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AJZepp.....i binge watched the first 4 seasons a while back....the story always stays amusing....some seasons so much better than others...but I can't really say there has been a bad season IMO.


As far as the new season goes.....love the Isaak charecter.....dexters "fight" with the Bull costume rapist killer was amazing. "I don't run, people run from me!" great quote.


Deb realizing the legal system lets many fall through the cracks and the need for a dexter is great. Good stuff, I like how every episode has 2 or 3 issues staring Dexter in the face.

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AJZepp.....i binge watched the first 4 seasons a while back....the story always stays amusing....some seasons so much better than others...but I can't really say there has been a bad season IMO.


As far as the new season goes.....love the Isaak charecter.....dexters "fight" with the Bull costume rapist killer was amazing. "I don't run, people run from me!" great quote.


Deb realizing the legal system lets many fall through the cracks and the need for a dexter is great. Good stuff, I like how every episode has 2 or 3 issues staring Dexter in the face.


I loved that scene with Deb that you mentioned where it serves as a very distinct turning point for her "acceptance" (or at least understanding) of Dexter's code. There have been a few scenes this year where I was REALLY impressed with the way something was written or how it was carried out. Also strongly agree with the whole way Dex didn't even flinch when the rapist guy got the upper hand. He didn't freak out, he just assessed his situation, analyzed his mistake (e.g. when he got caught on the mobile home), and just took it to another level. It came off like you can take the most violent, steroid-infested psychopath, but that pales in comparison to the calculating, cerebral, serial killer with a code. I love it.

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yes....just watched the newest one.....plant girl on the table? whoa!! what a smoker she is!


I kinda am hoping for some superdark Dexter and her killing spree.....i think this is the final season.....might as well go superdark with the plot.


No, there is gonig to be one last, eighth season. I wish the show had followed the books a little more...at this point, they have gotten so dopey (though I think this season has been far better than the last two), it would seem silly to change the tone at this point.

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They've now revisited every season except Season 3 with Miguel Prado and the Skinner. It seemed obvious that Hanna wasn't going to be a victim but where they go from here is anyone's guess. Isaak will surely be walking the streets soon. Does Dex get Hanna's help in taking him down? She has the blood of at least 3 people on her hands but is now Dexter's first love interest since Lumen. Still waiting on LaGuerta to piece everything together.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back in August I had never seen an episode of Dexter. Three months later, I am completely caught up and ready for tonight's episode. Not sure why it took me 6 years to start watching but now I love it. Question for those of you who have been following the show, back when Rita died, did the viewing audience know the actress playing her was leaving? Or was that a complete shocker to everyone at the time? I avoided the cast list on IMDB and just about anything else that might have given things away and it caught me completely by surprise.

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Thought tonight's episode was great until that big WTF moment with Luke and Leia.


Loved the scene with Dex and Ray Stevenson....wish that could have gone on a bit longer.

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Loved the scene with Dex and Ray Stevenson....wish that could have gone on a bit longer.

It was captivating. It was two great actors showing off their chops. Loved it.


My wife...not so much. Her quote, "aw man the sexy guy is gay, they always are!"

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It was captivating. It was two great actors showing off their chops. Loved it.


My wife...not so much. Her quote, "aw man the sexy guy is gay, they always are!"



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It was captivating. It was two great actors showing off their chops. Loved it.


My wife...not so much. Her quote, "aw man the sexy guy is gay, they always are!"



Agreed - I thought that was a great scene. You almost feel sorry for Izaak with him losing Viktor and now the brotherhood has turned on him. He rightly acknowledges that Dexter saved him by taking out George's hitter but he still harbors the need to take out our guy. The story definitely has some depth.



If you haven't seen it already, make sure to catch Ray Stevenson in "Kill The Irishman". It's based on a true story about Danny Greene in Cleveland. Lots of great actors in a good mob story.


