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If you think you hate the Patriots now, listen to this...


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It's alright fellas.


According to Cheatriots*** fans, everyone cheats so it's acceptable.


Make sure to let your children know.

Except that Billy never named a single other team that was cheating. If everyone was doing it and only you got caught, you'd try to clear your name by outing others.

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Let's also not forget the person (Belichick in SB XXV) who pioneered the use of fake injuries to slow down no-huddle attacks.


He has a long and illustrious history of cheating.




But according to Cheatriots*** fan, this is alright. Apparently because cheating does happen from time to time, it's alright to do.


Also there's nothing wrong with putting up your mistress in a house while you're married.

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I just read 'Spygate' last night. The Pats are obviously still cheating. It really makes me sick to my stomach to think that the Bills should have probably won one or two more games every year for the past 11 seasons. The book has really opened my eyes. I never thought Brady was that good of a QB. If he played for another team, he would turn out to be no different than Matt Cassell. It always struck me as odd that the Pats didn't have an offensive and defensive coordinator. I guess with a Rainman-like football guy such as Ernie Adams in the background they didn't need one. Anyway, it makes sense to me that the Bills haven't been able to win at Foxboro. The NFL is sort of like 'The Matrix' to me now. After reading this book, I feel as though I just took the blue pill. The NFL is maybe one half step above the WWE. The Bills and the two other AFC East teams are essentially playing for second (a wild card shot at best) as long as Bellichik and Adams are enabled to cheat in New England. How terribly sad to think that whatever moves our team makes essentially do not matter. Belichik, Adams and Rober Kraft are terrible human beings.

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Belichick's winning %, post spygate, has gone up 25 points. I highly doubt not having video of the opposition is negatively affecting his team's performance. :rolleyes:


Oh, and keep in mind that this improved winning % comes during the timeframe that Belichick tore down his dynasty team and re-built it back to championship calibre, compiling win totals of 11-10-14-13 games since their last dynasty SB loss in '07. Of note. Only 5 players on last years Pats SB team were with the team in '07.


and the season without brady in there.


when you really dig in - as much as i hate the team -the pats have had a crazy run the last few years. every year it seems everyone predicts it to be over and the come back and do it again, seemingly no matter who the lose or what happens.

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Except that Billy never named a single other team that was cheating. If everyone was doing it and only you got caught, you'd try to clear your name by outing others.


Id think that not only him, but the nfl would prefer if that was kept to himself even if it was true.


does the guy that names every trusted colleague he has around the league really stand to look better than if he quietly takes his medicine and moves on?

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I just read 'Spygate' last night. The Pats are obviously still cheating. It really makes me sick to my stomach to think that the Bills should have probably won one or two more games every year for the past 11 seasons. The book has really opened my eyes. I never thought Brady was that good of a QB. If he played for another team, he would turn out to be no different than Matt Cassell. It always struck me as odd that the Pats didn't have an offensive and defensive coordinator. I guess with a Rainman-like football guy such as Ernie Adams in the background they didn't need one. Anyway, it makes sense to me that the Bills haven't been able to win at Foxboro. The NFL is sort of like 'The Matrix' to me now. After reading this book, I feel as though I just took the blue pill. The NFL is maybe one half step above the WWE. The Bills and the two other AFC East teams are essentially playing for second (a wild card shot at best) as long as Bellichik and Adams are enabled to cheat in New England. How terribly sad to think that whatever moves our team makes essentially do not matter. Belichik, Adams and Rober Kraft are terrible human beings.



THANK YOU!!!!! Finally someone else read it!


When the author lays out the odds of a team having 5 undefeated @ home seasons in 11 years! - clear as day - they still cheat.


The league/owners/media all agreed to make this go away. Truthfully, it was more than enough to ruin the integrity of the game in the fans eyes.....and that means a massive loss of profits.


Spread the word - I hope I live to see Hoodie/Brady and that arrogant Kraft completely stripped of every accolade they "earned".

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It was very interesting how Manginious' and boy wonder Josh McDaniels' coaching tenures turned out. It is especially interesting to note that Belichik earns more money than Brady. If Brady was so awesome, why wouldn't he go play on another team and make twice the salary he makes now? If he is the best QB in the league, he should be paid like a Manning. The answer is simple: all of the players on the Pats are expendible under "the system." I fear we should not expect much, if any production out of Mark Anderson.


