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Rex says Tebow throws better than Brad Smith

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Rex: "When we had Brad Smith,and we were able to run the Wildcat, that helped us. We may not have run the Wildcat as effectively as Miami was doing, but we were close. (Now,) when you bring in a guy like Tim ... as much as I like Brad ... he wasn't able to give you the inside running game that Tim can -- and Tim can throw the ball a little better than Brad."


This prompted me to think about what it is that Brad Smith does better than anybody on our team. I know the guy is a great athlete and a versatile player, but I believe we have better options in EVERY down and distance.


As far as kickoff returns go, I would rather have Terrence, Leodis, TJ Graham or Gilmore do that job and I think they would do better than Brad all day long.


As far as WR goes, we have some guys like Aiken and Easley that I'd rather have make the team and see them develop and if Brad takes one of their spots we could lose a potential solid young WR.


As far as the Wildcat goes, we are the only NFL team with two RB's that averaged over 5 yards per carry last year, and my understanding of the wildcat is that it's only effective if the defense thinks you might throw out of it once in awhile, which we don't. So now it's simply a direct snap play to a runner.


If the game is on the line and you need two yards, I want the ball in Fred Jackson's hands.

Neither are great, but especially after watching Smith throw a few passes last season, I would have to agree with Sexy Rexy that Tebow is a better passer. If he said Tebow was a much better athlete for the gadget role that they are both playing this year, I would have to agree with him on that also.

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