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Pennsylvania man pays $7,143 property taxes in 1 dollar bills


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To your first paragraph: There is no business on the planet that won't accept immediate payment in one dollar bills. There is also no business that won't give a confirmed receipt of payment upon receipt of those monies.


To your second paragraph: that's illegal, and should, if courts are consistent, result in waiver of all debts for refusing to accept legal tender as payment.


Yeah... I figured the second part would be sketchy... Even the Blues Brothers made it on time! ;-)


The first part, why not just have a bill counter? And if not, after this, install one. Anyway, I agree, money is money. How hard is it to get all hands on deck and count it? Rattlle it off in tens and hundreds. Take a little time... No big deal.


Now on the shady side:


Slip two bogus bills in there and then have him arrested. How crooked would that be! LoL

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he can say the same thing, can't he?


Yes. I am siding w/the taxpayer off the start here. They should find everyway possible to take the money because THEY HAVE TO. But, that doesn't mean one side can't needle back.


Just saying....


What's the problem here? Let's see who can be more irratating and let the better side win!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Yes. I am siding w/the taxpayer off the start here. They should find everyway possible to take the money because THEY HAVE TO. But, that doesn't mean one side can't needle back.


Just saying....


What's the problem here? Let's see who can be more irratating and let the better side win!

well, one side is a private citizen exercising his right to protest while meeting his obligation as a taxpayer, and the other side is a department of public servants employed to collect those taxes.


I think they should be grateful he didn't try to pay his taxes using postage stamps.


just saying......

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I'm ambivilent about the creation of our Constitution; it's a far from perfect document that, over time, has become "a blank document". It carries some good, and a fair deal of bad; and could probably serve to be scrapped and rewritten from scratch.

To your assertion that the Articles were an economic failure? You'll have to defend that. You'll also have to defend the notion that they were a governing failure. They were imperfect, but at the time of their creation, they served the desires of the men who would ratify them. Men who largely wanted to retain their state autonomy.


I'm also amused by your revisionist version of Hamilton; who's party was the party of the ultra wealthy and connected whom, pioneering American political corruption, leveraged their influenece in government to enrich themselves at the expense of the common man.


I apologize for missing this gem, filled with some relevant points as it is, but largely nonsense. Please tell us how you would change the constitution, I'd love to hear that one. Articles as an economic failure? Easy, they were a failure on many levels, The states with war debt--yes the non slave holding states where fighting took place--were a mess, Shays rebellion happened for a reason, economic failure. The new government took care of that and the states recovered and prospered. The articles couldn't enforce tariff laws for protection from abroad and against blocking trade between the states. Heck, some states were not only putting up tariffs against each other but threatening war! Great success articles! A giant reason for the United Staes success as a nation is that we are a giant free trade zone created by the Federal constition, the articles didn't, couldn't and wouldn't have done that, they were too weak, much like your arguments. Hamilton is my favorite founding father by far, sure you can find dirt on the man but he helped create the real nation with the constitution and after with his economic plan.

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well, one side is a private citizen exercising his right to protest while meeting his obligation as a taxpayer, and the other side is a department of public servants employed to collect those taxes.


I think they should be grateful he didn't try to pay his taxes using postage stamps.


just saying......


Or pennies! It would have been miserable on him! ;-)

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well, one side is a private citizen exercising his right to protest while meeting his obligation as a taxpayer, and the other side is a department of public servants employed to collect those taxes.


I think they should be grateful he didn't try to pay his taxes using postage stamps.


just saying......


Or S&H Green stamps.

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Or S&H Green stamps.


I am collecting Jewel/Osco (Albertson's) Rachael Ray stamps... For a new set of dishes... Will they take those?




Quarters would have been cool... Take that! Count all 28,572 of those bad boys you stickin' tax man! He could have entered the office looking like Flounder from Animal House... Instead of holding marbles, he'd have quarters:



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I am collecting Jewel/Osco (Albertson's) Rachael Ray stamps... For a new set of dishes... Will they take those?




Quarters would have been cool... Take that! Count all 28,572 of those bad boys you stickin' tax man! He could have entered the office looking like Flounder from Animal House... Instead of holding marbles, he'd have quarters:




Quarters would have been easier to count seeing they could require that they were rolled.

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Let's see what would be easier? Counting 7,143 bills or 714 rolls of quarters? And you're giving me a :doh::rolleyes:


You ever count a few thousand dollars of paper money. It's not easy.


And he could save 178 bucks if he leaves one quarter outta each roll...


How hard is it to have one of these:



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Why would you ever have one of those if no one ever pays in cash. I used to count several thousand dollars a day by hand and I didn't have one. The place is not a bank.


Because d*ckheads exist. It also detects bogus bills... I guess now they can justify it. And it is under 200 bucks.


They did, they went to a bank and used their cash counter.



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