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:lol:  :lol:  Like us not signing Beltran makes ANY difference at all. While we sh-- the bed on the Giambi deal I'm glad we didn't overpay, for a change, for Beltran.

I feel damn good about our lineup going into spring training. I only hope our pitching signings work out for us.


It is funny too how the Yankees get pulled into everything that happens in baseball.  :lol:


The line below your avatar is laughable.

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the yankees didn't sign him because georgie is losing too much money these days.



George is not LOSING money. He's making money hand over fist and that's why he can pay what he does. There are limits though but to think that GS is losing money is a rediculous statement.

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But is he worth a million dollars LESS than roid-boy and defensive liability Jason Giambi?


Didn't the brilliant Yankees pay him $120 for 7 years?


Mo Vaughn still on the payroll? How's about Jeremy Burnitz? Robbie Alomar? Roger Cedeno?


All I can say is you better hope he plays somewhere near the number and he's more the player he was in the post season than the guy hit .258 with 2 HRs and 7 RBIs in September.

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As I pointed out on the board yesterday, you won't get a single Yankee fan to acknowledge what a joke the Giambi situation is, yet they can bust the Mets for signing a guy who has NATURAL talent, not talent created by a chemical company.


And you know this how? Seriously, it wouldn't surprise me if 75% of all MLB position players were on some kind of performance enhancer. There's simply too much money involved for that question not to cross your mind.

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As I pointed out on the board yesterday, you won't get a single Yankee fan to acknowledge what a joke the Giambi situation is, yet they can bust the Mets for signing a guy who has NATURAL talent, not talent created by a chemical company.




You cant be serious right???

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As I pointed out on the board yesterday, you won't get a single Yankee fan to acknowledge what a joke the Giambi situation is, yet they can bust the Mets for signing a guy who has NATURAL talent, not talent created by a chemical company.



Chemical company or not it still takes talent, natural talent, to be able to put a bat on a 90+ mph fastball. Chemicals may increase strength but they have NOTHING to do with hand/eye coordination. IDIOT!

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Mo Vaughn still on the payroll?  How's about Jeremy Burnitz?  Robbie Alomar? Roger Cedeno? 


All I can say is you better hope he plays somewhere near the number and he's more the player he was in the post season than the guy hit .258 with 2 HRs and 7 RBIs in September.



We'd like to put the Steve Phillips era behind us......he was too busy banging his nasty secretary to notice that he was signing pathetic has-beens. btw, it did warm my heart to see Roger Cedeno fail to get a hit in the ninth inning of two World Series losses last fall (insert your best Tony LaRussa joke here).


As for Beltran, he's been an emerging star for a few years now. Most people barely heard of him before the playoffs last year, but I've followed him the past few years in K.C. The Mets needed a stud player, so whether or not his 'value' is high or low by $20MM isn't that relevant over 7 years. If he's a star, than the deal will be a bargin relative to Manny or A-Rod; if he's a bust, than he would have been a bust at $100MM too.


Also, signing a big name takes pressure off the other guys both in the press (important in NYC) and in the lineup. If guys like Cameron, Matsui and Reyes can relax a bit, they might have better years and this team could suddenly be very competitive. Clearly Beltran can't carry the load all by himself, but someone has to be the leader and Piazza is getting old fast.

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Chemical company or not it still takes talent, natural talent, to be able to put a bat on a 90+ mph fastball. Chemicals may increase strength but they have NOTHING to do with hand/eye coordination. IDIOT!



I always hate hearing this argument.


Yes, increasing your strength doesn't help with eye-hand coordination, BUT it does turn that weak grounder into a "seeing eye" single or will make a flyball carry that much more and become a HR (bonds).


All these guys already have eye-hand coordination or they wouldn't be playing in the majors.


Who knows if Beltran was juiced last year. He probably was considering how much better his numbers got, but if I was in their place I probabaly would have done the exact same thing.


Wasn't it everyone's dream to play 1st base for the Yankees? :D


Also, Beltran is not worth that much money. Hopefully the Mets have some outs in the contract if he gets hurt and can't play.

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why should we eat our hearts out? so we may face each other in the world series where we can once again own pedro and newly aquired carlos...whats his name again? oh yeah beltran....YAWN!


