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what did bledsoe say during his phone call


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can't wait for the responses to this one...  :rolleyes:



Just listened to it on the bills site. Drew was nothing but a class act. Thanked the Bills for the opportunity and how they handled this, praised Ralph for keeping team in Buff, said fans are just awesome, said Buffalo and Green Bay probably two most special places to play.


Also, said offence will be quite differant with JP . Big reson for change now instaed of open compition is that the Ofeence will be so differant depanding on who is starting

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can't wait for the responses to this one...  :rolleyes:



He had great things to say about the Bills Fans...loved playing in Buffalo.


Never saw the Bills' Brass making a change @ QB...he was shocked.


Doesn't see himself as a backup QB...ever.


Looking forward to next opportunity.


Mentioned again in closing how great Bills' Fans are.


Good Luck Drew.


Can't wait for the next phase with JP.

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Also, said offence will be quite differant with JP . Big reson for change now instaed of open compition is that the Ofeence will be so differant depanding on who is starting


That is a very good point. I really look forward to seeing the NEW offense.

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:D  :D  :D


He's probably taking a out a fullpage ad in the Buffalo News right now, thanking ICE for all his support and well wishes.


Actually ICE only hated him 50% of the time, because as we all know, he flip flopped from one day to the next.


Therefore a full page ad is in order, but it should be split in two...



Top half....thank you ICE for all your support


Bottom half.... :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ICE you no good assclown



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he was a class act,  except for the barb he threw at JP.  I thought that was classless,  but I'm sure his fans will disagree.



you've already got a couple of fish biting at that bait. nice job. :huh:

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he was a class act,  except for the barb he threw at JP.  I thought that was classless,  but I'm sure his fans will disagree.



I listened to the whole thing, and didn't hear him throw a barb at JP.

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