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QB's should call their own plays

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It seems like whenever we need to be in "hurry up mode" we are as slow as ever because Tyrod is dependent on getting the play from the sideline.


I don't understand why (at least in these situations) QB's don't call their own plays more often.


Can't they have 10-15 plays that the QB has mastered and can call on-the-fly?


It seems like in the old days this is how things worked. What changed?

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I think the two minute drive wasn't nearly as bad as our field goal drive that went from 7 minutes to 3 minutes. We wasted almost 2 minutes just messing around huddling up, looking confused. We ran out of time when we lost, so I have to assume this was a huge factor. Roman needs a HC that gets on him about the offense, which I don't think is happening.

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I think the two minute drive wasn't nearly as bad as our field goal drive that went from 7 minutes to 3 minutes. We wasted almost 2 minutes just messing around huddling up, looking confused. We ran out of time when we lost, so I have to assume this was a huge factor. Roman needs a HC that gets on him about the offense, which I don't think is happening.

Yep. Equal parts of serious, serious blame go to Roman and Rex for the atrocious handling of the two minute drill. Roman HAS to give Taylor more free reign calling the plays and since he clearly hasn't and it's bit us more than a few times, it is incumbent upon Rex as head coach to insist on it.

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Shouldn't Tyrod learn to read a defense, know when to throw the ball away and be able to accurately pass the ball before we allow him to call his own plays?


Baby steps. Really, really tiny baby steps.

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That's one thing I've noticed, I'm dating myself, but compared to like 40 years ago when QB's all called there own plays. (excluding Tom Landry coached teams) in the last two minutes or so much less plays are ran off compared to then. That's the down side of taking play calling away from the QB's. They have no idea how to do it when they are forced too.

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