Back to Dexter... man, I guess we weren't done with the "Deb loves Dexter" story. Ick. The end was something I don't think we've seen before from this show. The montage of what was happening with so many characters just to remind us what is happening:

  • Deb is troubled by everything and will enjoy a couple tokes with Astor.
  • Quinn is still a mess.
  • LaGuerta is right there with putting Dexter as the BHB.
  • And hey, Angel will have his bar! I'd hang out there.

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Hops Guy,


I'm assuming you've seen Ray as Titus Pullo in Rome. One of the best supporting characters I've ever seen. An absolute brute that you can't help but love. Speaking of other roles. Michael C Hall killed it in 6 feet under. I could watch that series over and over just for the acting.

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I heard from a very UNRELIABLE source that this will be the last season.

Anyone else hear this? Hope not...source was my nephew who heard it from his ex...hopefully just trying to tee him off.


Dexter's 8th season (so 1 more) will be its last.


Hops Guy,


I'm assuming you've seen Ray as Titus Pullo in Rome. One of the best supporting characters I've ever seen. An absolute brute that you can't help but love. Speaking of other roles. Michael C Hall killed it in 6 feet under. I could watch that series over and over just for the acting.


I really liked "Rome" & the story-line of Lucius Vorenus & Titus Pullo. Stevenson stole every scene but that was probably the way it was written. I tried "Six Feet Under" once but I am ashamed to admit that the first scene I saw with MCH kissing a guy made me change the channel. That was quite a few years ago (& I'd like to think I've evolved) so I should probably give it another shot. I saw an indie film recently with MCH called "The Trouble with Bliss" that was decent. It opened with a Dexter-like inner monologue that hooked me. Not great but not horrible, either.

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Hops Guy,


I'm assuming you've seen Ray as Titus Pullo in Rome. One of the best supporting characters I've ever seen. An absolute brute that you can't help but love. Speaking of other roles. Michael C Hall killed it in 6 feet under. I could watch that series over and over just for the acting.


Titus Pullo was a great charecter. I keep seeing the guy who played Marc Anthony everywhere on TV nowadays also.


how insanely hot is Dexter's new girlfriend? I think I would let her poison me next!

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Titus Pullo was a great charecter. I keep seeing the guy who played Marc Anthony everywhere on TV nowadays also.

how insanely hot is Dexter's new girlfriend? I think I would let her poison me next!

Never caught Chuck? I can't blame you. It was hokey as hell but she was worth the watch. Glad she's turned up elsewhere.

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Never caught Chuck? I can't blame you. It was hokey as hell but she was worth the watch. Glad she's turned up elsewhere.


I never saw it, either. The fanboys at ComicCon were really excited that she was joining the "Dexter" cast this season. She sure is nice to look at.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh - Isaak turns to Dexter for help and they pull off dispatching the two hitters the Brotherhood sent to clip Isaak. But George delivers the gut-shot just when things were getting interesting? Hannah taking out Jurg was also just a little too tidy but now we have a the "Phantom Arsonist" as the next baddie? The obvious way they make the arson investigator the guy makes it seem it must be someone else, right?


And La Guerta approaches Matthews about help identifying the BHB. I'll admit that Matthews got off some great lines (Calling her Godzilla and pointing her towards Japan & telling her the only help he'd provide would be a "lift back to Cuba") but then he sees an opportunity for himself. Yeah, he's going to leverage this into getting himself reinstated so he'll get his pension bump. Haven't we heard this before? Oh yeah - Quinn's buddy from his days in Narcotics, Stan Liddy did the same thing in Season 5.


So now we have 3 episodes to go for this year and there are some things that need tying up for the final season:

  • Quinn & Nadia & George - whatever is going on there.
  • The new Phantom Arsonist.
  • The Hannah/Dexter relationship.
  • The Deb/Dexter relationship - thinking this won't work out well for Hannah.
  • Who will watch Harrison after Jamie gets a bikini modelling contract (Day-um, gal!)
  • Robert Irvine needs to come down and set Angel's restaurant on the right path.
  • La Guerta is getting way too close - something's gotta give (guessing she buys it).

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