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Rex says Tebow throws better than Brad Smith

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1343836712[/url]' post='2518447']

Yeah one sentence from Peter King isn't going to change my mind either. Again, I went to Mizzou and was there every year Brad Smith was our starter. He was a great college QB, one of the best dual threats to ever play in College but he was always a much better runner than passer. If you think of a typical Missouri Spread QB there passing stats are generally inflated (ie Chase Daniel, Blaine Gabbert) but Brad didn't ever throw for more than 2300 yards in a season, that being said the guy averaged about 1200 yards rushing and about 15 rushing TDs a year. His strengths are as a runner, he could be effective throwing out of the wildcat but he sure as hell does not have a "strong arm"....it's a really weak arm in terms of NFL QBs. The guy is also a dynamic KR specialist, not his fault the value of a quality KR has been diminished with the new kick off rule.


I don't think he could play full time starter or even #2 backup QB in the NFL either. That doesn't mean he has a terrible arm or that he is not a legitimate threat to throw and throw accurately when the defense is expecting a run. He threw a perfect deep ball for a TD in yesterday's practice on his only throw.


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I agree he is still def a threat to throw out of the wildcat but it's the 4 years I watched him play QB that makes me know he doesn't have a strong arm.....not trying to knock him or anything, he's my favorite Bill.

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Yeah one sentence from Peter King isn't going to change my mind either. Again, I went to Mizzou and was there every year Brad Smith was our starter. He was a great college QB, one of the best dual threats to ever play in College but he was always a much better runner than passer. If you think of a typical Missouri Spread QB there passing stats are generally inflated (ie Chase Daniel, Blaine Gabbert) but Brad didn't ever throw for more than 2300 yards in a season, that being said the guy averaged about 1200 yards rushing and about 15 rushing TDs a year. His strengths are as a runner, he could be effective throwing out of the wildcat but he sure as hell does not have a "strong arm"....it's a really weak arm in terms of NFL QBs. The guy is also a dynamic KR specialist, not his fault the value of a quality KR has been diminished with the new kick off rule.

And if he was a better passer he would be competing for starting jobs, or atleast #2 roles in the NFL, instead of being a versatile gadget player filling the 3rd QB role.

The guy doesn't have to have a strong arm, or be the most accurate thrower to be the "wildcat QB".

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1343837342[/url]' post='2518462']

I agree he is still def a threat to throw out of the wildcat but it's the 4 years I watched him play QB that makes me know he doesn't have a strong arm.....not trying to knock him or anything, he's my favorite Bill.


Strong arm is a relative statement. Does he have a strong arm relative to NFL starting quarterbacks? No way. Does he have a strong arm relative to other players who have played in the Wildcat? It's a cannon compared to that. Does he have a strong enough arm to throw a ball 40-50 yards downfield to a streaking receiver? Hell yes. Does he have a strong enough arm to throw a rope on a deep out pattern? Hell no. But he won't be asked to. Can he throw accurately on the run? Yes.

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ok I'll play this game because I've never been a big fan of the wildcat. In fact I hate it and I think BS is the biggest waste of $4m on a football team. I've said that I'm on record as being pro wildcat and BS this year until they prove me right in the end. So if they really suprise people and rock the league in awe then I will eat crow. If however, the wildcat and BS produce as little as last year will all the PRO BS and Wildcat people do the same?



Pretty sure Tebow and the Bronco's proved that Wildcat offense can work by running it almost exclusively and making the playoffs.

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Chan said it himself last year in training camp interviews. And if you have any reading comprehension you would see that King's quote was not inferring it was definitive. Chan also clearly explained why the Wildcat wasn't used more last season early on when the season was going, even though he had it in the game plans -- mostly because the offense was clicking so consistently in the first few games he didn't want to disrupt the momentum and they hadnt had enough time in training to install everything. And this year he is on record as saying he is going to increase it. And that he doesn't think it has a place without the guy getting the snap being a legitimate threat to throw. Not to mention hiring the guy that made it famous in both college and the NFL.

