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Who really thinks Nix is in charge with this hire?

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I notice you didn't mention his record, or how he failed to draft and develop a QB in 3 years, or how he made Fitz the QB of the future, or how he traded Marshawn for sh*t, or how he has drafted exactly one impact player in 3 drafts. I could keep going but he's gonna be fazed out soon so what's the point.

I think Nix's stint as GM has been average. He has added some good talent and depth to the roster, but has also made some critical blunders especially at the QB position. The only think a good GM would have done is to look at the 2013 QB class and realize that there is nothing there and made a conscious effort to pick one of the QBs in a QB rich draft in 2012.


Some of the other failures on Nix's part is bringing in Merriman and paying him all that money, signing a washed up RG in Green. Finally, to this day, the signing of Brad Smith has been a big bust.

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You really have to be the most negative person I have ever encountered. You may not like this hire and that's fine. There are a ton of question marks about this guy like there is about all of the candidates. But you just naturally choose to look to the negative about everything. You can't really believe this seems like a Nix hire. Nix likes guys from the South, and/or old school NFL guys who have been HC in the NFL before.

What Kelly said.



I have been brutally tough on this team over the last ten years or so. But even I am willing to give them some credit for what has happened this week. They are trying to change, and trying to win. Take a breath and consider that.



Well, there was some facetiousness to the post, for the reasons I listed. I wasn't limiting it to a geographic region.


Many times I have said I would love to be proven wrong--be it the Buddy selection, then his pick of Chan, then HIS pick of Wanny....\


Maybe I'm always gonna be a (not "the") guy who says, "hey, wait a minute"...but when I first heard they were considering Marrone, I, like many, assumed it was some sort of courtesy to the guy and to the region. I think the general sentiment was the same. Now that he is the pick, I am just questioning why everyone is jumping on board as though this was the most obvious choice all along.


That's all.

Weo, while I appreciate your frustration, the Bills got this one right. Saying he had a mediocre college career is pretty ignorant. He took over a complete dumpster fire. He has zero recruiting base in NY. DC, which is used to be a fertile recruiting ground for Syracuse is gone to the SEC (Bama's monster RT is from DC), and he had Dukes point guard starting at QB in his first year. His career at Cuse was anything but mediocre.


This last year he whooped a BCS team, tied for the division championship, won a bowl game vs a Big 12 team and beat a team from the SEC. Anyone who follows CFB knows he did a top 10 coaching job there this year. What was he suppose to do at Cuse?




Dareus was the 3rd overall pick. Didn't take a genius to pull the trigger on that one.


What was he supposed to do at 'cuse? Not sure. Also not sure what he did for us to say-"we HAVE to have him". That's all I'm asking. I really haven't seen much to explain except pointing to this year's performance (which I have argued is, along with a bad crop of candidates, the only reason he's here). Did he "turn around" Syracuse? Maybe--he had 4,8, then 5, then 8 win seasons. Not bad I guess.


But I will take a breath as Coach says. Let's see who he picks for staff. But Lord help the board if he taps Hue Jackson or some such nonsense!

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That's your response? TY Hilton, Dwayne Allen and of course, Russell WIlson were all 3rd rounders this year. Of course Buddy passed on them for TJ Graham but that's besides the point.


Yes, that's my response.


Your response was basically "Buddy Is a below average GM because he got a 4th round pick instead of a 3rd."


It's nonsense. It's beyond nonsense.



I think Nix's stint as GM has been average. He has added some good talent and depth to the roster, but has also made some critical blunders especially at the QB position. The only think a good GM would have done is to look at the 2013 QB class and realize that there is nothing there and made a conscious effort to pick one of the QBs in a QB rich draft in 2012.


Some of the other failures on Nix's part is bringing in Merriman and paying him all that money, signing a washed up RG in Green. Finally, to this day, the signing of Brad Smith has been a big bust.


Brad Smith was a Chan Gailey move.


QB's I agree with.

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We can argue and not know all day long whether this was a Brandon move, a Whaley move, or a move both of them jointly were in favor of. But this does not at all look like a Buddy Nix hire, although he may very well have a lot of respect for Marrone like a lot of established NFL brass.


Personally, I think both Brandon and Whaley were all over this guy, and I especially like that in one week we have gone from Ralph/Nix/Chan to Brandon/Whaley/Marrone. Young, aggressive, organized, detail oriented. Not your daddy's or Uncle Ralphy's Bills.


I just hope it shows up on the field, i don't know how to react, I think our QB will be this Nassib guy yet i don't think he is the best out there this year , Taj Boyd is my pick .


This has Brandon all over it ...

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This has Brandon all over it ...


Listening to several NFL commentators, front office personnel, coaches and scouts lately, that could be a positive thing.



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Nix hired Gailey.


How does this appear to be a Nix move to you?


An NFL coach that became a HC at the collegiate

level where he posted a rather unimpressive record in a predominately basketball conference before returning to the NFL, and HC of the Bills.


Now, where have I seen this before?


