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Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen


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Again, go read some primary sources and you'll see "riding" the underground railroad was a fairly common idiom. Proclaiming that the first lady was speaking from ignorance only highlights how little you seem to know about the subject. We're just trying to help you out, 3rd. Go read some of the journal entries. Learn about what these brave men and women went through to find freedom. Read the words they used.


I know this seems like a perfect "gotcha" type flub -- but it isn't. Unless you know nothing about the history of the Underground Railroad and slavery in the Americas.


I wasn't denigrating what the brave slaves went through to attempt to gain their freedom. If you think the first lady is "real" then you are the one highlighting your lack of perception.

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I wasn't denigrating what the brave slaves went through to attempt to gain their freedom. If you think the first lady is "real" then you are the one highlighting your lack of perception.

I know you weren't and wasn't attempting to say otherwise. Apologies if that's how it came across.


I'm not saying anything about the first lady other than what she said in the article you linked. In that one case, she didn't make a gaff -- even if that's how it seems at first blush. That's all.

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That was the original plan, but the state wouldn't approve Tubman's construction permits so they had to improvise.


James Polk was pushing for the High-Speed Underground Railroad, in part to create jobs for the middle class, but the racist obstructionist Republicans in Congress blocked funding.


I know you weren't and wasn't attempting to say otherwise. Apologies if that's how it came across.


I'm not saying anything about the first lady other than what she said in the article you linked. In that one case, she didn't make a gaff -- even if that's how it seems at first blush. That's all.


"Gaffe". A gaffe is an error. A gaff is something you use to land a fish...


...presumably encouraging them to post dumb **** on the internet, in which case she arguably did make a "gaff".

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James Polk was pushing for the High-Speed Underground Railroad, in part to create jobs for the middle class, but the racist obstructionist Republicans in Congress blocked funding.


:lol: :lol:



"Gaffe". A gaffe is an error. A gaff is something you use to land a fish...


...presumably encouraging them to post dumb **** on the internet, in which case she arguably did make a "gaff".


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Yes, TYTT, double down on your assmudgeonry. Repeat schit often enough and it becomes true, eh? Read what she said. She meant it literally and no amount of your repeated use of the word ignorance bolsters your assinine statements.


Oh, she LITERALLY meant that the slaves LITERALLY boarded a LITERAL railroad. She couldn't possibly have been using the vernacular of the Underground Railroad, which used railway metaphors extensively. SHE...must have been speaking literally, unlike EVERYONE ELSE who's ever metaphorically spoken about being a passenger on the Underground Railroad.


You're a !@#$ing idiot.

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Oh, she LITERALLY meant that the slaves LITERALLY boarded a LITERAL railroad. She couldn't possibly have been using the vernacular of the Underground Railroad, which used railway metaphors extensively. SHE...must have been speaking literally, unlike EVERYONE ELSE who's ever metaphorically spoken about being a passenger on the Underground Railroad.


You're a !@#$ing idiot.

Well, when writing, is ok to mix metaphors with literal meaning?


Fist there is this:

Now, back when our great-grandparents were riding that Underground Railroad


then in the same sentence:

back when John Lewis was marching across that bridge in Selma, and Jim Clyburn was sitting in an Orangeburg jail, the injustices we faced were written in big, bold letters on the face of our laws. And while we may have had our differences over strategy, the battles we needed to fight were very clear.


Since John Lewis actually marched across that bridge, it appears that their great grandparents actually were riding that Underground Railroad.

Edited by Oxrock
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Michelle, seeped in Black History. I wonder if her ancestors had to ride the back of that train?






"Now, back when our great-grandparents were riding that Underground Railroad, back when John Lewis was marching across that bridge in Selma, and Jim Clyburn was sitting in an Orangeburg jail, the injustices we faced were written in big, bold letters on the face of our laws. And while we may have had our differences over strategy, the battles we needed to fight were very clear."



ummm, you do realize we had slavery in this country, and many people had family that were slaves???


good god man

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Oh, she LITERALLY meant that the slaves LITERALLY boarded a LITERAL railroad. She couldn't possibly have been using the vernacular of the Underground Railroad, which used railway metaphors extensively. SHE...must have been speaking literally, unlike EVERYONE ELSE who's ever metaphorically spoken about being a passenger on the Underground Railroad.


You're a !@#$ing idiot.


Put it in context and you might see the light. The reason I say "might" is because you are so consumed with being the "Mean Adam" and the consumate contrarian, that you often attack first and then spend a bunch of time straining to justify your attack. It's a shame that you use your extensive knowledge in alot of areas as a weapon rather than a tool. Your "sweep the leg" approach and loud proclamations are an indication of your immaturity. “I look at you: I don’t see an intelligent, confident man. I see a cocky, scared shitless kid."

