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Eminent Domain And The New Stadium


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Gee, I guess you don't remember when the lefty USSC justices ruled for ED in the infamous Kelo v New London case. <_<





Oh by the way, that property is now a vacant lot.




:) That case usually shuts up the knob gobblers on this site.

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If you're not paying your real estate taxes the government should reposes you home.

Just illustrating a point, not taking a stand.

The coercive powers of the government are invisible to most.

Edited by Nanker
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Just illustrating a point, not taking a stand.

The coercive powers of the government are invisible to most.


Or were invisible to most. Now that you can potentially have your house sold at auction for not having health insurance, it'll be more evident.



...what, no one thought of that? Don't have health insurance, incur a penalty. Don't pay the penalty with your income tax, get a lien against your real property. The IRS can then seize your property and sell at auction to satisfy the lien.

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Or were invisible to most. Now that you can potentially have your house sold at auction for not having health insurance, it'll be more evident.



...what, no one thought of that? Don't have health insurance, incur a penalty. Don't pay the penalty with your income tax, get a lien against your real property. The IRS can then seize your property and sell at auction to satisfy the lien.


Oh, come on. You just want to deny people health care.

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