Not trying to predict who made the Marrone pick, but just noticing a similar pattern.

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An NFL coach that became a HC at the collegiate

level where he posted a rather unimpressive record in a predominately basketball conference before returning to the NFL, and HC of the Bills.


Now, where have I seen this before?


Not trying to predict who made the Marrone pick, but just noticing a similar pattern.


I could recite the many more differences than similarities between Marrone and Gailey but I sense I'd be wasting my time.

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I could recite the many more differences than similarities between Marrone and Gailey but I sense I'd be wasting my time.


You can list all the differences you want.

Unless I missed something, prior to the current situation, Nix's entire HC selection portfolio consisted of one hire.

I find it odd people can look at that present hire and state with a certainty that Nix had nothing to do with based on what? His one previous hire?

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You can list all the differences you want.

Unless I missed something, prior to the current situation, Nix's entire HC selection portfolio consisted of one hire.

I find it odd people can look at that present hire and state with a certainty that Nix had nothing to do with based on what? His one previous hire?


And you used his first hire as an argument (similarities) that the Marrone hire was also a Nix hire.



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I find it odd people can look at that present hire and state with a certainty that Nix had nothing to do with based on what? His one previous hire?


I think it has more to do with Nix's comments and philosophy over the years and not so much the Chan hiring. We've heard Nix say things like "you'd like to get a guy with NFL head coaching experience" and "the percentages of being successful is hiring a guy that's done it." Of course he will then add the standard GM-speak like "we will hire who we think is the best guy regardless," but if you've listened to Nix intently over the years it's pretty easy to see that this hiring has Brandon's and Whaley's fingerprints all over it. A Nix hiring would be Lovie Smith or Whis, two guys with NFL track records at HC that went to a Superbowl.

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That's your response? TY Hilton, Dwayne Allen and of course, Russell WIlson were all 3rd rounders this year. Of course Buddy passed on them for TJ Graham but that's besides the point.


Hilton and Allen's success had everything to do with Andrew Luck. I bet if Graham played with Luck, his numbers would be similar to that of Hilton's. That's what a great QB will do for you.

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And you used his first hire as an argument (similarities) that the Marrone hire was also a Nix hire.




I explicitly said I wasn't predicting who made the Marrone pick.

I pointed out a similarity between the two choices with the implication being how can you say, with certainty, he did not?

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Hilton and Allen's success had everything to do with Andrew Luck. I bet if Graham played with Luck, his numbers would be similar to that of Hilton's. That's what a great QB will do for you.

Hogwash!! T.Y. Hilton was a much better player than Graham in college. And many of us thought that was who Buddy was picking when they traded up in round 3. When they announced WR T.... I started screaming Hilton ... and then heard T.J. Graham and almost soiled my undies. The only way Andrew Luck could make T.J. Graham better is if he threw Graham the ball and then ran as fast as he could and caught it for him... and then handed it to him. What a complete waste. Can't get open/ can't catch ----> thanks Buddy.
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You can list all the differences you want.

Unless I missed something, prior to the current situation, Nix's entire HC selection portfolio consisted of one hire.

I find it odd people can look at that present hire and state with a certainty that Nix had nothing to do with based on what? His one previous hire?


Same here.


The logic seems ridiculous at best and idiotic at worst.


Hogwash!! T.Y. Hilton was a much better player than Graham in college. And many of us thought that was who Buddy was picking when they traded up in round 3. When they announced WR T.... I started screaming Hilton ... and then heard T.J. Graham and almost soiled my undies. The only way Andrew Luck could make T.J. Graham better is if he threw Graham the ball and then ran as fast as he could and caught it for him... and then handed it to him. What a complete waste. Can't get open/ can't catch ----> thanks Buddy.


He can't catch, yet he had only 19 less catches than Hilton. Huh?

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I think it has more to do with Nix's comments and philosophy over the years and not so much the Chan hiring. We've heard Nix say things like "you'd like to get a guy with NFL head coaching experience" and "the percentages of being successful is hiring a guy that's done it." Of course he will then add the standard GM-speak like "we will hire who we think is the best guy regardless," but if you've listened to Nix intently over the years it's pretty easy to see that this hiring has Brandon's and Whaley's fingerprints all over it. A Nix hiring would be Lovie Smith or Whis, two guys with NFL track records at HC that went to a Superbowl.


Anyone care to respond to this?

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Hilton and Allen's success had everything to do with Andrew Luck. I bet if Graham played with Luck, his numbers would be similar to that of Hilton's. That's what a great QB will do for you.

+1. It would have been nice for the Bills to have given Graham a lot of reps in the pre-season games and introduced him into the starting XI at the beginning of the season rather than putting him in the spotlight of just making the winning play against the Patriots.


Anyone care to respond to this?

Nix would have probably offered the Job (HC) to Norv Turner based on his time with the Chargers.

Whaley would have offered the job to Wisenhunt or Horton if he had full control.


The fact that we hired a College coach, more than likely indicates that the decision came from the 3rd decision maker in Russ Brandon

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