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TEBOW!!! is a Jet! (finally)

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The worst thing about Tebow is the following of fans that he had that didn't support their team until he was put into the game. What I saw from their last game was pathetic. Booing Orton on every incomplete was not only ridiculous, but had a negative effect on the entire team. Those who have played football know how the crowd gets you going. That's why there is an advantage when you're the home team. I'll give you that Orton was looking like crap that game, but even when Tebow was fumbling snaps and completing 40% of his passes, they were still blindly cheering.


Shame on you Denver fans. I only root against Tebow for your pain.

Actually reminds me of the Flutie/Johnson days in Buffalo when Johnson would get booed constantly. I was at a Miami game in Buffalo when much of the crowd actually cheered when Johnson got hurt. Flutie could do no wrong to his devoted followers. Careful throwing those stones at Denver fans - they have no exclusive on being boorish. I expect if Tebow was here, we would have the same problem.


The worst thing about Tebow is the following of fans that he had that didn't support their team until he was put into the game. What I saw from their last game was pathetic. Booing Orton on every incomplete was not only ridiculous, but had a negative effect on the entire team. Those who have played football know how the crowd gets you going. That's why there is an advantage when you're the home team. I'll give you that Orton was looking like crap that game, but even when Tebow was fumbling snaps and completing 40% of his passes, they were still blindly cheering.


Shame on you Denver fans. I only root against Tebow for your pain.

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I just say thank gosh he is not here or we would be distracted by overindulgence in the QB controversy making the DF/RJ distraction seem rational. good luck Denver and good luck Tebow. I certainly prefer where we are now to where we likely would have been if Sully and GR got to play the Tebow game.

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the premiss of Peter King likely most correct when he said , they would now start Tebow not that either Coach or general manager believe he to be the answer, but given the status of season a no lose situation where it appeases a restless fan base crying for him to get a shot and if he does well they a winner and if he does not they will be more open to seek out via draft or elsewhere a more drop back quarterback of their preference.

Hopefully the young man gets a fair shot, its all a person can ask. Can see any reason not to wish him every success, apart from when he would play the Bills or be in situation to harm Bills standing.

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He's big, very smart, fast, and strong. He makes every single throw with ease. He can play in the pocket and he can scramble and he can run. He has great mechanics and footwork and throwing style. He has a tight windup and fast release. He comes from a pro style offense with tremendous coaching on all levels. He's very accurate and can fit the ball into tight spots. He has a great pedigree as his father was an NFL QB and he lived with it his entire life. He has great touch on short passes medium passes and long passes. He reads defenses well and often looks to 2nd and 3rd receivers. He spreads the ball around. He wins games. There is nothing he can't do as a pro prospect, that is why he is considered to be the best.


Tebow on the other hand, never played in a pro style offense. Is not good as a pocket passer at all, and even has trouble holding onto a snap. Has absolutely terrible mechanics which may be incurable. He has a very long windup and very slow release. He lacks touch on a lot of passes. He's never been asked to read defenses. There are a lot of things he can't do as a pro prospect, including probably the most important, which is throw like a pro quarterback, especially in today's game.


You are flat out incorrect on many of these points. Again, yes, his throwing mechanics are not good - see Tim Lincecum...how's he doing again? Other than that, you are literally regurgitating the same tired, and flat out untrue BS that you have seen on ESPN. He's never been asked to read defenses? Are you kidding? He was an option quarterback - he was required to read defenses on EVERY play. He never played in a pro style offense? Big deal. Neither did Sam Bradford. Neither did Colt McCoy. Neither did Michael Vick. It doesn't seem to have hindered these players in any way. He's not a good pocket passer? Wrong again. Did you ever even watch him play at Florida?. He passed from the pocket PLENTY, and to devastating effect. You don't think that he SHATTERED all the existing collegiate passing records by throwing exclusively on the run do you? You are not that obtuse. You can't be. Nobody is. Surely you don't expect him to come into the NFL as a rookie and stand in the pocket like Peyton Manning do you? Surely you don't expect Andrew Luck to stand in the pocket like Tom Brady next year, do you? Comon man. Your arguments are completely absurd.


So do you have anything other than his throwing mechanics that is not a flat out fabrication that you heard some talking head spouting off and just decided to regurgitate to the chagrin of us all that you can offer to the conversation? Don't even bother answering that. It was a rhetorical question. Of course you do not, or you would be posting that instead of this recycled nonsense that the anti-Tebow conspiracy has been propagating for some time now.