I also thought it was funny when Doug Flutie accidently put on Brady's helmet and heard the illegal one-way radio frequency used by the Pats. He has never denied this. No wonder Brady seems to have a sixth sense about when a defensive lineman is coming up on his blindside. It is sickening that Roger Goodell enables the Pats' "system" year in and year out. I guess the New England area must bring massive money to the NFL, and for the Pats to play on the level would be akin to seeing the emporer without his clothes. The NFL is all a big joke, mostly played on its unsuspecting fans.


The cards are stacked too high against the Bills each year for them to truly compete. We should have been 10-6 or 11-5 instead of 9-7 through some of the 2000's, and made some playoffs. After reading the book, it's amazing that we did so well against the Pats when we played them in Foxboro this year. I am also highly skeptical of the Pats win earlier this year where they made "adjustments" in the 2nd half and came back after trailing by 21 points. Hopefully, someday all of the Pats continued cheating will come to light. However, I fear that it will not come to an end until Belichik retires from the league.

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It was very interesting how Manginious' and boy wonder Josh McDaniels' coaching tenures turned out. It is especially interesting to note that Belichik earns more money than Brady. If Brady was so awesome, why wouldn't he go play on another team and make twice the salary he makes now? If he is the best QB in the league, he should be paid like a Manning. The answer is simple: all of the players on the Pats are expendible under "the system." I fear we should not expect much, if any production out of Mark Anderson.


I also thought it was funny when Doug Flutie accidently put on Brady's helmet and heard the illegal one-way radio frequency used by the Pats. He has never denied this. No wonder Brady seems to have a sixth sense about when a defensive lineman is coming up on his blindside. It is sickening that Roger Goodell enables the Pats' "system" year in and year out. I guess the New England area must bring massive money to the NFL, and for the Pats to play on the level would be akin to seeing the emporer without his clothes. The NFL is all a big joke, mostly played on its unsuspecting fans.


The cards are stacked too high against the Bills each year for them to truly compete. We should have been 10-6 or 11-5 instead of 9-7 through some of the 2000's, and made some playoffs. After reading the book, it's amazing that we did so well against the Pats when we played them in Foxboro this year. I am also highly skeptical of the Pats win earlier this year where they made "adjustments" in the 2nd half and came back after trailing by 21 points. Hopefully, someday all of the Pats continued cheating will come to light. However, I fear that it will not come to an end until Belichik retires from the league.

The pats* cheated no doubt. But some of the unproven accusations on the league are too much to believe. A coverup as big as some like to think would never last. Ask Richard Nixon historians. i would love to find the bottom of the cheating but surely it would doom the NFL. Especially if they participated and still allow it. Yes, the tape destruction is suspect. I just can't see how the league offices could keep this quiet for ever.There is way to much money available for someone to come out of the closet and prove the accusations if there true.


On a lighter note. Saw an episode of tosh.0 last night and he did a spoof on Kraft (and his very young girlfriend) that was hysterically funny. Maybe its been around for awhile I don't know? So much so that I am sure Tosh had to run this by his lawyers since Kraft certainly has the pockets to sue if he could. Maybe the skit is on youtube? I recommend anyone that is not a fan of the pats* or Kraft to try and seek it out.

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It was very interesting how Manginious' and boy wonder Josh McDaniels' coaching tenures turned out. It is especially interesting to note that Belichik earns more money than Brady. If Brady was so awesome, why wouldn't he go play on another team and make twice the salary he makes now? If he is the best QB in the league, he should be paid like a Manning. The answer is simple: all of the players on the Pats are expendible under "the system." I fear we should not expect much, if any production out of Mark Anderson.


I also thought it was funny when Doug Flutie accidently put on Brady's helmet and heard the illegal one-way radio frequency used by the Pats. He has never denied this. No wonder Brady seems to have a sixth sense about when a defensive lineman is coming up on his blindside. It is sickening that Roger Goodell enables the Pats' "system" year in and year out. I guess the New England area must bring massive money to the NFL, and for the Pats to play on the level would be akin to seeing the emporer without his clothes. The NFL is all a big joke, mostly played on its unsuspecting fans.


