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Dogs Against Romney Super PAC Nets $50 Billion In July

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I'm glad my vote doesn't count here in CA because there is no way I'm voting for that bastard.




Why is defending in quotes?


Because I have criticized Obama for bringing up the dog thing is his campaigning. I'm talking about specifically in the thread. Obviously, I have defended Obama in many other threads.

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Wow. I really don't even know how to respond to this. Taco Bell was a joke because there food is terrible.


People do eat dog around the world. Fine by me.


AGAIN, this isn't an issue with me. You guys flipping out over me "defending" Obama is unbelievable.


I'm not flipping out over you defending Obama. I'm just rightfully abusing you for perpetuating a non-issue.

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Wow. I really don't even know how to respond to this. Taco Bell was a joke because there food is terrible.


People do eat dog around the world. Fine by me.


AGAIN, this isn't an issue with me. You guys flipping out over me "defending" Obama is unbelievable.


Really? You can't believe it?

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Yes, let's keep bringing this up, and Mitt's taxes, and his horse, and his wealth, and his underwear, because lord knows no one wants to think about the chronic unemployment situation in the country. It's like everything is fine and we deserve four more years of this ass hat and his dimwitted biped sidekick running the show. Yeah, just vote for them (again) and everything will be honkey-dory. (editorial: If Jokin' Joe's the honkey - would that make BO the dory? I might just have coined the next Monday!) Yep, he'll roll up his sleeves and get to work fixing the economy once the pesky distraction of campaigning is out of the way. Thing is though, that's all that BO knows how to do - campaign. He's been campaigning and not much else (except working on his golf game) since he first ran for office in Illinois.


Obama's a fraud who has only bankrupt ideas to draw on. No wonder the country's swirling in the toilet bowl.

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Can the Super Pacs run instead of the candidates. This is truly tremendous.


If Super PACs ruled elections, which judging by the amount of money they are raising and spending they do, we wouldn't get any of those personal endorsements like: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve of dogs riding on the roof cars."


We all know Super PACs can't "officially" say who they endorse, if they did than they'd lose their tax exempt and unlimited contributions status.


"Corporations are people my friend."

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If Super PACs ruled elections, which judging by the amount of money they are raising and spending they do, we wouldn't get any of those personal endorsements like: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve of dogs riding on the roof cars."


We all know Super PACs can't "officially" say who they endorse, if they did than they'd lose their tax exempt and unlimited contributions status.


"Corporations are people my friend."

With that quote, I can almost hear the Dos Equis guy saying "stay thirsy, my friends" lol

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If Super PACs ruled elections, which judging by the amount of money they are raising and spending they do, we wouldn't get any of those personal endorsements like: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve of dogs riding on the roof cars."


We all know Super PACs can't "officially" say who they endorse, if they did than they'd lose their tax exempt and unlimited contributions status.


"Corporations are people my friend."


Did you know that every time someone brings up the dog-on-a-roof story, a tummy rumbles in the White House.


True story.

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Obama ate dog as a child but he fondly recalled that memory as an adult when he wrote his book.


Does Obama still eat dogs? This is a valid question.


Indonesians can eat dogs, but we Americans pet our dogs - we don't eat them!


Does Scooby still punch women at work?

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