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(OT) Keith Richards Photo from


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sad part is, I bet he's still getting tons of ass because he's "Keith Richards"..


On the board where I saw this picture,

someone said he looks like the Indian Chief from The Outlaw Josey Wales. :D

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I've not a big Seinfeld fanatic, but I remember an episode where Kramer took up smoking. By the end of the show, he pretty much looked exactly like Keith Richards.


I believe Johnny Depp used Richards as the basis for his character in "Pirates of the Caribbean."

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I've not a big Seinfeld fanatic, but I remember an episode where Kramer took up smoking. By the end of the show, he pretty much looked exactly like Keith Richards.


I believe Johnny Depp used Richards as the basis for his character in "Pirates of the Caribbean."



On that point, the rumor is that Richards is going to play the father of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. Assuming of course that Keith doesn't expire before that happens, although I would not bet on that happening!

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Keith is looking more and more like Willie Nelson by the year...still a god though! Just wish the Stones would quit making records, before it gets harder to remember when they were the "world's greatest rock and roll band." Keith on his own, great, Mick is way past his prime....

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Keith looks like death warmed over, but the guy can still crank on the Fender Telecaster!



A guy I was in a band with once was a huge Stones fan. He would read all sorts of books about them, and in one it said that Keith would stay up partying for days on end killing himself with drugs and alcohol. When he would finally drop, he was out for two days or so. Think about it, how wasted would you have to be to pass out in America and wake up in England? :)

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On that point, the rumor is that Richards is going to play the father of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean sequel. Assuming of course that Keith doesn't expire before that happens, although I would not bet on that happening!



Even if he does kick...he's so incomprehensible and pickled already that no one will notice for about three years.

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