Look, anyone can make up stuff to make a point. Just because you do that does not make it valid.

Edited by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan
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You are flat out incorrect on many of these points. Again, yes, his throwing mechanics are not good - see Tim Lincecum...how's he doing again? Other than that, you are literally regurgitating the same tired, and flat out untrue BS that you have seen on ESPN. He's never been asked to read defenses? Are you kidding? He was an option quarterback - he was required to read defenses on EVERY play. He never played in a pro style offense? Big deal. Neither did Sam Bradford. Neither did Colt McCoy. Neither did Michael Vick. It doesn't seem to have hindered these players in any way. He's not a good pocket passer? Wrong again. Did you ever even watch him play at Florida?. He passed from the pocket PLENTY, and to devastating effect. You don't think that he SHATTERED all the existing collegiate passing records by throwing exclusively on the run do you? You are not that obtuse. You can't be. Nobody is. Surely you don't expect him to come into the NFL as a rookie and stand in the pocket like Peyton Manning do you? Surely you don't expect Andrew Luck to stand in the pocket like Tom Brady next year, do you? Comon man. Your arguments are completely absurd.


So do you have anything other than his throwing mechanics that is not a flat out fabrication that you heard some talking head spouting off and just decided to regurgitate to the chagrin of us all that you can offer to the conversation? Don't even bother answering that. It was a rhetorical question. Of course you do not, or you would be posting that instead of this recycled nonsense that the anti-Tebow conspiracy has been propagating for some time now.


Look, anyone can make up stuff to make a point. Just because you do that does not make it valid.


+1. Very good, accurate post. Also, using the "Teblow" moniker is just childish and retarded.....unfortunately, some people never mature.

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Look, the bottom line is this: if the only threat that Tebow brought to the game was his ability to run, doesn't it seem like any pop-warner football coach could develop and effective game plan against him? Instead, he proceeded to SHATTER most of the major collegiate passing records, in what has to be the strongest defensive conference in the history of college football. How do you Tebow haters reconcile this obvious logical fallacy? Can one of you please explain this to me? And how about you do so with your own thoughts and words, not some crap you plagiarized from ESPN or NFL.com.

Edited by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan
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You are flat out incorrect on many of these points. Again, yes, his throwing mechanics are not good - see Tim Lincecum...how's he doing again? Other than that, you are literally regurgitating the same tired, and flat out untrue BS that you have seen on ESPN. He's never been asked to read defenses? Are you kidding? He was an option quarterback - he was required to read defenses on EVERY play. He never played in a pro style offense? Big deal. Neither did Sam Bradford. Neither did Colt McCoy. Neither did Michael Vick. It doesn't seem to have hindered these players in any way. He's not a good pocket passer? Wrong again. Did you ever even watch him play at Florida?. He passed from the pocket PLENTY, and to devastating effect. You don't think that he SHATTERED all the existing collegiate passing records by throwing exclusively on the run do you? You are not that obtuse. You can't be. Nobody is. Surely you don't expect him to come into the NFL as a rookie and stand in the pocket like Peyton Manning do you? Surely you don't expect Andrew Luck to stand in the pocket like Tom Brady next year, do you? Comon man. Your arguments are completely absurd.


So do you have anything other than his throwing mechanics that is not a flat out fabrication that you heard some talking head spouting off and just decided to regurgitate to the chagrin of us all that you can offer to the conversation? Don't even bother answering that. It was a rhetorical question. Of course you do not, or you would be posting that instead of this recycled nonsense that the anti-Tebow conspiracy has been propagating for some time now.


Look, anyone can make up stuff to make a point. Just because you do that does not make it valid.

Now you're just being ignorant and talking crap.


I hardly ever watch ESPN and almost never read it except on occasion if someone links an article. So I didnt get any information about Tebow from it before I formed my own. None. I did see something Merril Hoge said that was linked from profootball talk during preseason but I had said the same things for two full years before I saw that. Nothing I think or know about Tebow came from anything but watching him. A lot.