The cards are stacked too high against the Bills each year for them to truly compete. We should have been 10-6 or 11-5 instead of 9-7 through some of the 2000's, and made some playoffs. After reading the book, it's amazing that we did so well against the Pats when we played them in Foxboro this year. I am also highly skeptical of the Pats win earlier this year where they made "adjustments" in the 2nd half and came back after trailing by 21 points. Hopefully, someday all of the Pats continued cheating will come to light. However, I fear that it will not come to an end until Belichik retires from the league.


Anyone that reads the book will truly understand what a fraud the entire Pats dynasty/mystique really is. The Flutie thing was so telling.



Agreed on the first Pats game this year....it was a surreal turnaround. Even by the TV-drama dominated NFL of today....that game was spooky how they flipped a switch and killed us after falling behind by multiple TD's...too easy to just say the Bills quit.

Edited by filthymcnasty08
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It was very interesting how Manginious' and boy wonder Josh McDaniels' coaching tenures turned out. It is especially interesting to note that Belichik earns more money than Brady. If Brady was so awesome, why wouldn't he go play on another team and make twice the salary he makes now? If he is the best QB in the league, he should be paid like a Manning. The answer is simple: all of the players on the Pats are expendible under "the system." I fear we should not expect much, if any production out of Mark Anderson.


I also thought it was funny when Doug Flutie accidently put on Brady's helmet and heard the illegal one-way radio frequency used by the Pats. He has never denied this. No wonder Brady seems to have a sixth sense about when a defensive lineman is coming up on his blindside. It is sickening that Roger Goodell enables the Pats' "system" year in and year out. I guess the New England area must bring massive money to the NFL, and for the Pats to play on the level would be akin to seeing the emporer without his clothes. The NFL is all a big joke, mostly played on its unsuspecting fans.


The cards are stacked too high against the Bills each year for them to truly compete. We should have been 10-6 or 11-5 instead of 9-7 through some of the 2000's, and made some playoffs. After reading the book, it's amazing that we did so well against the Pats when we played them in Foxboro this year. I am also highly skeptical of the Pats win earlier this year where they made "adjustments" in the 2nd half and came back after trailing by 21 points. Hopefully, someday all of the Pats continued cheating will come to light. However, I fear that it will not come to an end until Belichik retires from the league.


while i dont doubt theres some gamesmanship there, i will refute the one factual claim you made which is bradys pay - he is paid VERY well.


he is currently getting 18m per season just a shade below manning and brees on an extension signed in 2010 (ie. contracts keep cycling up, he was the highest paid per year when he signed it)




Anyone that reads the book will truly understand what a fraud the entire Pats dynasty/mystique really is. The Flutie thing was so telling.



Agreed on the first Pats game this year....it was a surreal turnaround. Even by the TV-drama dominated NFL of today....that game was spooky how they flipped a switch and killed us after falling behind by multiple TD's...too easy to just say the Bills quit.


frankly the only way we slowed them down in the first half was a couple of out of the ordinary fumbles by welker and gronk.

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Hey Filthy McNasty (love the name, as I'm a big Horace Silver fan),


Thanks for encouraging me to read the book. It was so enlightening. It came in the mail last night, and I could not put it down. I liked how the author used statistics to show that I one would have a better chance of getting electrocuted than the Pats would of going perfect at home during the last five of 11 years. The worst thing is that I feel foolish for having all of those Blue Monday's at work after the Pats would beat the Bills on Sunday. I wonder how guys like Belichik, Adams, Kraft, Goodell and Brady can live with themselves?


I encourage every Bills fan to read this book. You will see how the whole Spygate cover-up is still in effect. For if the Pats were to all of a sudden suck, then it would mean that cheating all these years did matter. You may also not feel so down about the Bills after you have read the book. If I did not feel like the Pats cheated in the two matchups that were played this year, we may actually have one or two more wins on our record this year. The Bills (and the Jets and Phins) really don't stand much of a chance of winning as long as "the system" is in place.


At no saint,


I thought brady's salary this year was more like 7.7 mil? If not, that's good that Kraft is finally paying him. Remember the whole thing when Brady signed his earlier deal for like $30 or $40 mil less than Peyton and Vick during the same offseason even though Brady had already won three Super Bowls and the other guys had not won one?

