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I am going to give my wife and daughter an extra long hug tonight






Me too!


I mean, I'm gonna hug my wife and daughter, not yours. I'm not some kind of weirdo that goes around hugging everybody. Not that your wife and daughter don't deserve a hug or that they're gross or something. I mean, I'd hug them too. But only if you were there, watching. Wait, not like dirty watching. Just like if it was normal and appropriate, not weird.


****. Nevermind.

Edited by Cugalabanza
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Me too!


I mean, I'm gonna hug my wife and daughter, not yours. I'm not some kind of weirdo that goes around hugging everybody. Not that your wife and daughter don't deserve a hug or that they're gross or something. I mean, I'd hug them too. But only if you were there, watching. Wait, not like dirty watching. Just like if it was normal and appropriate, not weird.


****. Nevermind.



That article was disgusting to read so thanks for the levity.

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Me too!


I mean, I'm gonna hug my wife and daughter, not yours. I'm not some kind of weirdo that goes around hugging everybody. Not that your wife and daughter don't deserve a hug or that they're gross or something. I mean, I'd hug them too. But only if you were there, watching. Wait, not like dirty watching. Just like if it was normal and appropriate, not weird.


****. Nevermind.



haha thanks for the laugh!



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I really hope the cops looking for this guy already have an implied "shoot first, ask questions later" agreement in place. Or perhaps he already did the job himself and saved us the trouble.

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I think we should ship this guy off to ISIS and tell them what he did.


Being set on fire in a cage MAY be the most appropriate punishment for this piece of ****.

I was thinking more like locked inside a rancid porto-potty and set on fire. Only way to stop the burning is dive down into the hole....and then they drag you out and pull your skin off with pliers.

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His girlfriend's husband must be freaking out. "My wife's boyfriend just killed his whole family. What the !@#$ is he going to do to me?"


Plus, the girlfriend's husband also has to hear the **** from the girlfriend’s husband’s mistress. Now she's all like "how come you won't kill your family to go on coke binges with me? Blah blah blah..."


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Plus, the girlfriend's husband also has to hear the **** from the girlfriend’s husband’s mistress. Now she's all like "how come you won't kill your family to go on coke binges with me? Blah blah blah..."


Women... :rolleyes:

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I really hope the cops looking for this guy already have an implied "shoot first, ask questions later" agreement in place. Or perhaps he already did the job himself and saved us the trouble.


Yup. So there's that. At least somebody can "rest" with the notion the guy did realize what he had done, and saved taxpayers thousands of dollars in a pointless trial and imprisonment.


Just awful.

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