I have seen him play over and over in college, thought he was fabulous, one of the best college players ever, and I think I have seen every pass he's thrown in a game in the pros because he's intriguing, so I watch. I also buy the replays so I can watch games during the week. I watched the entire Bronco game last week because it was the national game on in LA and he was absolutely terrible throwing the ball. Just terrible. If you saw his 10 passes and say he threw well you're an idiot. He was great in the game though, which I already said in this thread, and he brought his team back. The biggest reason they were back in it.


If you flat refuse to understand why myself and the vast majority of pro football watchers think he's still going to have trouble, there is no use talking to you. Of course he throws passes from the pocket in college, every qb does. That has ZERO to do with the problems Tim Tebow has in the NFL being a pocket passer. It has nothing to do whatsoever with standing in the pocket the way veteran QBs do so I don't even know why you would bring that up. Virtually everyone sees this and admits it, except those in a trance. It's possible he can change, I'm not betting on it.

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Now you're just being ignorant and talking crap.


I hardly ever watch ESPN and almost never read it except on occasion if someone links an article. So I didnt get any information about Tebow from it before I formed my own. None. I did see something Merril Hoge said that was linked from profootball talk during preseason but I had said the same things for two full years before I saw that. Nothing I think or know about Tebow came from anything but watching him. A lot.


I have seen him play over and over in college, thought he was fabulous, one of the best college players ever, and I think I have seen every pass he's thrown in a game in the pros because he's intriguing, so I watch. I also buy the replays so I can watch games during the week. I watched the entire Bronco game last week because it was the national game on in LA and he was absolutely terrible throwing the ball. Just terrible. If you saw his 10 passes and say he threw well you're an idiot. He was great in the game though, which I already said in this thread, and he brought his team back. The biggest reason they were back in it.


If you flat refuse to understand why myself and the vast majority of pro football watchers think he's still going to have trouble, there is no use talking to you. Of course he throws passes from the pocket in college, every qb does. That has ZERO to do with the problems Tim Tebow has in the NFL being a pocket passer. It has nothing to do whatsoever with standing in the pocket the way veteran QBs do so I don't even know why you would bring that up. Virtually everyone sees this and admits it, except those in a trance. It's possible he can change, I'm not betting on it.


Save your highly reasoned and very rational points of view...a TT fan simply cannot be talked into believing what they refuse to see or hear ...They are simply blind to #15's obvious flaws that scream failure as an NFL QB. Let them have their delusion.

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Now you're just being ignorant and talking crap.


I hardly ever watch ESPN and almost never read it except on occasion if someone links an article. So I didnt get any information about Tebow from it before I formed my own. None. I did see something Merril Hoge said that was linked from profootball talk during preseason but I had said the same things for two full years before I saw that. Nothing I think or know about Tebow came from anything but watching him. A lot.


I have seen him play over and over in college, thought he was fabulous, one of the best college players ever, and I think I have seen every pass he's thrown in a game in the pros because he's intriguing, so I watch. I also buy the replays so I can watch games during the week. I watched the entire Bronco game last week because it was the national game on in LA and he was absolutely terrible throwing the ball. Just terrible. If you saw his 10 passes and say he threw well you're an idiot. He was great in the game though, which I already said in this thread, and he brought his team back. The biggest reason they were back in it.


If you flat refuse to understand why myself and the vast majority of pro football watchers think he's still going to have trouble, there is no use talking to you. Of course he throws passes from the pocket in college, every qb does. That has ZERO to do with the problems Tim Tebow has in the NFL being a pocket passer. It has nothing to do whatsoever with standing in the pocket the way veteran QBs do so I don't even know why you would bring that up. Virtually everyone sees this and admits it, except those in a trance. It's possible he can change, I'm not betting on it.


The whole point is that Tebow does not need to change anything. What he has always done WILL work. You don't need pretty passes to win games when the defenders have to leave their coverage to pursuit a mobile quarterback who will lower his shoulder and plow anyone. Ugly passes that are complete still count (see Ryan Fitzpatrick....). Now, if you were saying "Tebow will never be a successful QB because he will get injured" I could understand that argument. Perhaps that will be the case. I believe Tebow will be just fine taking hits at the pro level. That is the freakish-athlete thing he has going. But at least that argument would make logical and/or empirical sense.


And yea, I'm sure that you hardly ever watch ESPN. The fact that you have the same flagrantly biased opinions as virtually every ESPN pundit is most likely coincidence. I'm sure when you were flicking through the channels one fateful Saturday afternoon and landed on Tim Tebow blowing the doors off of some very good defensive team in the SEC, your immediate first thought was "my god - that delivery will never work at the pro level." Yea - I'm sure that is exactly how it went.

