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Defensive Playbook Too Complicated = Crap!


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Obviously it's the pressure element from last/this year that's at the core of everyone's issue and driving the comparison. Pressure forces bad decisions and turnovers...we did a lot of that last year to set up our wins. The difference in pressure/turnovers and penalties are very hard to ignore and not discuss. If the system was working otherwise, the complaining would be a lot less....but the system has failed and failed miserably to the point where there's absolutely nothing to takeaway from this year (except Darby - thank god this scheme couldn't damage our CB's too badly). We're left with fatty blowhards empty statements and some fans here that need 2 more years of this before being convinced.


Let's kick Mario and Kyle to the curb just to see if this works. :doh::death:


And yet we're on pace to finish the year with only six fewer turnovers.


And considering six of last year's (or 20%) came in one game against the Jets, I really don't see how we can point to a sustained dip in turnovers as a marked difference between last year and this year.

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And yet we're on pace to finish the year with only six fewer turnovers.


And considering six of last year's (or 20%) came in one game against the Jets, I really don't see how we can point to a sustained dip in turnovers as a marked difference between last year and this year.


Not to mention fumble recovery % is a stat that is completely unsustainable.

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And yet we're on pace to finish the year with only six fewer turnovers.


And considering six of last year's (or 20%) came in one game against the Jets, I really don't see how we can point to a sustained dip in turnovers as a marked difference between last year and this year.

OK, understood on turnovers. But: 30th in sacks from #1 last year.

That is dreadful. We're challenging the penalty record (as a team) in the process. What on earth do we takeaway from this year on D (without saying Darby) to say that this is definitely going in the right direction?

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OK, understood on turnovers. But: 30th in sacks from #1 last year.

That is dreadful. We're challenging the penalty record (as a team) in the process. What on earth do we takeaway from this year on D (without saying Darby)?



Even on just the eye test, this is not the same defense by a long shot compared to last year.


If the players on the field are saying it's tough to argue.

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OK, understood on turnovers. But: 30th in sacks from #1 last year.

That is dreadful. We're challenging the penalty record (as a team) in the process. What on earth do we takeaway from this year on D (without saying Darby) to say that this is definitely going in the right direction?


I'll happily agree that there isn't any tangible evidence to be optimistic the D will turn it around.


We don't have a space eating NT, we don't have good safeties and our LB's are a liability.


But those are all talent issues.


The only cause for optimism that I see is that this year's defense is a Rex Ryan aberration. And it's not even close. Statistically, this is his worst defensive unit BY A MILE. So, if you have faith that the rest of his career was more indicative of what we should actually expect, then there's no reason to burn the barn down to kill a spider.


On the flipside, this year's offense has been equally uncharacteristic of Rex Ryan. Good GOD I hope they don't get the defense square only to have the offense then normalize too!! I am legitimately concerned about this, but only because I'm a Bills fan. With all the same pieces in place next year, there's no reason to expect that to happen, other than the fact that Bills fans have been conditioned to expect the unexpected...like a sub-par Rex Ryan defense. Come on. NOBODY expected that.




Even on just the eye test, this is not the same defense by a long shot compared to last year.


If the players on the field are saying it's tough to argue.


It seems that some fans have eyes that see what they tell them to.

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  • Fluky missed-FG squeaker against a good Lions team


Just to refresh your memory on the "fluky missed-FG squeaker", their kicker missed 3 FG netting us 9 would be points. Our QB delivered a pick six right into one or the Lion DBs bread basket and our kicker missed 1 FG netting them 10 points. We gave them more than they gave us and beat 'em. That's football.


Did you see in SB XLIX that NE won because of a fluky interception play? I guess they weren't all that good either.

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Just to refresh your memory on the "fluky missed-FG squeaker", their kicker missed 3 FG netting us 9 would be points. Our QB delivered a pick six right into one or the Lion DBs bread basket and our kicker missed 1 FG netting them 10 points. We gave them more than they gave us and beat 'em. That's football.


Did you see in SB XLIX that NE won because of a fluky interception play? I guess they weren't all that good either.


I understand your point, but I think you're stretching quite a bit to equate a pick six (it wasn't tipped, Orton straight through the ball to CB who jumped the route in the flat), with FG misses, indoors of 44, 47 and 50 yards.


Not to mention, on top of all that, the play that kept the game alive was this ridiculousness:




I understand crazy plays some times affect the outcome of games and "that's football." But jeebus, we had a highly uncharacteristic number of weird, fluky plays go our way in that day.

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I understand crazy plays some times affect the outcome of games and "that's football." But jeebus, we had a highly uncharacteristic number of weird, fluky plays go our way in that day.


That too is football.


When other teams win games like this it's because they do anything to win and don't give up.. Their star comes up with miraculous catch and it's because he's awesome and the great QB they have put it right where only his guy could catch it.


