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[OT] Official 24 thread

Just Jack

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JimBob - Don't bother with seasons tewo and three, they were only so so . Season one had to be some of the best television that I have ever seen. Do yourself a favor and rent it. I gaurantee you will wtach the whole thing in one weekend.


Great Avatar by the way.


Agreed completely. Season 1, especially the first half, was amazing. 2 and 3 were alright, but nothing like 1. It's definitely worth renting/buying on DVD.

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Agreed completely.  Season 1, especially the first half, was amazing.  2 and 3 were alright, but nothing like 1.  It's definitely worth renting/buying on DVD.



I'm new to 24 also. I loved the first 4 episodes.....and only knew it was on because of football to be honest. So....I can go to say.....blockbuster and rent the other series on DVD???


I haven't been to a movie store in years. They have the previous seasons at movie rental stores???

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I'm new to 24 also.  I loved the first 4 episodes.....and only knew it was on because of football to be honest.  So....I can go to say.....blockbuster and rent the other series on DVD???


I haven't been to a movie store in years.  They have the previous seasons at movie rental stores???


Yes - I actually didn't watch the 1st season when it was on. My roommates at the time watched the rerun-marathon on Labor Day in 2002 on FX - 24 hours of 24 - where they showed the entire season. They, being 22 year old druggies, watched the entire thing straight. I finally got sucked in by about the 15th episode or so, and couldn't move, I watched the last 8 or whatever episodes. Then the following May, after the end of season 2, I decided to watch season 1 in its entirety (my roommate had it saved on his Tivo). Took me about 4 days, WITH work in between (wasn't on vacation or anything) - it was THAT good to watch, especially the beginning of the season like I said.


As far as the DVD, yes you can rent it at Blockbuster, might be cheaper than buying the entire season, that's probably 8 discs or so. But it's well worth it if you have the time. And they are all fairly independent of each other. While there are some characters/plot lines that carry over, some more subtly than others, you can still enjoy any season in and of itself without really knowing the rest.


And dammit get rid of that cowbell man :P

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Yes - I actually didn't watch the 1st season when it was on.  My roommates at the time watched the rerun-marathon on Labor Day in 2002 on FX - 24 hours of 24 - where they showed the entire season.  They, being 22 year old druggies, watched the entire thing straight.  I finally got sucked in by about the 15th episode or so, and couldn't move, I watched the last 8 or whatever episodes.  Then the following May, after the end of season 2, I decided to watch season 1 in its entirety (my roommate had it saved on his Tivo).  Took me about 4 days, WITH work in between (wasn't on vacation or anything) - it was THAT good to watch, especially the beginning of the season like I said.


As far as the DVD, yes you can rent it at Blockbuster, might be cheaper than buying the entire season, that's probably 8 discs or so.  But it's well worth it if you have the time.  And they are all fairly independent of each other.  While there are some characters/plot lines that carry over, some more subtly than others, you can still enjoy any season in and of itself without really knowing the rest.


And dammit get rid of that cowbell man  :P



LOL, I'm too lazy to read up on how to change it back to normal. I was all caught up in cowbell, and now I have to learn on how to get rid of it!


Well, since we have a 4 day holiday this weekend in VA, I think this is the right time to visit blockbuster and check this out. Hope I returned everything when I was in college. lol



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Agreed completely.  Season 1, especially the first half, was amazing.  2 and 3 were alright, but nothing like 1.  It's definitely worth renting/buying on DVD.


The first 13 episodes of Season 1 might be the best TV I've ever seen. Unbelievable.


Ira Gaines might be the best TV villian ever.

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Another thing to consider, the mother said "This is the key to everything"...and since the man who they took the case from had it handcuffed to his wrist most assume that the contents are from the US Gov (papers, nuke codes whatever). But I don't think this is the case.


If it was a US briefcase, then they would know what was inside (and that it was missing) as soon as the train crashed. But since it's been 3 hours and still no one in the Gov't appears to be missing a vital briefcase, it's more plausible that the case was another criminals (or another country).


Also, since they opened it like a million times, I don't think it's anything biologic or chemical or explosive (since it survived the crash and stuff).


The Arab mother refered to the briefcase as the "device". It could actually be a bomb of some sort.

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The Arab mother refered to the briefcase as the "device". It could actually be a bomb of some sort.



Thats a great call. I didn't catch that the first time.


I don't know if it's a bomb though, only because if it was I think they would have used a different method to get it (rather than blowing up the train I mean...for if it was a bomb that might be a tad risky).


Maybe it has something to do with the internet attack?

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The first 13 episodes of Season 1 might be the best TV I've ever seen.  Unbelievable.


Ira Gaines might be the best TV villian ever.



Agreed on both counts. Season 1 was the best, by far. Season 3 probably is second in my book. I wondered if I liked season 1 the best because it was new, but after 2 & 3, it became obvious.


