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What Will You Be Doing This Sunday.....

Chef Jim

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262 blue angel pilots to date, 26 blue angel pilot deaths to date. That is crazy. So we're killing 10% of our best pilots for entertainment. As cool as that is to see, something seems off there to me.

Edited by Mark80
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262 blue angel pilots to date, 26 blue angel pilot deaths to date. That is crazy. So we're killing 10% of our best pilots for entertainment. As cool as that is to see, something seems off there to me.

That is not the purpose of the Blue Angels. Their purpose is recruitment. And everyone of them understands the dangers of what they are doing and are not forced to perform.

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Friday Blue Angel practice day in the city used to be as cool as Sunday. I remember it cause quite the chit storm in the 90's. being on the water can be great if you know how to skipper a boat. because nobody else does.

Yes Friday can be a blast in the city. I've heard stories how they used to buzz the building as close as they could get but that was stopped. As you walk through the city you can hear them echoing between the buildings but you have no idea where they are.


I also heard they used to fly under the GG Bridge but aren't allowed to so that anymore either.

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Yes Friday can be a blast in the city. I've heard stories how they used to buzz the building as close as they could get but that was stopped. As you walk through the city you can hear them echoing between the buildings but you have no idea where they are.

I also heard they used to fly under the GG Bridge but aren't allowed to so that anymore either.

All True! Somewhere i have a pic or 2 of them coming out sideways between buildings. Honestly, some tourists thought the city was under attack. On Sunday, We used to go too the Marina green early. You probably still can but they used to let you park on the lawn. One guy had a van was on top with a tripod and video recorder. The angels came in very low. he must have been in full zoom. because he jumped off the top of the van and hurt himself pretty bad. The jackasses would have been proud.

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All True! Somewhere i have a pic or 2 of them coming out sideways between buildings. Honestly, some tourists thought the city was under attack. On Sunday, We used to go too the Marina green early. You probably still can but they used to let you park on the lawn. One guy had a van was on top with a tripod and video recorder. The angels came in very low. he must have been in full zoom. because he jumped off the top of the van and hurt himself pretty bad. The jackasses would have been proud.


We heard back in the day they'd fly up the buildings so you'd look out the windows and see the underside of the jets as they flew up. Hard to believe but those guys are nuts.


The first year we lived in the city we hiked up Russian Hill and they had to do the whole show low altitude due to cloud cover. They flew by us so close we could clearly see the pilots. It was effing awesome.


This is what we'll be on. Unfortunately it looks like there are no decks to go out on. Hopefully the windows open. Saturday we'll be on our deck in the East Bay with the telescope.



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You just lost some serious geek points dude.


All those geek points you gained by talking Ripper Street were totally negated and then some

I feel like an idiot, not only bc Tom has reinforced that in me for years, but bc I googled it and saw what it was from.... I should have known better...

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Heading down to Lodos bar and grill to watch the Bills stretch the Titans' anai, then watch the Broncos stretch the Raiders. I love peaking over to the Tavern across the street and seeing the mouth breathing wanna be pieces of gangster **** Raiders fans cry about their ****ty team.


It's supposed to be gorgeous in Denver today 75-80 and sunny. I probably should be hiking, but I do love being around fans on a rooftop on game day...

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Heading down to Lodos bar and grill to watch the Bills stretch the Titans' anai, then watch the Broncos stretch the Raiders. I love peaking over to the Tavern across the street and seeing the mouth breathing wanna be pieces of gangster **** Raiders fans cry about their ****ty team.


As opposed to going the the Game Day thread here and seeing the fans bitching about our ****ty team. LOL!!

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