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Pro bowl Jill!


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That is one thing I don't miss about WNY. The quality of the women.



You mean you don't miss WNY's finest? The women back home either have mullets or look like they came out of a Whitesnake video. What I truly don't get is that there's like 5000 'cosmetology' schools there touted as 'career options' for the women-folk. You'd at least think they'd open an issue of Cosmo or something and get out of the 70's and 80's.


Too funny...


That reminds me of an old joke..."What do you call a good looking girl in Buffalo?"


...A tourist.


I love the Bills, but if that's the best they can drum up for a cheerleading squad, they should just dis-band the whole troupe.

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In all fairness - a lot of the guys still wear 80s style chothes and hair as well.


Good God, just go to the Galleria Mall in Cheektowaga, its like a Zubba convention. I have problems with Zubbas in public at all, but I can understand for a game, you know, team spirit and such, but to the mall? Its like going to the mall in your oldest pair of faded pajamas. :huh:<_<

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