Not to mention that Chan is giving Smith the opportunity to play full time QB early in both OTAs and training camp because, as Chan said yesterday, he needs to know all the passing plays and two-minute drill to play QB on this team. AND the fact they didn't even bring in a developmental QB for training camp, already stating that Smith is the #3. Those are CLEAR indications he has no confidence in Smith's arm, huh?


Chan makes no mention Smith's arm strength in that quote. Perhaps King quotes him somewhere else in tha article regarding this? Otherwise, it is clearly King making that conclusion.


Why would they bring in a "developmental QB" whrn they have VY and Thigpen? Why would they bring in VY if they thought Smith could function as an actual QB should the need arise? So many questions.


Anyway, it certainly doesn't take 6 or 8 games to "install" the freaking wildcat. 1 pass. All year.

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Chan makes no mention Smith's arm strength in that quote. Perhaps King quotes him somewhere else in tha article regarding this? Otherwise, it is clearly King making that conclusion.


Why would they bring in a "developmental QB" whrn they have VY and Thigpen? Why would they bring in VY if they thought Smith could function as an actual QB should the need arise? So many questions.


Anyway, it certainly doesn't take 6 or 8 games to "install" the freaking wildcat. 1 pass. All year.

Chris Brown...

CB: The reason the Bills Wildcat package looked so limited last year was because the Bills could not sign free agents until a week before training camp. It prevented the Bills from fully incorporating Brad Smith's talents into the offense because without spring practices like OTAs and training camp there was no forum to experiment with plays and effectively evaluate what he can and cannot do. Chan often lamented that fact during training camp.


Now with a full offseason Smith will again be the featured Wildcat QB and it's my contention that he will throw more. Here's a quote from quarterbacks coach David Lee for you to chew on regarding what they were trying to get out of OTAs and minicamp with respect to Smith's capabilities.


"Every day the script for him is at the end of the OTAs determine what he does best," said Lee. "What are Brad's four best passes from empty? What are his four best passes with six-man protections? We're trying to find out what he does best right now."


Presuming they gathered that information in the spring practices the coaches will now install what they feel gives them the best chance for success in that package during training camp and make use of it with Smith at the right times during the season. Make no mistake, Smith is the Wildcat QB.



Ryan Fitzpatrick...

"He's got a good arm. He has good accuracy," Ryan Fitzpatrick said, "and also he's got such great vision. That was something we saw in practice, but the defensive guys tag off on him (to stop the play), and a lot of times they don't make that play in a live situation. I think he's going to be a tough guy to stop."


Buddy Nix...

“I think it’s exactly what we thought when we brought him in here,” said Nix. ”Brad can be a difference-maker if you use him in the right way. I think his versatility is the biggest thing about him and what makes him the most important. We were going along there and running the Wildcat with him and had that in and if you’d look, when our third-down efficiency dropped off was when we had to move him to wideout full-time. So it made it a lot harder. He’s good at that. He can do that, he can be your fifth or sixth wideout, he can be a good special teams player. I’m glad we’ve got him, great guy to have.”
Edited by Kelly the Dog
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Chris Brown...



Ryan Fitzpatrick...



Buddy Nix...

Quoting Chris Brown? Ok, so everyone says they are going to use the wildcat more--no news there. Doesn't change the fact that last year, when Smith came in, everyone knew he wasn;t going to be asked to pass the ball. NOt sure what Nix means when he said that the 3rd down efficiency dropped off when Smith became a WR--the 3rd down efficiency with him at wildcat was awful. Also, Chan wasn't even using the wildcat on 3rd downs much.


Anyway, I can only go on what was demonstrated last year, no matter what Chan said (or didn't say) about his arm (last year)---he didn't let the guy throw the ball. And in the two days where I was in camp, simple throwing drills revealed a guy who didn't throw like a QB.


Look, no one really cares who a team's 3rd string QB is--some teams don't keep one. VY and Thigpen are competing for the backup spot and odds are neither will never result in them being asked to start a game. Other than (maybe?) the Jets, is any team specifically announcing they are spending so much energy on an out of date trick play?

