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I dislike the Colts, but WOW... No call on Luck hit


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I don't know if I will ever get over the poor sportsmanship that lead to the Colts losing enough games last year in order to draft Luck and not have to sell their souls in the form of draft picks to get him.


Regardless... I can't believe that nothing has been made of an illegal hit to Luck's chin during the Pats game. It was such a blatant foul, and it was replayed several times.


The Pats* defender got pressure on Luck. He got the ball away. The defender then leaves his feet, and hits Luck in the Chin with his helmet.... no flag.


Not only was there no flag, but the announcers in the booth talked right past it with each replay, not even acknowledging the blatant foul. Furthermore, I haven't been able to find any video to link to.


This REALLY irks me, and I will say again, I really dislike the Colts organization.


Did anyone else catch that, or have a link to the hit in question?

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I wasn't paying attention but my wife went nuts. I think I was on the phone with one of the kids. When I finished I asked about a flag and she said nope. Maybe it's the refs way of showing him he has to earn it. (that's complete BS by the way) The double standard in the league is troublesome.

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I didn't see the call in question, but you have to remember that it is a judgement call as to whether or not the officials will call a penalty on the Pats* for that. Much like it's a judgement call as to whether or not it's a penalty for anyone to even touch Brady in any fashion.

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In baseball, the teams police that stuff themselves.


But if someone suggests using the Pats* own tactics against them, people here go nuts.


I guess you're referring to the thread calling for a cheap shot to knock Brady out of the game. Are you really surprised that most fans find that offensive?

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LOL the play in question, Lucks head went down and HIT the helmet from the force of the hit.. That said, the Pats had a lot of penalties in that game, the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could try keep it a close game. They failed...


Oh and Luck already part of the protected QB club, he is considered the future of the NFL w rogers.

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LOL the play in question, Lucks head went down and HIT the helmet from the force of the hit.. That said, the Pats had a lot of penalties in that game, the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could try keep it a close game. They failed...


Oh and Luck already part of the protected QB club, he is considered the future of the NFL w rogers.


Penalties 4-70 on the Putz? You call that the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could ??? BWAAA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa


You Pats fans are sooooo delusional.


Just remember they Cheatriots were 1-2 with the unbiased scab refs

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Penalties 4-70 on the Putz? You call that the refs were doing EVERYTHING they could ??? BWAAA HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa


You Pats fans are sooooo delusional.


Just remember they Cheatriots were 1-2 with the unbiased scab refs


You lost it... the Pats had 4 just on ONE O lineman! They had like 8 penalties before the Colts were called for ONE.. but hey whatever...


As for the "unbiased" refs.. only delusional Bills fans call them that, but lets see those Unbiased refs either "accidentally" made the wrong call or were biased against NE to have them lose those 2 games... And the Pats 3 losses COMBINED are by less than a TD...

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You lost it... the Pats had 4 just on ONE O lineman! They had like 8 penalties before the Colts were called for ONE.. but hey whatever...


As for the "unbiased" refs.. only delusional Bills fans call them that, but lets see those Unbiased refs either "accidentally" made the wrong call or were biased against NE to have them lose those 2 games... And the Pats 3 losses COMBINED are by less than a TD...

Did you not see the numbers I posted? Those are Stats from ESPN.


Let me make it easy for you.




COLTS Penalties 1-5 and PUTRIDS Penalties 4-70


You Pats fans are sooooo delusional.


Maybe if they hadn't run up the score the Ref might have let 1 or 2 go like they normally do


Here is the OFFICIAL NFL page



Penalties (Number-Yards) COLTS 1 - 5 , Penalties (Number-Yards) PUTRIDS 4 - 70


Don't you Putz Fans have a board of your own to post (TROLL) on?

Edited by BillsFan-4-Ever
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