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Superstitions about the winning streak

John Adams

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Nahhh...He's grown so fast that he's in bigger diapers that do a good job in 'containing' his noxious emissions...plus I don't dress him until after he has his morning dookie...





Calling it a "morning dookie" doesn't make taking a sh-- any cuter, you know...

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i have a weird superstition

i never wear any bills related clothes during game day

dont know its record i just have peace of mind, i still wear teh jersey if they lose or win despite the mockings i get

i have a moulds jersey and a jim kelly jersey

i wore my jim kelly jersey when italy lost the Euro 2000 to France and ive never worn it again

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A few days after the Sunday night fiasco I found an old Bills flag in the basement. Hung it outside the house that week and they haven't lost since.


A couple of weeks ago I came home from work and found the wife and kids had taken it down and replaced it with a Christmas flag - I was out there putting the Bills flag back up at 11:30 at night. I told her she can put the Christmas flag back up after the Bills next loss - she's not going to see the Christmas flag until sometime next fall!

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At the start of each game, I crack open a nice cold Sam Adams (and keep them coming if the defense is doing well).  So far, so good....



Always a good decision (lame i know)


For a class project in 3rd grade we had to make something that represented westward expansion and I built a covered wagon, and on the canvas part I stenciled a Bills logo (inspired by one Chris Berman), and I just found said wagon in a box (i just moved to TX this summer) and pulled it out after the NE game and we've been cirlin' the wagons ever since. SIDE NOTE: I received a b- on the project because my teacher said the pioneers didn't paint on their wagons, but the wagon itself was great.

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