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My Buffalo Bills cycle for 17 weeks.


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Ive been living with my wife for 7 years now. Every Sunday I ask my wife..Do you know what today is? She responds..Its Buffalo Bills day! I say..Correct....then I ask...Do you know what we do on Buffalo Bills day? She responds...Cry. I always answer...No, we watch the BILLS! Then on Monday Im depressed, Tuesday I forget, Wednesday I start getting Pumped, Thursday I start to think by how many points the Bills are going to win, on Friday I play golf and drink Beer, on Saturday I spend time with my Family and get excited knowing the game is just around the corner and then on Sunday the Cycle starts again! Does Anyone else go through this vicious, vicious cycle? ALL THE BEST, GO BILLS!

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It's the glimmer of hope that we will trounce a team and get national attention that keeps us coming back week after week (since about 1976 anyway). Never has the quote "so you think there's a chance" meant more to anyone other than a Buffalo Bills fan. My wife and daughters laugh at me. My son supports me and suffers through most games. Go Bills!!

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Sunday, if the Bills are televised on my local affiliate, I will watch. I won't go to a bar to watch a game unless it's meaningful (i.e., a division game). If I can't see it, I listen to it on the radio. I stay off of TBD 90% of the time. Especially if the Bills are losing. I cook way too much food and drink way too much beer whilst cooking. Wins put me in great moods. Losses no longer put me in bad moods, although, last week's pick 6 made me slam my hand on the counter and yell the F word at the top of my lungs and I didn't see any of my cats for about 2 hours.


Monday - I criticize the bad; look for the silver lining; give credit where it's due.

Tuesday - I just go with the flow of whatever conversation is happening.

Wednesday - I get a nibble from the optimism bug. Then I scratch it and it becomes HUGE.

Thursday - I try to think in a more "non-homerish" fashion because I'm doing my picks. This is the day I start giving serious consideration to the upcoming game.

Friday - I'm generally locked in, as far as my confidence in a win (or confidence that we'll lose), but I keep a close eye on the players who haven't been practicing, or have been limited.

Saturday - I get psyched for the game and think about tomorrow's menu.


Then it's Sunday again .....

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Ive been living with my wife for 7 years now. Every Sunday I ask my wife..Do you know what today is? She responds..Its Buffalo Bills day! I say..Correct....then I ask...Do you know what we do on Buffalo Bills day? She responds...Cry. I always answer...No, we watch the BILLS! Then on Monday Im depressed, Tuesday I forget, Wednesday I start getting Pumped, Thursday I start to think by how many points the Bills are going to win, on Friday I play golf and drink Beer, on Saturday I spend time with my Family and get excited knowing the game is just around the corner and then on Sunday the Cycle starts again! Does Anyone else go through this vicious, vicious cycle? ALL THE BEST, GO BILLS!

Your wife is cool man.

My wife hates football now. She used to enjoy it. Now she hates it all.

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