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Morbid, but interesting: Last living photos of dead people


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It would have been cooler had the mentioned how soon after those pics they died. :doh:


Yes it would have.


Glad to see a pic Paramahansa Yogananda, his teachings are amazing, a great place to start to learn the truth about reality and the afterlife. He has a church here in Encinitas that I have attended.


In that pic of Ghandi, was that the assassin with the gun in his hand standing in front of him? I've never seen that pic before.

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i have an excellent understanding of the afterlife...in fact i have pictures






(and yes i am messing with you)




Yes it would have.


Glad to see a pic Paramahansa Yogananda, his teachings are amazing, a great place to start to learn the truth about reality and the afterlife. He has a church here in Encinitas that I have attended.


In that pic of Ghandi, was that the assassin with the gun in his hand standing in front of him? I've never seen that pic before.

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Yes it would have.


Glad to see a pic Paramahansa Yogananda, his teachings are amazing, a great place to start to learn the truth about reality and the afterlife. He has a church here in Encinitas that I have attended.


In that pic of Ghandi, was that the assassin with the gun in his hand standing in front of him? I've never seen that pic before.


I read Autobiography of a Yogi. I'm spiritual and into yoga, but all of those things that broke the laws of physics, etc. - is that supposed to be taken literally? What's your take on it?

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I guess it is my fault... But somebody should have warned me to finish my lunch (grilled beer brats and mustard) before getting to number 30: Tammy Faye. I almost heaved!


And I got a strong stomach!


I saw that interview with Larry king live. Told my wife she would be dead in 24 hours. She died like 8 hours later.



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I read Autobiography of a Yogi. I'm spiritual and into yoga, but all of those things that broke the laws of physics, etc. - is that supposed to be taken literally? What's your take on it?


Is that the one that where they supposedly could fly after meditating? If so, it looked like crap to me, they were just hopping around with their legs folded.

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I didn't see Steve Jobs, Winehouse, Cobain. It ended with the Challenger crew.


Yeah... Didn't see them either. Mine ended with Tammy Faye... Only a few recent ones, they probably had to re-work them if families of the people complained... My had Mark Twain, Robert E. Lee, Lincoln (BTW he could NEVER be prez in today's vain world)...

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