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anyone lose a mini collie or sheltie @ tops

sweet baboo

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Not mine.... but we have adopted two stray dogs over the last 4 years and given them a nice home. You did a nice thing by bringing her in. Obviously call the local humane society to see if anyone has called looking for her.

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Are you kidding me??  What a waste of board space! :devil:



:lol::lol: What a wonderful caring individual you must be in person. Someone tries to do something kind and you can't even just pass it by, but rather have to insult the person for wasting YOUR boardspace? Wouldn't your complaining that this is a waste of board space also constitute a.... waste of board space??

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you should probably get your carpets cleaned...and what's up with the ice tea mix? It's like 10 degrees outside....





not my place...my friend's place...but he has to go to las vegas today, so I told him I'd take the dog until he comes back...or until someone claims her...not a big deal since I already have 2 dogs...she's extremely well behaved so if no one claims her, my friend wants to keep her

flyers are going up all over the place and i guess i'll try calling tom baurle like someone suggested and the local animal shelters tonight

we didn't want to drop her off at the local ASPCA because the last time I heard a girl dropped 2 kittens off there and they put them to sleep because they were short on budget and space to hold anymore animals

even if someone does claim her though, if we decide the person is a douchebag for leaving the animal out without any collar or other identification or is unfit to care for the animal, do we have to give her back? i don't want this to happen again

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not my place...my friend's place...but he has to go to las vegas today, so I told him I'd take the dog until he comes back...or until someone claims her...not a big deal since I already have 2 dogs...she's extremely well behaved so if no one claims her, my friend wants to keep her

flyers are going up all over the place and i guess i'll try calling tom baurle like someone suggested and the local animal shelters tonight

we didn't want to drop her off at the local ASPCA because the last time I heard a girl dropped 2 kittens off there and they put them to sleep because they were short on budget and space to hold anymore animals

even if someone does claim her though, if we decide the person is a douchebag for leaving the animal out without any collar or other identification or is unfit to care for the animal, do we have to give her back? i don't want this to happen again



a person owns a dog, and doesn't have a collar on it? Not only that, it is obviously missing, and they didn't contact the shelters?


I'd take the flyers down, do the dog a favor and keep it... Seems better off with you, my man...

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She may have snuck out.  Collies like to run.



yeah, but most dogs like to run... that's why even dogs that stay inside all the time (like my dog) have a collar with my name and number on it..


There's a chance she just got out, but I know for a fact if my pup got out, the local shelters would know about it right away, in case someone called or dropped her off...


Well, at least someone with a heart found her...

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i'm surprised the collie got out that far...beagles love to run, but even my geniuses were able to find their way home after 30 minutes...i'm out driving looking for my dog all over and when i come home to put on boots to walk through a swamp, he's sitting in front of the door waiting for me :devil:

collies, especially shelties are pretty good offleash dogs and stick with their owners

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collegeguy: Here's your solution. Go to the nearest ASPCA from the location you found the dog. Bring both the dog and your friend who's interested in owning her, fill out the necessary paperwork, and then wait 6 days for the owner to claim the dog. If no owner shows up after the sixth day, then your friend will be able to keep the collie, and she won't be put to sleep. Good luck, cg. That's a great thing you've done for this dog.

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