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Dexter is baaaaack

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Noticed a big inaccuracy. In season 1 or 2 it came out that Dexter's father killed himself shortly after walking in on his first kill. This season there's a scene where the shrink is showing Dexter a disk of an old session she had with his father. In it his father is describing that in Dexter's third kill he started hanging pictures of the victims of the person he was killing and making that person look at the pictures before killing him.


Anyone else notice this?

No. Did not notice.

I just saw episode 1 season 8 just yesterday. I'll try to watch episode 2 tomorrow.


I loved this first episode. Dex killed that guy in the hotel.


I loved the irony. She is staying away from Dexter because of his killing ways. The 2nd meeting with her brother and he kills again. Doh!


It's definitely one of the best series of all time, for me.

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Dexter is one of a kind. And went beyond the pushing the envelope in TV. Show is in it's last season! Enjoy it!

I love the show but that doesnt mean I'll give it a pass for boring episodes. Or entire seasons. One season was waaaay too religious for me. Except for the last episode of that season where Deb witnessed Dexter killing the bad guy at the church, the whole season was like a wash for me.


Dc tom, enter now to tell me my mind just couldnt comprehend the season or that I'm an idiot.

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I was sort of hoping that the entire structure of this season would be different, but so far that's not really the case. I don't care about Dex trying to figure out who is out there killing people...I want to start seeing the proverbial sh*t hit the fan in terms of his fate. We're already 1/3 of the way into this season....let's get it on!!!

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i think after this past week the intensity will be turned up several notches...this weeks show was awesome...and they are doing a good job of keeping people wondering about this doctor chick...


I was sort of hoping that the entire structure of this season would be different, but so far that's not really the case. I don't care about Dex trying to figure out who is out there killing people...I want to start seeing the proverbial sh*t hit the fan in terms of his fate. We're already 1/3 of the way into this season....let's get it on!!!

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i think after this past week the intensity will be turned up several notches...this weeks show was awesome...and they are doing a good job of keeping people wondering about this doctor chick...


I really hope so...I was optimistic when Deb started freaking out at the station, but then it all calmed down again. My fear is that we're going to start getting filler scenes between Deb and her boss...nobody needs that. Time is running short...let's get this party rollin!

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i was kind of disappointed in this weeks episode....dexter seemed unable to comprehend debs actions, then all of a sudden they both do a 180 and all is well in the Morgan world...i did like the new vulnerable & normal matzukah...a bit late though

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i was kind of disappointed in this weeks episode....dexter seemed unable to comprehend debs actions, then all of a sudden they both do a 180 and all is well in the Morgan world...i did like the new vulnerable & normal matzukah...a bit late though




You mean "Masuka." He's Japanese, not Jewish. :rolleyes:


I love the show but that doesnt mean I'll give it a pass for boring episodes. Or entire seasons. One season was waaaay too religious for me. Except for the last episode of that season where Deb witnessed Dexter killing the bad guy at the church, the whole season was like a wash for me.


Dc tom, enter now to tell me my mind just couldnt comprehend the season or that I'm an idiot.


You just couldn't comprehend that season, and you're an idiot.

Edited by DC Tom
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i was kind of disappointed in this weeks episode....dexter seemed unable to comprehend debs actions, then all of a sudden they both do a 180 and all is well in the Morgan world...i did like the new vulnerable & normal matzukah...a bit late though


I'm really trying not to get too frustrated, but with each episode that passes by that becomes harder to do. I just fear that Dexter's eventual downfall/fate/etc is going to be something we want to savor and enjoy, but the longer it takes to actually start down that path the less satisfying it's actually going to be. I want the sh*t to hit the fan while it's still fresh...

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I have a feeling there are going to be MANY pissed off people with the finale, and that they are expecting something huge but are gonna get a Sopranos type of finish to the series. Its all going to end like a normal season, not with Dexter being caught or killed


I would really hate that. I think that would be a total cop out, personally. There is an opportunity here to really do something special, and it's hard for me to imagine a quick and dirty ending being special. But based on early results, I'm geting nervous. What I'd like to see is the show starting to go into the same direction as always, with Dex trying to track down and get close to some murderer, and then just out of the blue have the FBI show up and throw the whole thing into a tailspin. No telegraphing his capture by introducing some FBI guys and how they're closing in on Dex....just skip the build-up, no foreshadowing, just BOOM, they show up, break down the doors, and Dex is being hauled away in cuffs. Then starts the trial, the blow up of all the interpersonal drama, and ultimately a particular fate for Dex. That's how I'd do it, anyway.

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Who was disappointed with the final episode? I can't stress enough how bad I thought it was.


Disappointed? No. Put off? A little...it was vaguely unsatisfying, in a manner I can't yet put my finger on (aside from "How the hell did he survive the storm?")

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Disappointed? No. Put off? A little...it was vaguely unsatisfying, in a manner I can't yet put my finger on (aside from "How the hell did he survive the storm?")

ill agre with that.