When we do, it's luck and really shouldn't even be counted as a win.


We were smart enough to give up 2 first round picks to get Sammy for the sole purpose of making plays like that. Kills me that you call it luck or fluky. I call it skill.


This is the pick play I was talking about: http://www.nfl.com/gamecenter/2014100502/2014/REG5/bills@lions?icampaign=GC_schedule_rr#menu=gameinfo|contentId%3A0ap3000000405381&tab=videos This is NOT a gift, but the missed FGs were? What about Carpenters miss? Not to mention we had a fan shooting a laser pointer into Kyle and Dan's eyes in the 4th quarter.


As far as the Patsie** win yall like to discount I think of it as only fair. We have to play those punks twice a year every year. 1/2 the league only plays them once every four years and 3/4s of the remaining half only play them once every 3 years. They pull their starter ONCE to save him for the playoffs. I call it a win because we won, but otherwise it is poetic justice. We get a break once in 12 years, boohoo. we suck.

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I'm sure Jim Schwartz would have gladly handed over his whole playbook in the way out the door so the franchise could continue to benefit from it.


I'm not a fan of how Rex's D has performed and I'm of the mind that may be after 15 years of film, its just become very beatable. But Schwartz absolutely wasn't going to just leave his scheme behind for the team to continue using.

First of I can't imagine the playbook doesn't become property of the team once the coach signs. Second, it was reported schwarz left due to philisophical differences. Initially they were keeping him on. I am wholeheartedly convinced if Rex said please stay Jim and run the defense your way, he would have stuck for at least one more season.

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Defense was excellent last year. Why not keep it and install the new defense over time in small pieces.

Copy that! I'm with you pal. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you still feel the itching need to change the D, do it in small increments.


One of, just one of the problems of the Bills not winning enough to get in the playoffs is the new coaching regime every 3 yrs. Each new coach wants his own type of offense & defense when he comes in, starts to get players he feels fit that scheme, but 2 - 3 years later, he's canned because of losing seasons, and the cycle starts all over again.


Now we got Rex, and here we go again. Frustrating, just frustrating. 16 years, no playoffs, and here we go again!

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One of, just one of the problems of the Bills not winning enough to get in the playoffs is the new coaching regime every 3 yrs. Each new coach wants his own type of offense & defense when he comes in, starts to get players he feels fit that scheme, but 2 - 3 years later, he's canned because of losing seasons, and the cycle starts all over again.



We've had 5 different DCs in the last 5 years and 3 different OCs and 3 different HCs.

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Having Schwartz as a DC would be great if we played the NFC North every year. Outside of those games, the defense was good last year while running a simple 4-3 scheme that fit the front seven personnel perfectly, while the secondary played more zone and off man coverage, which is not their strength. Rex's scheme will require a true NT to free Dareus up. The ROI on that Dareus contract will not be fully realized unless he is freed up inside and partnered up with another 5-tech lineman. A true NT that can anchor will change a lot of how effective Rex's system will be. How good was Rex's D in NY when Jenkins was either hurt or off the team? Look it up. Every 2-gap 3-4 team needs a true run stuffing planetoid at the nose to make it work. Dareus can do it, but you end up wasting his pass rushing skills the majority of the time.

oh "planetoid" fdlol, that was great....


Obviously it's the pressure element from last/this year that's at the core of everyone's issue and driving the comparison. Pressure forces bad decisions and turnovers...we did a lot of that last year to set up our wins. The difference in pressure/turnovers and penalties are very hard to ignore and not discuss. If the system was working otherwise, the complaining would be a lot less....but the system has failed and failed miserably to the point where there's absolutely nothing to takeaway from this year (except Darby - thank god this scheme couldn't damage our CB's too badly). We're left with fatty blowhards empty statements and some fans here that need 2 more years of this before being convinced.


Let's kick Mario and Kyle to the curb just to see if this works. :doh::death:

Rex doesn't run Schwarz defense, doesn't even know it probably. He runs what he likes. He's the boss. When HC is fired or quits, the new guy brings his own staff in. So when the Marrone thing happened, Schwartz and the OC get dumped as well. Is what it is. Fans don't get it. when you blow it up, it ALL gets blown up. And start over, new schemes to learn, very little practice time to learn them in, thanks to the CBA seriously limiting practice time. They'll be better at it next year. Takes time. Stop blowing it up every 3 years and you'll probably get somewhere.

First of I can't imagine the playbook doesn't become property of the team once the coach signs. Second, it was reported schwarz left due to philisophical differences. Initially they were keeping him on. I am wholeheartedly convinced if Rex said please stay Jim and run the defense your way, he would have stuck for at least one more season.

Rex believes in what he believes. His defensive philosophy is completely different from Schwartz'. When he was hired, Schwartz was going to be out. Your complaint is with Pegs and Whaley, not Rex. Rex is Rex. take it or leave it. they took it.

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