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Quoting Chris Brown? Ok, so everyone says they are going to use the wildcat more--no news there. Doesn't change the fact that last year, when Smith came in, everyone knew he wasn;t going to be asked to pass the ball. NOt sure what Nix means when he said that the 3rd down efficiency dropped off when Smith became a WR--the 3rd down efficiency with him at wildcat was awful. Also, Chan wasn't even using the wildcat on 3rd downs much.


Anyway, I can only go on what was demonstrated last year, no matter what Chan said (or didn't say) about his arm (last year)---he didn't let the guy throw the ball. And in the two days where I was in camp, simple throwing drills revealed a guy who didn't throw like a QB.


Look, no one really cares who a team's 3rd string QB is--some teams don't keep one. VY and Thigpen are competing for the backup spot and odds are neither will never result in them being asked to start a game. Other than (maybe?) the Jets, is any team specifically announcing they are spending so much energy on an out of date trick play?

So why do you think they are going to use it more this year with Smith, and throw more this year? Because it was so ineffective last year? Because they saw how inaccurate and weak Brad Smith's arm was?


Fitzpatrick says "we" saw how good he could throw, how accurate he was, how great his vision was. He didn't say "I". King said "The Bills" are "very impressed". That means the front office and/or coach. He does quote Gailey in that article in that same paragraph, so you know he spoke with him about it. He also mentions the 55 yard pass in the air that Smith threw in practice that day as evidence.


And we already proved that your stats were bull **** in a previous thread, counting a couple plays that were not plays as plays, counting a play that was not Wildcat as Wildcat (3rd and 23 IIRC with Fitz taking the snap from center), etc.


But according to you, the Wildcat was awful and Smith's arm was clearly awful in camp, and the coaches saw it, and so this year they decided to use it more and throw it more. That's some dern good thinkin' ,Jethro.

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Amazing how some folks can talk themselves into stuff.

Chan has just said they are going to be inserting the wildcat into practices. Chan says Brad can throw.

Brad has been working out as a redshirt to get a full understanding of the offense. Does that sound like a waste of time for a guy who is just going to run out of the formation everytime?

Some of you folks had best be prepared to be surprised this year. And i will will keep a little place on my shelf for being dissappointed. But i think that my spot is going to get a bit dusty. Chan is going for it this year. He has a lot to prove to us Fans, Mr.Nix and himself this year. The players already believe, it seems.

go bills!

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So why do you think they are going to use it more this year with Smith, and throw more this year? Because it was so ineffective last year? Because they saw how inaccurate and weak Brad Smith's arm was?


Fitzpatrick says "we" saw how good he could throw, how accurate he was, how great his vision was. He didn't say "I". King said "The Bills" are "very impressed". That means the front office and/or coach. He does quote Gailey in that article in that same paragraph, so you know he spoke with him about it. He also mentions the 55 yard pass in the air that Smith threw in practice that day as evidence.


And we already proved that your stats were bull **** in a previous thread, counting a couple plays that were not plays as plays, counting a play that was not Wildcat as Wildcat (3rd and 23 IIRC with Fitz taking the snap from center), etc.


But according to you, the Wildcat was awful and Smith's arm was clearly awful in camp, and the coaches saw it, and so this year they decided to use it more and throw it more. That's some dern good thinkin' ,Jethro.

Coaches and players and fans all say a lot of things in the first week of camp. Skys the limit, right? (remember Trent Edwards after a full off season of Chans evaluation?--he's our starter!). Why only 1 pass all year then? What would Jethro say?


If u want to believe that Smith "couldn't be stopped" on 3rd down...go ahead I guess. We'll see this year. I just saw no evidence last year that Chan thought Smith could throw--he never let him.


Maybe he's changed his mind this week...

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"Gailey on when QB Brad Smith will begin practicing as a receiver:


"That will be a little while yet. We want to keep giving him (practice at) quarterback. He will be the third quarterback going into the season so he has to know the offense to finish a game. We have to get him enough where he is comfortable, well as comfortable as he is going to get taking as many limited reps as he is taking. We have to get him that before we take him to receiver."


