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The Value of Racial Hyper-Sensitivity

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A woman I work with thinks the American attitude towards race is ridiculous, and in particular the African-American attitude is completely retarded, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are !@#$s.


She's originally from Ghana. I find the attitudes towards race of actual Africans very telling vis-a-vis "African-"Americans.

I agree race isnt as big an issue in other countries.

Sharpton and Jackson wouldnt have a purpose unless they perpetuate hate and inequality. Funny when that young cop in Rochester was shot in the back of the head by a black teen trying to join a street gang, whites didnt cry racism. I dont recall hearing Sharpton or Jackson calling on their young black communities to "rise above" this behavior. But it seems whitey has to walk on pins and needles when it is the opposite.


Look up Pastor James David Manning

Edited by Smears
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And the hypersensitive insanity goes international




A young girl gets kicked out of the Olympics for tweeting an innocuous joke about an African breed of mosquito getting to enjoy home food b/c of all the African athletes that will be there.


Some days I really hate people.

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I was just going to post that. She works all her life for this. Maybe I can see if it was really offensive, but it clearly isn't.

What really burns me up is the callous nature with which the guy quoted declares that she needs to watch the Olympics on TV. He's happy to steal her life's dream with no more concern than that over what's by any measure a fairly petty offense at worst. I guess he never heard let the punishment fit the crime. Perhaps since he has now done something that others find offensive it would be appropriate to shoot off his knee caps.

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And the hypersensitive insanity goes international




A young girl gets kicked out of the Olympics for tweeting an innocuous joke about an African breed of mosquito getting to enjoy home food b/c of all the African athletes that will be there.


Some days I really hate people.

This chick is smokin hot too



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My thoughts exactly :w00t:


Which, when you really think about it is pretty offensive. African is now a derogatory term. Who knew?

So what should we call them? African Americans of non-North American lineage?

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If she had retweeted things from the Communist party, there's no way she would have been kicked off for the African thing.

I was thinking along the same lines. They want to punish conservative activism and this harmless little joke gave them an excuse to come down on her. I wish someone had advised her not to apologize. That's an absolute admission of guilt that precludes your ability to defend yourself in an attempt to beg for mercy, which you ain't gonna get. It's a shame because she has nothing to apologize for.

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Figures this fits in with this thread....


Warning: CNN link. "Certainly Not News".


At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Obama administration planted that quote themselves.


Romney's defense is stupid, too...just agree with Biden, and disown the quote. "Yes, that quote is disturbing. But as far as I know it didn't come from my campaign. Who was the source?"

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At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Obama administration planted that quote themselves.

Romney's defense is stupid, too...just agree with Biden, and disown the quote. "Yes, that quote is disturbing. But as far as I know it didn't come from my campaign. Who was the source?"

That was actually my first thought too. It lines up perfectly with the new wave of articles on the left talking about winning back the black vote. What better way to do that than to invent a racially charged quote like that one?

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At this point, I wouldn't even be surprised if the Obama administration planted that quote themselves.


Romney's defense is stupid, too...just agree with Biden, and disown the quote. "Yes, that quote is disturbing. But as far as I know it didn't come from my campaign. Who was the source?"



That is exactly how Mr. Romney responded.




On its face, the story isn’t credible. The Romney campaign doesn’t make a practice of talking to foreign press. I’ve never heard Mitt Romney, his policy adviser, his foreign policy adviser or any foreign policy briefer or staffer use the term “Anglo-Saxon heritage.”


But that doesn’t matter. The pack journalists begin tweeting it out. The cable news people begin to chatter about it. The Romney team puts out a statement: “It’s not true. If anyone said that, they weren’t reflecting the views of Governor Romney or anyone inside the campaign.”


Some mainstream reporters confess to the Romney campaign that their editors tell them they have to write on it. (Have to? What if it’s not true?) Well, if one of them writes on it, others will follow.


And how did the Telegraph quote magically get to so many reporters? The Obama team sent it to them. Nothing wrong with that, if the press would be honest about the origin of the story.


Washington Post

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That was actually my first thought too. It lines up perfectly with the new wave of articles on the left talking about winning back the black vote. What better way to do that than to invent a racially charged quote like that one?

I'm not sure they're worried about winning back the black vote so much as getting it back to the voting booths in November. Last poll I saw, Obama has 103% of the black vote as it is, and yet you keep hearing black congresscritters repeatedly insisting that the president's problems are exclusively because he's black, and that Romney is running against him because America doesn't want a black man in charge of anything, and Mitt's plan is to drive through the south in blackface calling everyone "cracka" so he can fire up his broad KKK base on his way to yet another victory for white supremacy.


I have more than a few black friends who just hang their head in embarrassment when you mention politics.

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Speak of the devil...from CNN today.


In 2008, just shy of 65% of eligible African-Americans voted for president; in 2004 it was 60%. That prospect of lower turnout could change the math in some key battlegrounds even if the president runs roughly equal to his share of the African-American vote, an eye-popping 95% in 2008.

There are a number of reasons the Obama campaign worries that turnout among its most loyal voters could slip some -- and we got a taste of all of them during our visit to Philadelphia:


• Economy: African-American unemployment is well above the national average.

• History: The prospect of electing the country's first African-American president was unquestionably a factor in the 2008 turnout boost.

• Complacency: The president's win in Pennsylvania was by 9 points, and Republicans have not carried the state in a presidential race since 1988.

• New voter ID laws: Pennsylvania is among the states with a new requirement that voters show photo identification on Election Day.


Paul Beale scowls at the mention of the law.

"There are people who don't want him as president and they are trying to suppress the vote," he says.

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