I, like someone else already stated. Thought there was a real opportunity to make this ending something great and it wasn't. It was no different than other endings if recent shows:




Prison Break


Never saw 24 or Breaking Bad but is imagine the endings for them were piss poor also


How bout thisbforba great idea going forward. I never watch the finale ever again. Just skip it altogether and hope things happen the way I wanted them. Lol.

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Who was disappointed with the final episode? I can't stress enough how bad I thought it was.


I made some comments in the breaking bad thread, but basically I felt this season was a huge disappointment. I was really expecting something other than the typical cat and mouse game with the killer. It started off promising with Dr Vogel, but it ended up just losing me.


As for the finale, I would have done a few things differently, personally. I would have had Dexter see Quinn distraught in the hallway as he did, and I'd have Quinn give him the news as he did. Then, since the idea is to throw Dexter into an "oh my God, I really can't protect the people I love anymore..." meltdown, I'd skip the scene where the doc confirms Deb's prognosis and have Dex just assume she was a goner. Reason being? The whole "I can't leave you this way" sequence from the turning off of the life support to him taking a dead body off the floor, down the elevated, across the PARKING LOT, and into his boat (all while wearing his kill shirt lol), was just extremely unrealistic and it took me out of the show. Even when there is a weather emergency, there are still protocols in place at the hospital, and there was just no way any of that would have happened. Further, Deb just deserved better...so after Dex had left the hospital, made the phone call to Hannah and Harrison, and headed out to sea, I'd have Deb open her eyes with Quinn by her side. Lastly, I like the way they wrote Dexter's fate, but I would have time lapsed the final scene about 20 years and have a rugged, expressionless Dexter sitting at the table showing significant signs of age.


Anyway...that's just me. I felt this season was more due to pressure from the Showtime execs and it affected the quality. I was on board for the first several eps, but then it slowly lost me.

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I won't say I was impressed by it, it was kind of how I expected things to go.


I will say that I found the entire final season a disapointment and seemed hacked together. It seemed like they were just making things up as they go along and not tying everything together that well. It just never tied itself together all that well. There were many unrealistic thing with last night, like how could no one in an airport in the post 911 world not have a photo of Hanna with security if they think she is in the area? No alarms would go off to notify the nurses when Dexter turned off the life support machine? Outside no one would see him carry Debra to his boat? A dangerous killer is being held in a cell that they would just let someone into without a guard nearby?


The 2 things that I thought were pointless was him throwing Debra over off his boat after turning off the life support. He could have easily put her out of her pain by just telling the doctors to turn off life support, as her only living kin, I think he has the ability to do that. No need to dump the body, no suspisions, and she gets a proper funeral too. Also what kind of father would just ditch his kid with another killer who is taking him to another part of the world. He has grandparents that could have taken him to live with his half siblings and then went off to live his life with hanna and not have to worry about Harrison being safe from him.

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i agree this season was kind of weak, but not sure how they could have done it differently based on the previous seasons. I did like how Dexter put the finishing touches on Deb. I really thought Dexter was gonna go be with Hannah...hell who wouldn't??? why leave that behind...not me....plus leaving his son...but he did say he tried for ever to feel like everyone else, now he couldn't wait to get rid of that feeling....I do see a spin off coming where Dexter becomes a lumber jack in the northwest and rids the area of illegal poachers much like he did with serial killers...he'll be a hero to the untamed wild.....

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I won't say I was impressed by it, it was kind of how I expected things to go.


I will say that I found the entire final season a disapointment and seemed hacked together. It seemed like they were just making things up as they go along and not tying everything together that well. It just never tied itself together all that well. There were many unrealistic thing with last night, like how could no one in an airport in the post 911 world not have a photo of Hanna with security if they think she is in the area? No alarms would go off to notify the nurses when Dexter turned off the life support machine? Outside no one would see him carry Debra to his boat? A dangerous killer is being held in a cell that they would just let someone into without a guard nearby?


The 2 things that I thought were pointless was him throwing Debra over off his boat after turning off the life support. He could have easily put her out of her pain by just telling the doctors to turn off life support, as her only living kin, I think he has the ability to do that. No need to dump the body, no suspisions, and she gets a proper funeral too. Also what kind of father would just ditch his kid with another killer who is taking him to another part of the world. He has grandparents that could have taken him to live with his half siblings and then went off to live his life with hanna and not have to worry about Harrison being safe from him.


The reason behind a lot of the last 20 minutes or so was symbolic, I'm sure. Showing Dexter maturing into...something, I don't know what.


Really, there's a deeper level here, I'm pretty sure. But I'm not getting it. I need to go watch it again, and maybe read The Old Man and the Sea. I think the producers and creators got exactly the ending they wanted...but I'm not sure what that was.

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I do see a spin off coming where Dexter becomes a lumber jack in the northwest and rids the area of illegal poachers much like he did with serial killers...he'll be a hero to the untamed wild.....

im sure Jim in Anchorage will love this spinoff show.
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