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Lots of hate towards B. Smith. Can anyone come up with 3rd down efficiency when Brad got the ball? I recall it being downright effective (not sure how it stacks up against the other backs). He didn't see the same success as in the past on kickoffs, but having a guy on the roster who can more or less plug whatever hole proliferates is a good thing. I would like to see him toss the ball a few more times in game to keep the opposing defense honest this year.

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Quoting Chris Brown? Ok, so everyone says they are going to use the wildcat more--no news there. Doesn't change the fact that last year, when Smith came in, everyone knew he wasn;t going to be asked to pass the ball. NOt sure what Nix means when he said that the 3rd down efficiency dropped off when Smith became a WR--the 3rd down efficiency with him at wildcat was awful. Also, Chan wasn't even using the wildcat on 3rd downs much.


Anyway, I can only go on what was demonstrated last year, no matter what Chan said (or didn't say) about his arm (last year)---he didn't let the guy throw the ball. And in the two days where I was in camp, simple throwing drills revealed a guy who didn't throw like a QB.


Look, no one really cares who a team's 3rd string QB is--some teams don't keep one. VY and Thigpen are competing for the backup spot and odds are neither will never result in them being asked to start a game. Other than (maybe?) the Jets, is any team specifically announcing they are spending so much energy on an out of date trick play?

Before the rule change you would have been correct, but the Bills have decided to take advantage of the new rule last season that allows them to have a "wildcat QB" who can come in and out of a game without having to remove your starter from the game. They don't expect Smith to ever have to start a game at QB, if Fitz goes down, its VY or Thigpen as the starter. They don't need someone with perfect accuracy and a rocket arm to run the wildcat. If a player had those 2 attributes, they would be competing for a starting job.


Now go back to showing us more proof that you would score lower then VY on the Wonderlic test......

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Before the rule change you would have been correct, but the Bills have decided to take advantage of the new rule last season that allows them to have a "wildcat QB" who can come in and out of a game without having to remove your starter from the game. They don't expect Smith to ever have to start a game at QB, if Fitz goes down, its VY or Thigpen as the starter. They don't need someone with perfect accuracy and a rocket arm to run the wildcat. If a player had those 2 attributes, they would be competing for a starting job.


Now go back to showing us more proof that you would score lower then VY on the Wonderlic test......

Actually, the posters above say they are also training Smith to come as QB if the need arises. But yes, we were all aware last year of the rule change regarding the 3rd string QB/wildcat.


But otherwise, your explanation was very helpful. I don't get the reference to VY's test score though. Can you help me out with that one too?

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Actually, the posters above say they are also training Smith to come as QB if the need arises. But yes, we were all aware last year of the rule change regarding the 3rd string QB/wildcat.


But otherwise, your explanation was very helpful. I don't get the reference to VY's test score though. Can you help me out with that one too?

If the #1 and #2 QB goes down in teh same game, Smith will need to step in and be the QB......

They aren't training him to be a QB, they are having him practice as a QB to learn the offence should there become a time where he may need to come into a game and be the QB

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• “The new CBA rule is that a third quarterback can dress and play. That is why Tim Tebow’s stock went up. He can play special teams and run in the red area and have a presence on game day. For awhile a few years ago, a lot of teams were only carrying two quarterbacks. Now I think you’ll see everyone moving toward having a third quarterback who can run. You’re at a competitive disadvantage if you don’t.”



Gee maybe Brad smith is more useful than we thought. Seems some GMs think having a guy that can play a variety of positions is valuable

Edited by Captain Hindsight
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In all honesty if he's not right....it's damn close. I attended Mizzou when Brad Smith was our QB and he throws some ducks. He was still the man in college though, and one of my favorite Bills....people forget that he was pretty effective out of the Wildcat early on. He didn't have a bunch of big plays but he sure was clutch on 3rd down.

Someone's probably mentioned it already, but at first glance, your avatar kinda looks like Wade Phillips. :huh:



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