to go stick my spinning head in the oven.


The trach hole kid comes out wearing this bright lime green shirt and, get this, shiny white leather loafers! Exactly the kind you get when you rent a cheap tuxedo!  He looks like a freaking popsicle!


This dreadlocked guy comes out, brings all kinds of suck to the masses, Randy tells him flat out that he has problems singing low. Paula then goes on for about ten minutes about how memorable it was, how f-ing awesomely awesome-like he is and how she hears that song all the time but only he can make it memorable, yada yada yada...  Simon then turns to her and says " you need a new CD collection"  BAM!


The only other observation of note was the trailer park love singer who wore silk pajamas on stage, hefner-style.  He must get lots of action.




Your weekely reviews are far more entertaining than the show! Keep them coming.

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They were all pretty bad yesterday except for Carrie :doh: , but I thought Bo Bice was especially pathetic last night. I'm not a big Black Crowes fan, but he proved he doesn't have the chops to do that kind of song, what a psuedo-rocker. I wouldn't be surprised if he made bottom 3 tonight with Clanthony & the Felons cheerleader.

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My bottom 3 are in worst to better order

Anthony -I think he's going

Scott- Wouldn't be a surprise

Anwar-He's got 3 weeks at best left since he'll have to get back ahead of Nikko to last that long.


Best 3:




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I think the one that will get knocked out will be the 2nd or 3rd worst performer of the night, because at this point, if there is someone who stands out in a REALLY bad way, the people that are voting for that person will say "oh sh--, get the 3 phone lines going and the speed dial, we better vote for this person", but then what happens is the 2nd worst person is the one who will go, because they are forgotten about.


In that case I think Scott is the one who will go.

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I started watch with the 24 and I think this show sucked almost as much as 2 weeks ago. There are only 3-4 that probably will be recording marketable music.

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