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Someone with a shred of intellectual honesty or personal integrity would beg mea culpa, or retract their statements. You, on the other hand, stumble forward in the darkness flailing wildly with ad hom attacks and arguments that become incrementally poorer with each step.


You have no desie to be correct, you only want to win by being louder. So by all means, continue to proclaim your idiocy from the rooftops. The rest of us will continue to snicker at the ridiculous clown who sadly believes we're laughing with him, rather than at him.

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Someone with a shred of intellectual honesty or personal integrity would beg mea culpa, or retract their statements. You, on the other hand, stumble forward in the darkness flailing wildly with ad hom attacks and arguments that become incrementally poorer with each step.


You have no desie to be correct, you only want to win by being louder. So by all means, continue to proclaim your idiocy from the rooftops. The rest of us will continue to snicker at the ridiculous clown who sadly believes we're laughing with him, rather than at him.



Blah, blah, blah. You ask for me to cry uncle on the basis of your verbosity. Your discussion skills are "all hat and no cattle". It's actually very humorous to see you beg for me to give you the five foot breaking downhill putt that both of us know you can't make.

Edited by 3rdnlng
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I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm telling you what I would do, and have done, when in the same situation. You see, I prefer to be correct rather than louder; where as you seemingly prefer to insist on denying history in order to not have to admit to being wrong. There is no shame in it. Admit error, change course, and move on.


With your ridgid insistance on staying the course, you must have been particularly inspired by Wannstedt's second half yesterday.

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I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm telling you what I would do, and have done, when in the same situation. You see, I prefer to be correct rather than louder; where as you seemingly prefer to insist on denying history in order to not have to admit to being wrong. There is no shame in it. Admit error, change course, and move on.


With your ridgid insistance on staying the course, you must have been particularly inspired by Wannstedt's second half yesterday.


So, based on me not agreeing with your take makes me just trying to shout louder to win an argument? I happen to believe that Michelle Obama is not seeped in black history or in fact American history. Within the context of her statement re the Underground Railroad it is my belief that she most likely thought her ancestors actually rode on railroad cars. Just because you would cave into something you don't believe in, doesn't mean I should. I'm certainly not denying history, I'm just saying Michelle Obama doesn't get it and made a foolish statement. You are certainly being just as rigid as I supposedly am.

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i venture over here only occasionally, but i must say.... this is one of the most bizarre arguments ive ever seen made on this board 3rdnlng... and ive read MDP's takes on economics.... and women.... youre just waaaaaay out there on this one, 3rd.

Edited by NoSaint
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So, based on me not agreeing with your take makes me just trying to shout louder to win an argument? I happen to believe that Michelle Obama is not seeped in black history or in fact American history. Within the context of her statement re the Underground Railroad it is my belief that she most likely thought her ancestors actually rode on railroad cars. Just because you would cave into something you don't believe in, doesn't mean I should. I'm certainly not denying history, I'm just saying Michelle Obama doesn't get it and made a foolish statement. You are certainly being just as rigid as I supposedly am.

While she very well may not have a thorough knowledge of history, she isn't Joe Biden. This thread seems to be putting you on even footing with those that believe Mitt Romney really thinks airplane windows should open at 30,000 ft.

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My contention re Michelle Obama is that she comes from basically a different world than the majority of the citizens in this country. For twenty years she listened to Jeremiah Wright's anti-American diatribe. Neither her nor her husband strike me as a person that puts their country first. Check these out:





“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.”

"Only her husband’s run for president has made her proud of America? That’s…extremely narcissistic and self-centered.

Nothing America has done in Michelle Obama’s adult life, which at 44 goes back 26 years to 1982, has made her proud of her country? Nothing? Not winning the Cold War? Not our regular and orderly transitions of power based on the rule of law? Not the fact that we feed and defend the world, not that we lead in science and technology research, not that we elected the first black president in 1992…nothing? Not the fact that she and her husband were able to go to Ivy League schools before embarking on extremely lucrative careers? Not the fact that we help out in disasters wherever they strike in the world? Nothing has made Michelle Obama proud of her country in her entire adult life?

How sad. I certainly don’t want such a vain pessimist as First Lady."








"The internet was buzzing this week with video of First Lady Michelle Obama apparently showing extreme disrespect to the American flag at a ceremony in honor of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. As police and firefighters fold the flag to the sound of marching bagpipers, a skeptical looking Mrs. Obama leans to her husband and appears to say, “all this just for a flag.” She then purses her lips and shakes her head slightly as Mr. Obama nods."



She strikes me as totally self-centered and ignorant of our country's traditions and history. It would not surprise me to hear her mutter the phrase (to the great unwashed) "let them eat cake".





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