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Tyrod's deep ball


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If there is a silver lining to this crushing loss on it may be that Tyrod's deep ball/timing seems to be back on track. I think there was legitimate concern that his ability to throw an accurate and well timed deep ball was slipping away after the Jets game and even more so after last week's Pats game. However.. it would be difficult to argue that he did not return to his previous deep ball form yesterday.


As long as that part of his game is intact.. the Bills will always have a shot in any game they play.


Yes.. I realize he has shortcomings in going through progressions, attacking the middle of the field etc...but the intent of this post is to focus on his ability to throw the deep ball and to address those who were writing him off after inaccuracies in the Jets and Pats games.



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Taylor good: deep ball accuracy; poise; mobility

Taylor adequate: overall accuracy; arm strength

Taylor needs work: making quick reads and throwing on time; pocket awareness.


If Taylor was a rookie, I'd say that he looked very promising. However, he is a five year vet so my optimism is tempered somewhat. I know that he hasn't played much so maybe there is still room for growth but how much remains to be seen. I think his pocket awareness should improve with more game experience (if he doesn't get killed first), but I wonder about his ability to make quick reads and throw short & intermediate routes on time. That is something that he really should have learned by now if he's ever going to get it.

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TT throws a great deep fade and also liked the chemistry he and Sammy showed in the first half.

The problem i see with TT is his ability to throw the ball anticipating the WR will come open. Throwing it to a spot. TT has the ability. I hope he will progress. Honestly if this D played the way it is capable of and McCoy stays healthy, TT is more than enough to beat any team in the NFL.

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Taylor good: deep ball accuracy; poise; mobility

Taylor adequate: overall accuracy; arm strength

Taylor needs work: making quick reads and throwing on time; pocket awareness.


If Taylor was a rookie, I'd say that he looked very promising. However, he is a five year vet so my optimism is tempered somewhat. I know that he hasn't played much so maybe there is still room for growth but how much remains to be seen. I think his pocket awareness should improve with more game experience (if he doesn't get killed first), but I wonder about his ability to make quick reads and throw short & intermediate routes on time. That is something that he really should have learned by now if he's ever going to get it.


This could be due to coaching/play design.

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