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Leodis Fractured His Ankle - Placed on IR


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Even without the fumble last Sunday, he's been getting routinely roasted all year but dodging criticism because of the picks. He's one of the most frustrating players I've ever seen. Another example of why we are a loser franchise, this is a core player for us.

I think he's more of an example of too many fan's unrealistic expectations of every position being filled with HOF players that never make a bad play, let alone have a bad game.

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McKelvin literally had his ankle broken by a juke move. crazy, but maybe that's why you don't mess with karma. I like McKelvin and think he adds a lot to the DB core. Some people here hate him. I guess we'll see how it goes now that he's gone but i don't anticipate the DBs being better because he is out. I'm expecting worse play.

I like McKelvin as a DB as well. Just don't think he belongs returning kicks. Was sad to see him go down.
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