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Whatcha gonna do with your little pop guns?

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Actually, as this is an unmoderated internet message board, I can do EXACTLY that. I read your post where you answered the question - pretty funny edit dude. :)


So by your definition, a gun is a tool because it is:


an instrument of manual operation


used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose


I'm thinking of something else that fits that definition. Guess who?


You're all fired up...lol


An un-moderated messaged board that you were banned from :lol:

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An un-moderated messaged board that you were banned from :lol:

Well, for a post on OTW, but nice point I guess.


Go get me a doughnut!


It's fun messing with the new guys. I missed out on the early immigration period.


With your politics, you must be like Mussolini up there.

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I've been trying to find nonpartisan research analyzing the relationship between access to guns and gun control laws to violent crime. Its very difficult since most of what is written is clearly with written with an agenda in mind and is not data driven. I did find one article written by Steven Levitt which tries to answer the question:


Understanding why crime fell in the 1990s: four factors that explain the decline and six that do not



His six that do not:

1) the strong economy of the 90s

2) changing demographics

3) better policing strategies

4) gun control laws

5) laws allowing the carying of concealed weapons

6) increased use of capital punishment


four that do:

1) increases in the number of police

2) the rising prison population

3) the receding crack epidemic

4) the legalization of abortion*


If you know of a good research article, or even better, where to find data on gun ownership and crime data please post or pm me.




*suprising, to him as well. His hypothesis: unwanted children are at greater risk for crime and legalized abortion leads to a reduction in the number of unwanted births.


edit: as i'm reading, one more interesting note in the article; "Indeed, the most careful study on the subject finds

that higher rates of handgun ownership, which represent about one-third of all firearms, may be a causal factor in violent crime rates (Duggan, 2001)."

Edited by janicks
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I've been trying to find nonpartisan research analyzing the relationship between access to guns and gun control laws to violent crime. Its very difficult since most of what is written is clearly with written with an agenda in mind and is not data driven. I did find one article written by Steven Levitt which tries to answer the question:


Understanding why crime fell in the 1990s: four factors that explain the decline and six that do not



His six that do not:

1) the strong economy of the 90s

2) changing demographics

3) better policing strategies

4) gun control laws

5) laws allowing the carying of concealed weapons

6) increased use of capital punishment


four that do:

1) increases in the number of police

2) the rising prison population

3) the receding crack epidemic

4) the legalization of abortion*


If you know of a good research article, or even better, where to find data on gun ownership and crime data please post or pm me.




*suprising, to him as well. His hypothesis: unwanted children are at greater risk for crime and legalized abortion leads to a reduction in the number of unwanted births.


Interesting... Thanx...

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The events leading to this thread were indeed tragic.


Your citing an extremely unlikely event to support your love of guns is dishonest.

So you're arguing that a violent threat is so rare that an individual shouldn't take proactive steps to prevent those occurrences because it's a needless fear...


And then propose a major overhaul to our entire governing philosophy and body of law, up to our Highest Law in response to those nearly non-existent incidents?





You see no flaws with your logic here?

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Simple question- and I have never handled a gun, so I am not qualified to answer this. Should gun owners have to be trained in proper usage? I would assume using them in stressful situations would be very difficult


It's funny you should ask that. I went to the gun range a couple of months ago for the very first time. Shot off a few rounds, I'm horribly inaccurate btw, and was approached by the manager asking me if I wanted a concealed weapons permit. When I asked him what I had to do to get one he replied with, "I've seen you handle a gun, that's enough for me. All you have to do now is get a passport photo made, get a copy of your criminal background and get your fingerprints ". When I asked him about the training I'm supposed to go through he said to forget about that just give me an extra $20.


No wonder Florida has one million weapons permits handed out.

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It's funny you should ask that. I went to the gun range a couple of months ago for the very first time. Shot off a few rounds, I'm horribly inaccurate btw, and was approached by the manager asking me if I wanted a concealed weapons permit. When I asked him what I had to do to get one he replied with, "I've seen you handle a gun, that's enough for me. All you have to do now is get a passport photo made, get a copy of your criminal background and get your fingerprints ". When I asked him about the training I'm supposed to go through he said to forget about that just give me an extra $20.


No wonder Florida has one million weapons permits handed out.


/inappropriate joke below


I'm a bit more disturbed about giving a weapons permit to a Palestinian.



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Brilliant. Why stop there? Let's arm the kindergartners, too.


You know, I tend to lean and vote conservative, but I'm constantly amazed by the insane - I mean literally, credifiably insane - drivel that comes out of the mouth of certain politicians on the right. Evolution didn't happen. Global warming isn't happening. We need more guns, not less. Gay marriage is bad for families. The list goes on. This stuff isn't politics - it's lunacy.

If only reality mirrored the cartoon that plays out in your head everything would be so simple.

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It's funny you should ask that. I went to the gun range a couple of months ago for the very first time. Shot off a few rounds, I'm horribly inaccurate btw, and was approached by the manager asking me if I wanted a concealed weapons permit. When I asked him what I had to do to get one he replied with, "I've seen you handle a gun, that's enough for me. All you have to do now is get a passport photo made, get a copy of your criminal background and get your fingerprints ". When I asked him about the training I'm supposed to go through he said to forget about that just give me an extra $20.


No wonder Florida has one million weapons permits handed out.


You should look in to the Florida laws for Concealed Carry.


If that guy was advocating bypassing some of the requirements, you should report him.

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Very funny, guys. Lol. I'm no snitch. I was horrible handling a gun. Even up close. Never hit the spot I intended and this guy wants to give me a concealed weapons permit? Wow.

Again, and quite seriously, only you can prevent forest fires illegal gun sales. If you want a solution, you have to be part of it. You don't get to stand around complaining about how bad things are is you aren't willing to do your part.

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Again, and quite seriously, only you can prevent forest fires illegal gun sales. If you want a solution, you have to be part of it. You don't get to stand around complaining about how bad things are is you aren't willing to do your part.


That's funny. I don't recall telling you I was against guns. I'm simply complaining about one guy. As a matter of fact, I'm on record in past threads saying that I'd like to see a minimum of three days waiting period to purchase ammo.

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