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Failing the physical

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Hi folks,


Sorry if I missed this in the topics, but I had a question:


How does a player (specifically, Marcel), "fail" his physical, and then a few days later, pass it?


I'm thinking that some of these designations are just labels so that a player technically

"can't participate" so that they can go deal with personal issues.


Either that or Marcel spent three straight days working out!


Any thoughts?

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Hi folks,


Sorry if I missed this in the topics, but I had a question:


How does a player (specifically, Marcel), "fail" his physical, and then a few days later, pass it?


I'm thinking that some of these designations are just labels so that a player technically

"can't participate" so that they can go deal with personal issues.


Either that or Marcel spent three straight days working out!


Any thoughts?


Roughly speaking it seems he was told to finish some sprints in 35 seconds and he was closer to 36. On a second go around he got closer to 34.


There's no advantage to the designation for 2-3 days as it's not like we brought anyone in. He simply didn't pass and the was able to later.



(Disclaimer: I made up those times completely to make a point)

Edited by NoSaint
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It was a conditioning drill that he failed. He had to run 10 sideline to sideline sprints under a certain time and couldn't do it.


Here's a good article on the subject: http://buffalowins.com/uncategorized/beyond-the-stats-nickelcitybills-runs-a-nfl-conditioning-test.html


Your correct. It's just an excuse by the team and a way to punish a player for being stupid.


The CBA prevents that and the NFLPA would be all over it if that was the case. Punishing him in that way could impact Dareus's market value, which could also in turn affect other players' values.


And what benefit would Marrone get out out that? Embarrassing Dareus? That's just as embarrassing to himself and the team.

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It was a conditioning drill that he failed. He had to run 10 sideline to sideline sprints under a certain time and couldn't do it.


Here's a good article on the subject: http://buffalowins.com/uncategorized/beyond-the-stats-nickelcitybills-runs-a-nfl-conditioning-test.html




The CBA prevents that and the NFLPA would be all over it if that was the case. Punishing him in that way could impact Dareus's market value, which could also in turn affect other players' values.


And what benefit would Marrone get out out that? Embarrassing Dareus? That's just as embarrassing to himself and the team.

in a perfect world, you may be right. In reality, it doesn't hold up. If you don't think teams or players do things that are unwanted by the league but happen anyway then your being naive. It happens.


That doesn't meant his is what happened in this case. I'm just stating a point in general.

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in a perfect world, you may be right. In reality, it doesn't hold up. If you don't think teams or players do things that are unwanted by the league but happen anyway then your being naive. It happens.


That doesn't meant his is what happened in this case. I'm just stating a point in general.


I agree that all sorts of stuff goes on behind closed doors that wouldn't pass muster out in the open; "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"


But I don't understand why anyone would think that Dareus would be "punished" in that way. The only thing I can think of is that Marrone would want to send a message that Dareus isn't going to get special treatment just because he's a stud. But that's based on Dareus not passing and Marrone not letting it slide.


Any other scenario doesn't add up. If Dareus passed the test, but Marrone flunked him anyway- what is the point of that?

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I agree that all sorts of stuff goes on behind closed doors that wouldn't pass muster out in the open; "If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'"


But I don't understand why anyone would think that Dareus would be "punished" in that way. The only thing I can think of is that Marrone would want to send a message that Dareus isn't going to get special treatment just because he's a stud. But that's based on Dareus not passing and Marrone not letting it slide.


Any other scenario doesn't add up. If Dareus passed the test, but Marrone flunked him anyway- what is the point of that?

thats actually more of what I meant. Doesn't mean he of it to punish him. My words. But more of a... You didn't pass. You never pass. We don't care your good so we usually let it slide. But because you've had the offseason you've had, were not letting it slide this time. Sends a message to him to get his head back on his shoulders.
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It's simple. He's a knucklehead as well as Branch, and did not workout enough especially his last month off to make the windsprints in the required time.


FWIW, I would have liked seeing both of these guys run suicides on the sidelines until they were in shape or threw up. Hell, my wrestling coach did that to us when we had a bad meet. He'd run us until guys were puking in the garbage can. You learn real quick to stay in shape and give it your all.


Sorry, but I have such little patience for a professional athlete who is being compensated to be in top shape. Dareus has carried extra weight since he came into the league. I've never been a fan of D Tackles who carry that extra tire. It only helps you to get gased in the 2nd half of games. It sucks as this CBA allows players who are lazy to not be in the shape they need to be in to compete. The stars are not going to get cut. Most players keep themselves in shape, and the marginal guys have to do so to make the team.

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