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did the same people who are taking offense to posters referring to Tebow as "Teblow" or "Teabag" get as upset as when posters here childishly referred to Losman as "Loserman" or "Lossman"?

Actually, it bothered me even more because he was a Buffalo Bills player. Either way, using childish names just erodes the credibility of the post....how can you not acknowledge that?

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And yea, I'm sure that you hardly ever watch ESPN. The fact that you have the same flagrantly biased opinions as virtually every ESPN pundit is most likely coincidence. I'm sure when you were flicking through the channels one fateful Saturday afternoon and landed on Tim Tebow blowing the doors off of some very good defensive team in the SEC, your immediate first thought was "my god - that delivery will never work at the pro level." Yea - I'm sure that is exactly how it went.

Actually it's pretty much the same reason why I and others said Matt Leinart would never be a good pro QB five years ago, and he plays nothing like Tim Tebow. But keep on knowing nothing about Tebow's issues or how people reached them. It's pretty fun to watch you put your foot in your mouth with such regularity.

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I think I'm beginning to understand where the gap lies between the two sides of this argument. You Tebow detractors think that Tebow must be an exceptional passer to be an exceptional QB in the NFL. I contest that Tebow only needs to be an adequate passer to be an exceptional QB in the NFL, and he is more than adequate. Tebow will shred NFL defenses in exactly the same way he shredded college defenses - by running first and using the pass to burn teams that try to cheat against him. Granted, Tebow is not playing against collegiate players. But, neither is he standing in the huddle with collegiate players. NFL players on defense and NFL players on his team is no different than playing against college players with college teammates. The only variable there is is Tebow. And Tebow is going to be Tebow.


I will be accepting any and all admissions of wrongness for the remainder of the season.

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Actually it's pretty much the same reason why I and others said Matt Leinart would never be a good pro QB five years ago, and he plays nothing like Tim Tebow. But keep on knowing nothing about Tebow's issues or how people reached them. It's pretty fun to watch you put your foot in your mouth with such regularity.

Kelly, i have argued with you before on the Tebow subject and what strikes me as odd is that you seem to have to be right and have the last word on the subject every time it comes up. To me, you are as invested in his being a failure as others are in his succeeding. And by the way, predicting a QB from USC to be a failure is like predicting a girl who is a playmate is probably hot.

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Actually it's pretty much the same reason why I and others said Matt Leinart would never be a good pro QB five years ago, and he plays nothing like Tim Tebow. But keep on knowing nothing about Tebow's issues or how people reached them. It's pretty fun to watch you put your foot in your mouth with such regularity.


Really? Because so far, Tebow's results support my perspective. In 12 NFL games, Tebow has an 84.2 passer rating. Not bad for a guy who has played in 12 NFL games. But I'm sure there's some reason why that doesn't count right? Just for comparative purposes, Peyton Manning, in his rookie season, had a passer rating of 71.2 with 26 TDs and 28 INTs. Tebow's 12 games is a smaller sample size, especially considering he didn't start many of those games, but 84.2 rating with 6 TDs and 3 INTs is CLEARLY superior, is it not?


Let me reiterate: Tebow does not have to be pretty to be effective. Is that just beyond you or something?


Kelly, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy rubbing your face in this for as long as you post on this forum.


And I will. Believe me, I will. Every time you make any post regarding any subject and I happen to read it.

Edited by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan
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I'm glad Kelly isn't being fair and balanced with you tebow fanboys, because there is really no talking to you guys at all.


I've said it here before - the worst thing about Tim Tebow is his fans. You people are completely irrational and totally immune to any reasonable criticism of this guy.


Tebow, even with his faults that many, many football observers have pointed out (not just ESPN southgeorgia) would get much more slack if his legions of fans would just gain a little bit of perspective. There are many things to like about the kid - you've pointed them all out already. There are also a few concerns that may limit him in the pro game, also already pointed out.


It seems there's a contingent on this board (and probably every other team board in the NFL) that likes to start another tebow thread whenever he smells the field because....well i don't really know why. Perhaps you're still sore Buffalo didn't draft him.


