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Aaron Maybin is a hell of an artist

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We all can agree that pick at 11 was a stretch. But once he was apart of the team I wanted the guy to succeed. Should I hate or dislike him because he was a bust? And my dislike of the "draft pick" was the fact that, Brian Orakpo was still there. So were Clay Matthews, Brian Cushing, and Michael Oher. So that's my point.


There is no reason to hate anyone in this world based on their success or failure as a football player. On your team or otherwise.


It is perfectly OK to have fun poking at his troubles with the NY Jets, however. There is nothing wrong with calling him a bad football player (he is) and enjoying that fact at the expense of the Jets.



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There is no reason to hate anyone in this world based on their success or failure as a football player. On your team or otherwise.


It is perfectly OK to have fun poking at his troubles with the NY Jets, however. There is nothing wrong with calling him a bad football player (he is) and enjoying that fact at the expense of the Jets.




I can respect what your saying, and i'm not addressing it to everyone. But let's face it some people can take it to far. I get a laugh off of somethings but not all. Nothing intended towards anyone.

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Happy that the guy has found some peace after losing his son. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


He certainly didn't perform to expectation here and I don't want to see him succeed on the football field elsewhere. But he's still a human being and he doesn't seem like a bad one, just not the great football player we'd hoped for.

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his art isn't that good


looks like it would win a high school talent show or sell a few paintings at small art shows but not much more


Where do you get off critiquing the work of the very CREATOR of the Metabolic Art movement?


Typical bourgeois attitude.



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Very interesting responses in this thread and I'm glad to see that Maybin is not being demonized and that many posters seem to be open-minded about him.


I think his mother also died when he was very young.


He actually seems like a good guy.


Too bad the idiot front office at the time drafted him 11th overall.

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Art is subjective. What is viewed as beautiful by some may also be reasonably viewed as ugly by others. It's a matter of opinion and taste.


Football is objective. Maybin sucks.


Well, for an artist, Maybin is a GREAT football player.



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Maybin seems a lot more mature than a lot of fans. He was a bust here but he's gone through a lot in his life and I wish him the best. Art can be very good therapy. Good for him.


It's hard to be recruited to play at Penn State, be drafted in the 1st round of the NFL, and be paid millions of dollars. I'm sorry for personal tragedy anyone suffers, but Maybin has lived the dream and deserves every bit of criticism he receives about his play at the NFL level.


If that's immature, then call me immature.

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It's hard to be recruited to play at Penn State, be drafted in the 1st round of the NFL, and be paid millions of dollars. I'm sorry for personal tragedy anyone suffers, but Maybin has lived the dream and deserves every bit of criticism he receives about his play at the NFL level.


If that's immature, then call me immature.


It's fine but how many people can say they are the 1% of their profession? It sucks the Bills picked him but good for him for making money off what he did in college. Isn't that what everyone goes to college for?

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It's fine but how many people can say they are the 1% of their profession? It sucks the Bills picked him but good for him for making money off what he did in college. Isn't that what everyone goes to college for?


Good on him for getting a contract based upon an evaluation of one year of college production. Bad on him for failing to even come close to performing at the level of said contract, and for being a complete douche in the process.

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There is no reason to hate anyone in this world based on their success or failure as a football player. On your team or otherwise.


It is perfectly OK to have fun poking at his troubles with the NY Jets, however. There is nothing wrong with calling him a bad football player (he is) and enjoying that fact at the expense of the Jets.




Totally agree.



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