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Idea: EJ & Bryce Brown for Manzel & 3rd rounder


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One of this teams big problems in terms of producing Ws has been being caught up in the hype of finding the next Jim Kelly that we tend to focus too much attention on finding/creating this QB that does not exist. The entire decade and a half + of disappointments and non-playoff appearance seems to me driven by our flailing around looking for some QB savior that has led to poor drafting, (the TC reach), poor and too speedy training (TC, JP. EJ), disgusting contract mismanagement (DF, RJ, Fitzy) poor trading (Hobert), poor draft management (TC, JP, EJ) that this psychotic addiction to Manzel you suggest is too horrifying to this fan to even consider.


One of the things I like about Ryan is his proven ability to get Ws from NYJ despite his team having inconsistent QB work from Sanchez.


His TEAM building so far seems directed toward:


1. Build a D aimed at getting Ws without depending on the QB to consistently produce 24 pg. This D has the personnel to make it hard for the opponent to produce 20 ppg against us.


2. Build an O which mostly relies on the QB to hand the ball off, scramble on 3rd and long when needed, and pose a threat of lon balls or even better YAC to high performance WRs,


3. Build a solid ST unit which helps win the field position battle.


This team seems built for the greater likelihood of finding the next failed 1st round choice to play the role of Trent Dilfer than a mindless run from one failed EJ to overreliance on a failed Manzel.

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Manziel looks better this year than last year. Reportedly because he's finally putting the work in. I still think he has a ways to go to be a good NFL QB. But he's not the same QB from those games he played last year. The McCown mentorship was a good idea. Now it's up to Manziel on how much he improves. I don't think they would trade him at this point unless they got a draft pick, though. They don't really need Bryce brown. They have a guy just like him, Isaiah Crowell.


I am sure Pettine has an opinion on EJ from 2013 but I don't know what it is. He did sign Thaddeus, so there's that.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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