There is no middle ground with Tebow fans apparently, you're all just too in love with his image to even listen to any alternative opinions on the kid. Good for y'all i guess.

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Kelly, i have argued with you before on the Tebow subject and what strikes me as odd is that you seem to have to be right and have the last word on the subject every time it comes up. To me, you are as invested in his being a failure as others are in his succeeding. And by the way, predicting a QB from USC to be a failure is like predicting a girl who is a playmate is probably hot.

99% of all college QBs fail in the pros. You need a reason to predict a QB from USC would fail. Carson Palmer didn't fail. Matt Cassell didn't fail. There was a very good reason that Matt Leinart failed.


I actually like Tebow. He's very fun to watch. I didn't like Matt Leinart. My position on Tebow is just an opinion, like 99% of everything on this board. I could be wrong. I have been wrong about players before. A lot. Everyone has. I thought Ryan Fitzpatrick was a career back-up after watching him play a lot on the Rams, Bengals, and then Bills before Gailey came around. Then he started doing things that I never saw him do before, so there would not have been any reason to believe he was going to do them.


With Tebow, in my opinion, it's a physical limitation. He has all the other qualities you want. It would be great for the NFL if he turns into a great QB. I don't see it happening.


Really? Because so far, Tebow's results support my perspective. In 12 NFL games, Tebow has an 84.2 passer rating. Not bad for a guy who has played in 12 NFL games. But I'm sure there's some reason why that doesn't count right? Just for comparative purposes, Peyton Manning, in his rookie season, had a passer rating of 71.2 with 26 TDs and 28 INTs. Tebow's 12 games is a smaller sample size, especially considering he didn't start many of those games, but 84.2 rating with 6 TDs and 3 INTs is CLEARLY superior, is it not?


Let me reiterate: Tebow does not have to be pretty to be effective. Is that just beyond you or something?


Kelly, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy rubbing your face in this for as long as you post on this forum.


And I will. Believe me, I will. Every time you make any post regarding any subject and I happen to read it.





I don't hope you fail. I don't hope Tebow fails, unless he plays the Bills.


You sound like a really nice guy though. :devil:

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I'm glad Kelly isn't being fair and balanced with you tebow fanboys, because there is really no talking to you guys at all.


I've said it here before - the worst thing about Tim Tebow is his fans. You people are completely irrational and totally immune to any reasonable criticism of this guy.


Tebow, even with his faults that many, many football observers have pointed out (not just ESPN southgeorgia) would get much more slack if his legions of fans would just gain a little bit of perspective. There are many things to like about the kid - you've pointed them all out already. There are also a few concerns that may limit him in the pro game, also already pointed out.


It seems there's a contingent on this board (and probably every other team board in the NFL) that likes to start another tebow thread whenever he smells the field because....well i don't really know why. Perhaps you're still sore Buffalo didn't draft him.


There is no middle ground with Tebow fans apparently, you're all just too in love with his image to even listen to any alternative opinions on the kid. Good for y'all i guess.

meh, yawn....can't argue facts so just attack those who don't fall into lock-step with your opinion. It's the new American civility.

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99% of all college QBs fail in the pros. You need a reason to predict a QB from USC would fail. Carson Palmer didn't fail. Matt Cassell didn't fail. There was a very good reason that Matt Leinart failed.


I actually like Tebow. He's very fun to watch. I didn't like Matt Leinart. My position on Tebow is just an opinion, like 99% of everything on this board. I could be wrong. I have been wrong about players before. A lot. Everyone has. I thought Ryan Fitzpatrick was a career back-up after watching him play a lot on the Rams, Bengals, and then Bills before Gailey came around. Then he started doing things that I never saw him do before, so there would not have been any reason to believe he was going to do them.


With Tebow, in my opinion, it's a physical limitation. He has all the other qualities you want. It would be great for the NFL if he turns into a great QB. I don't see it happening.







I don't hope you fail. I don't hope Tebow fails, unless he plays the Bills.


You sound like a really nice guy though. :devil:


lol ok ok I can deal with this post. You are likely correct that he doesn't have the physical gifts to allow him to be a prototypical pocket passer like Brady or Manning. However, he has a lot of physical attributes that really set him apart from anyone else that plays QB in the NFL, and it is those attributes that we Tebow supporters expect will make him successful, not to mention his intangible attributes.

Edited by SouthGeorgiaBillsFan
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