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Hey Filthy McNasty (love the name, as I'm a big Horace Silver fan),


Thanks for encouraging me to read the book. It was so enlightening. It came in the mail last night, and I could not put it down. I liked how the author used statistics to show that I one would have a better chance of getting electrocuted than the Pats would of going perfect at home during the last five of 11 years. The worst thing is that I feel foolish for having all of those Blue Monday's at work after the Pats would beat the Bills on Sunday. I wonder how guys like Belichik, Adams, Kraft, Goodell and Brady can live with themselves?


I encourage every Bills fan to read this book. You will see how the whole Spygate cover-up is still in effect. For if the Pats were to all of a sudden suck, then it would mean that cheating all these years did matter. You may also not feel so down about the Bills after you have read the book. If I did not feel like the Pats cheated in the two matchups that were played this year, we may actually have one or two more wins on our record this year. The Bills (and the Jets and Phins) really don't stand much of a chance of winning as long as "the system" is in place.


Good stuff my man! Thanks for posting this! They may have been allowed to do this...my goal is to get the asterisk in the history books on every one of their records.


The book is a difference maker! spread the word!!!!!

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Hey Filthy McNasty (love the name, as I'm a big Horace Silver fan),


Thanks for encouraging me to read the book. It was so enlightening. It came in the mail last night, and I could not put it down. I liked how the author used statistics to show that I one would have a better chance of getting electrocuted than the Pats would of going perfect at home during the last five of 11 years. The worst thing is that I feel foolish for having all of those Blue Monday's at work after the Pats would beat the Bills on Sunday. I wonder how guys like Belichik, Adams, Kraft, Goodell and Brady can live with themselves?


I encourage every Bills fan to read this book. You will see how the whole Spygate cover-up is still in effect. For if the Pats were to all of a sudden suck, then it would mean that cheating all these years did matter. You may also not feel so down about the Bills after you have read the book. If I did not feel like the Pats cheated in the two matchups that were played this year, we may actually have one or two more wins on our record this year. The Bills (and the Jets and Phins) really don't stand much of a chance of winning as long as "the system" is in place.


At no saint,


I thought brady's salary this year was more like 7.7 mil? If not, that's good that Kraft is finally paying him. Remember the whole thing when Brady signed his earlier deal for like $30 or $40 mil less than Peyton and Vick during the same offseason even though Brady had already won three Super Bowls and the other guys had not won one?


you cant look at single years salary of deals for their value. they go up and down, are effected by signing bonuses/general bonuses/basic structure, etc... he has consistently been in the top few contract and at times the highest paid average (his 2010 extension being an nfl record) - that doesnt mean he will be the highest paid every year though.

Edited by NoSaint
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If you wan't to look at a team that might be cheating at home, look at the Seahawks.

5-0 at home, 1-5 on the road this year

From 2003 to 2007 the Patriots have an 86% home winning record, the colts have 81%

On the road, Colts win 73% and the Patriots 72%. The two best at home are the two best on the road, when you see a team like Seattle have such a large discrepency you can get suspicious, even if you adjust for the opponent, Seattle lost to MIA, DET, ARZ, STL and SF with the only win against CAR on the road. At home they beat GB, NE, NYJ, MIN, DAL.

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If you wan't to look at a team that might be cheating at home, look at the Seahawks.

5-0 at home, 1-5 on the road this year

From 2003 to 2007 the Patriots have an 86% home winning record, the colts have 81%

On the road, Colts win 73% and the Patriots 72%. The two best at home are the two best on the road, when you see a team like Seattle have such a large discrepency you can get suspicious, even if you adjust for the opponent, Seattle lost to MIA, DET, ARZ, STL and SF with the only win against CAR on the road. At home they beat GB, NE, NYJ, MIN, DAL.


seattle is a travel nightmare and also a stadium designed to be LOUD - otherwise, im not going to disagree. pats have won at home, on the road, against good teams, bad teams.... they consistently have won atleast 2/3 anywhere they play, often closer to 3 out of 4 or better for a decade.


there might have been things that helped along the way, but theyve been doing it for a long time. At somepoint you have to just say they are good at football, regardless of any extracurriculars that may have happened.

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