Ira Gaines was cool (for a villian).

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Maybe it has something to do with the internet attack?



I'd have to say the internet attack is probably what we're looking at, combined with some threat to bomb something. Thus, CTU/FBI/whoever would be hampered in the investigation.


Being an IT/Internet guy, I hope that's the case. I'll rip the accuracy to shreds while enjoying the entertainment. :doh:

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Agreed on both counts. Season 1 was the best, by far. Season 3 probably is second in my book. I wondered if I liked season 1 the best because it was new, but after 2 & 3, it became obvious.


Ira Gaines was cool (for a villian).


"Bury your friend."


"In the ground."


At least they had Dennis Hopper around later to replace Ira. They haven't had anyone that cool since.


I guess I can't pick between seasons 2 and 3. They sort of blend together. Season 2 did have a much better finale, though, with Jack snapping that guy's neck by running up the wall Matrix-style. Season 3 just fizzled out.

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I am undecided on how I feel about last nights episode. It felt like I've seen alot of what happened in last weeks previews and the commercials that nothing surprised me.


On a side note, I've just ordered Season One for $25 from Amazon.

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As far as the DVD, yes you can rent it at Blockbuster, might be cheaper than buying the entire season, that's probably 8 discs or so.



I picked up Season 1 from Amazon for $14.99. It was on sale last November when season 3 was being released...

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I am undecided on how I feel about last nights episode. It felt like I've seen alot of what happened in last weeks previews and the commercials that nothing surprised me.


On a side note, I've just ordered Season One for $25 from Amazon.




i like last nights episode...because they didn't go over the top with extreme unrealistic action. and they set me up to look forward to how Jack cleans house next week with only 10 minutes before the prememptive strike hits.


although...thier previews show that the premptive strike likely is canceled.

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Solid episode tonight - after 3 and a half seasons I was not at all surprised that Jack was able to more or less rescue the SoD by himself. Good twists with the son, first looking dead, then turning on them - that's quite the dysfunctional family. Saw the "black-Nina" as a mole from the first time she showed up - that was pretty obvious. But I like the new storyline focus on the nuclear plants, and how the kidnapping of the SoD had absolutely nothing to do with it. Looking forward to a couple filler episodes until the 12th one..

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Agreed, great episode. But how many seasons has CTU had a mole? First season was Nina, and I think I recall another either in the 2nd or 3rd season.

I think we'll be seeing Chloe again with the preview for next week, showing Edgar hesitant to hack into the nuke plants.

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Agreed, great episode. But how many seasons has CTU had a mole? First season was Nina, and I think I recall another either in the 2nd or 3rd season.

I think we'll be seeing Chloe again with the preview for next week, showing Edgar hesitant to hack into the nuke plants.


I agree with the mole as an ever-recurring concept - but on this one I give them a pass. This chick was "brought in" it seems for no reason at all, apparently as a consultant, I dont really remember I think it was the second hour. Apparently sleeping with Curtis got her enough clout to get into CTU. I have a feeling she may not be dealing with the "top" level terrorists, as it is so early in the season to reveal something so damaging, and now every show will be her trying to avert CTU and get info out to her comrades.


Keep in mind, though, last season we thought Gael was a mole, when in fact he was working with Tony unbeknownst to anyone else at CTU. Could be a similar route here..

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Agreed, great episode. But how many seasons has CTU had a mole? First season was Nina, and I think I recall another either in the 2nd or 3rd season.

I think we'll be seeing Chloe again with the preview for next week, showing Edgar hesitant to hack into the nuke plants.


It's a fact of the job. Government employees in those kinds of jobs are notoriously overworked and underpaid. That's one reason there are so many "consultants" in the industry because they can be paid outside the government wage scale. Of course, Chloe is a consultant, which is kinda opposite.

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Keep in mind, though, last season we thought Gael was a mole, when in fact he was working with Tony unbeknownst to anyone else at CTU.  Could be a similar route here..


At least last season, there was an underlying reason why Gael was acting as a mole (Jack had been undercover with the Salazars previously). I don't see anything similar yet....but I'm sure we'll know soon.


Usually, I pick up on these things...I didn't see the Marianne/mole thing coming. :)

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At least last season, there was an underlying reason why Gael was acting as a mole (Jack had been undercover with the Salazars previously). I don't see anything similar yet....but I'm sure we'll know soon.


Usually, I pick up on these things...I didn't see the Marianne/mole thing coming.  :)


I think she's moling for someone else -- NOT the middle eastern terrorists we already know. We know she's ambitious, so it's got to be more than money, which is all the terrorists could offer.


I'm thinking it's corporate espionage: she works for the defense contractor that already one-upped CTU by sending it for DOD clearance, thereby establishing that it (the contractor) is already big heat in Washington. When Marianne completes her mission she gets a senior job with the contractor and gets to bully the lowly government agents.


Or she's just doing it for the money.

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