The Mets have reached an agreement in principle with free-agent Carlos Beltran on a $119-million seven-year deal, pending a physical on Monday. The press conference should take place Tuesday. The agreement also includes an $11-million signing bonus and a no-trade clause as part of the deal.


Carlos, welcome to the good part of town.


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Who knows if Beltran was juiced last year.  He probably was considering how much better his numbers got, but if I was in their place I probabaly would have done the exact same thing.



Huh? In terms of BA it was his worst season in four years. His numbers didn't get "better" until the playoffs. Are you suggesting that he 'roided up' for two weeks? :D

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Just a little tidbit for you from the New York Post...


Early Saturday evening, agent Scott Boras reached out to Yankee officials and said his client preferred their team and would accept a contract for $16.6 million a season over six years, a total of $99.6 million, according to sources familiar with the negotiations. The Yanks, as they had throughout this process, told Boras their payroll simply could not afford another expensive, long-term deal. The Yanks noted that under the current collective bargaining agreement, they would pay approximately $40 million extra in taxes on top of Beltran's contract, and the organization simply did not want to do that, even if given a chance to pay roughly $19 million less than the Mets for Beltran. The Yankees, in fact, never made an offer.



So, now let me laugh at you, Mr. Mets Fan. You were the LAST choice and it was ONLY because of the money. :D0:):lol:

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It is funny how he would have taken 20M less to play for the Yankees--because he wants to play for a contender!!! Astros were pretty dumb for not letting him have a no-trade clause. He probably would have done much better in Houston than he will in NY, even though it's the Mets :D0:):lol:

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It is funny how he would have taken 20M less to play for the Yankees--because he wants to play for a contender!!!  Astros were pretty dumb for not letting him have a no-trade clause.  He probably would have done much better in Houston than he will in NY, even though it's the Mets 0:)  :lol:  :lol:


I agree. The Astros just needed to give him a No-Trade clause. How hard is that? They offered it to Andy Pettite and he's injury prone. And something tells me that if the Randy Johnson deal fell thru again and was dead, George Steinbrenner would have opened his wallet to sign Carlos Beltran. Oh well...Randy Johnson was more of a need. I can't wait to see the Big Unit in pinstripes. :lol::D

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As I pointed out on the board yesterday, you won't get a single Yankee fan to acknowledge what a joke the Giambi situation is, yet they can bust the Mets for signing a guy who has NATURAL talent, not talent created by a chemical company.



Personally, I barely watch 3-4 baseball games a year, then they're usually only in the playoff/WS, Yet, when the Yankees signed Giambi, he had just come off three outstanding offensive years with the A's and his first year with the Yankees was a 41 hr, 122 RBI, and a ".314" season (just researched it).


Beltran may be a better defensive player, granted, but his offensive production doesn't even come anywhere near what Giambi's was. Giambi may have turned out to be a "chemical" star, but Beltran was just flat out overpaid, more so than even Giambi.


In fact, these salaries are why I no longer follow the game and haven't for years. Baseball has no system in place (NFL) to level the playing field. I much preferred the days of when teams were built thru the quality of their farm systems and a few key trades. FA killed the game for this former die hard baseball fan. That and "chemicals", greedy owners, greedy players, and a system that ensures disparity amongst the teams.

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I agree.  The Astros just needed to give him a No-Trade clause.  How hard is that?  They offered it to Andy Pettite and he's injury prone.  And something tells me that if the Randy Johnson deal fell thru again and was dead, George Steinbrenner would have opened his wallet to sign Carlos Beltran. Oh well...Randy Johnson was more of a need.  I can't wait to see the Big Unit in pinstripes.  0:)  :D




As a Yankees fan, Id MUCH rater sign Beltran and have him as the CF for 7-8 years then a 41 yr old P who wont be here long, just my opinion.

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No wait, Mets fans WANT to feel like small market fans, dont $poil their fun!!!  0:)  :lol:  :lol:





Come on, they have to know that their team is going to become another New York Yankees. Wait until their TV station goes on air. They will probably spend just as much as George, except they buy CRAP. He knows what he is buying most of the time. :D

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