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Elimnate Field Goals too (And Punts)

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Along with getting rid of extra points the NFL Also needs to eliminate field goals too.


Football is meant to be played by running and throwing the ball not by kicking the ball through some sticks, who even thought of that idea.


The 20 yard line would be the 3 point line and if you can get to the endzone you get other four points for a TD (or 3 if 2 point conversion is desired).


If you intercept the ball in their redzone you get three just like if they recovered the ball in the endzone and got a TD. Then the offense would come to try to get to the endzone to score 4 more points. If you don't score a TD then it turns over on downs (unless you want punt inside the 20 on 4rth down). This would get scoring up which the League wants so this is another win.


I don't want to change the game to be more exciting even though it would, the point is to having scoring only done by running or throwing the ball. (and safeties)


this would bring a lot more excitement to the game as way more teams would go for it on fourth down, which would also mean less punts too and teams getting pinned in tight to the endzone for more safeties.


All in all it would make the game better and more exciting, which everyone from the League to players to fans would like.


EDIT: With so many requests on here to get rid of punting too I think the only practical way to do it would be to have where ever the QB throws the ball to would be where the other team gets the ball unless your receiver catches it.


So for example it's 4rth and 10 at your 40, since there is no punting the QB throws a hail Mary pass where his own receivers can still catch the ball but if it lands incomplete where ever the ball stops is where the other teams new line of scrimmage would be.


Now the defense would be wise to try and intercept it so they can get a return. Also the defense on 4rth down can pick up an incomplete pass and return it but the offense couldn't, It would be incomplete for them but they could cover an incomplete ball to keep the D from advancing it.


The 4rth down rule goes out when you cross the Redzone line and reverts back to normal rules as this would keep the D from grabbing an incomplete pass and running it the other way and it would also keep the offense from pinning the D deeper if the ball lands past the line of scrimmage. If the offense doesn't convert on 4rth down then the other team takes over at the line of scrimmage.


Once in the redzone you still get 10 yds to make a first down until it's first in goal just like normal.


I still want kickoffs as this a fun part of the game and leads to a lot of big plays but the "kicker" would have be a starter on offense or defense so as to keep the roster full of position players who would be more useful to the team rather than kickers, punters and long snappers.

Edited by Buffalo Barbarian
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Disagree with this completely


The problem is the kickers are just too good now and the game has not evolved enough to compensate


The only option in my opinion is to shorten the width of the goal posts making kicks that much harder. I'd also move the line for extra points back 10 yards making it harder but still a somewhat easy kick


Moving the goal posts in even a foot on each side would make a big difference

Edited by Max997
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Disagree with this completely


The problem is the kickers are just too good now and the game has not evolved enough to compensate


The only option in my opinion is to shorten the width of the goal posts making kicks that much harder. I'd also move the line for extra points back 10 yards making it harder but still a somewhat easy kick


Why do you want kickers determining the outcome of the game?

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Why do you want kickers determining the outcome of the game?


Why do you want to take away one of the basic elements of a great game.


Kickers are only part of the outcome when a game is decided by a FG

Edited by Max997
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Dont fix what aint broke


it's broke and has always been having kickers


Why do you want centers or free safeties?


because they actually play football unlike kickers


Why do you want to take away one of the basic elements of a great game.


Kickers are only part of the outcome when a game is decided by a FG


what does kicking have to do with running and tackling.

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I think that they should use a round ball and instead of just passing it you can also bounce if off the ground to yourself. As you matriculate the ball down the field of play you have 24 seconds to score by getting the ball past a 'goal tender' who's job it is to stop you. The goal tender is guarding a goal that moves back and forth and up and down across the field.


i think people would like this.


Oh yeah, we also have to change the name because football won't make any sense.

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I think that they should use a round ball and instead of just passing it you can also bounce if off the ground to yourself. As you matriculate the ball down the field of play you have 24 seconds to score by getting the ball past a 'goal tender' who's job it is to stop you. The goal tender is guarding a goal that moves back and forth and up and down across the field.


i think people would like this.


Oh yeah, we also have to change the name because football won't make any sense.


no thanks don't need to add basketball to the game.

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that's a good question?


At what point did the founders go from running the ball to hey lets just kick it from here to get some points on the board.


Probably right around the time they decided on that goofy ball. A few decades before the forward pass was invented (perfected?) by the great tannehill.


The real question: why don't we have Skelton yet!?!? We could've just left mario when we were out there. Too easy. Nix must've been asleep.

Edited by NoSaint
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Probably right around the time they decided on that goofy ball. A few decades before the forward pass was invented (perfected?) by the great tannehill.


The real question: why don't we have Skelton yet!?!? We could've just left mario when we were out there. Too easy. Nix must've been asleep.


Glad to see you are back to personal attacks with no insight , thanks I've missed that :thumbsup:

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Glad to see you are back to personal attacks with no insight , thanks I've missed that :thumbsup:


Man, you just came here with "eliminate kicks cause kickers aren't football players"


You're going to get some joking. If you don't get why, I'm sorry. No real harm is meant but its a thread begging for jokes.

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