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South Korea gets it right

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My thoughts were that a corrosive chemical agent, (battery acid or similar) would be used to perform the procedure. How disappointing it is merely a quarterly shot to arrest the libido of the dirtbag.

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And upon further reading, "chemical castration" isn't nearly as ugly as it sounds. It's essentially hormone therapy that reduces libido.


How is this not already happening everywhere?


Many sex offenders in this country "volunteer" to have this chemical castration. They use it in court during plea bargaining to get a reduced sentence. That's my understanding anyway.


I too am envisioning sulfuric acid being poured over some pervert's junk.

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Many sex offenders in this country "volunteer" to have this chemical castration. They use it in court during plea bargaining to get a reduced sentence. That's my understanding anyway.


I too am envisioning sulfuric acid being poured over some pervert's junk.

jeeze and you are calling them perverts?


juuuust kidding.

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Cutting off parts or reducing libido doesn't make someone unable to commit violent crimes. Mostly it just makes a revenge-seeking public feel better.



Violent child molesters/rapists aren't motivated by sex, they're motivated by a hatred of children. Stalking and kidnapping a child (which this man did) are indicative of this sort of hatred.

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